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This little sheltie doesn't like a sneeze.

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    • #243512

      So I love my sheltie, but he is the definition of sound sensitive. He is also every single issue that ever comes up in a sheltie forum. He loves underpants, he barks, he’s overprotective, etc. But the one issue that I can’t seem to train or figure out is when people sneeze.

      I think its just very loud for him, but when he even here’s the start of the sneeze he is running from the back room to come after you. And there’s a few times when he’s bitten and broken skin. I’ve tried doing the fake sneeze, but he can tell the difference now. And its not like I have a treat on me at all times when a sneeze spontaneously happens.

      The only time he hasn’t gone after us is when he’s sleeping. Its not just sneezing, he also hates the sound of hair dryers, soda cans opening, tin foil (I somewhat nipped that in the butt, after being nipped in the butt myself), the oven being turned on, the iron(?), you name it. He loves violin music though, lol.

      Thanks for any tips!!!

    • #497962

      i don’t have any advice, but my sheltie does EXACTLY the same thing. He hates it when i sneeze… goes absolutely ballistic. Even if he thinks I have a sneeze coming on he goes on high alert and gets in position. He doesn’t ‘attack’, but he just runs up and barks like crazy. He also hates it when I use my hairspray but the way I’ve broken him of that is to make him go under my vanity and sit there while I spray. He whines a little but if he doesn’t put up a barking fit, then he can come out from under. With the sneezes, I’ve actually learned to sneeze fairly silent, but sometimes I can’t control it. When I can feel one coming on, usually what I’ll do is pull him in close and lay him down with my hand on his back while i sneeze. He wants to jump up and bark but I won’t let him until he finishes having his fit.

      He also hates when I open windows, get in the shower, pick up the soap bar, use pump shampoo or shower gel… Gotta love those shelties!!

    • #687029

      I have 2 shelties, one who DESPISES sneezes, and one who doesn’t care. I cannot train my angry one to stop the aggressive sneeze behavior either. He is very stubborn about it. The only sneeze be doesn’t get angry about is his own. He can’t even handle other animals sneezing.

    • #712216

      I see several posts about sound sensitive shelties. Mine is 13 months old, she hates sneezes, coughs, tearing of tin foil, etc. she goes crazy & does a slight growl & grabs a stuffed toy & shakes it like she is going to kill it. She hasn’t attacked anyone but scares my yorkie & he goes & hides. I haven’t seen any posts with ideas of what to do to correct this problem. If anyone has any advice I would love some ideas. I have tried training classed but this doesn’t work either.

    • #3658608

      I think shelties are just a sensitive breed 🙂

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