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    • #153847

      I have a 3 year old Rottie that I’ve had for the past year…Super good dog except when people come in or when we are walking. He wants to get to them and he literally pulls me along with him..He’s not being aggressive, but it scares the bejeebers out of everyone because of his breed and size…How can i get him to listen better?

    • #153963

      My rottweiler was the same way, I worked with him by distracting him when people or animals approach. I put him in a sit position and distract him with treats or sometimes we walk fast as I gave him treats or we would turn and walk in the other direction.

      We did this for about a year and he was able to earn his AKC Good Citizen. He still is reactive when people come to the house, but a sit stay command and a treat and he is fine.

      You will need to watch his body language to see when he is uncomfortable and distract him, but after a while he will look to you for support and a treat.

      Good luck

    • #235709

      I have mine on a harness when we walk, one that he steps into and clips up on his back. My staffy wears one as well. Gives me greater control than just a lead and collar as when I reign them in it pulls from their chest not their neck. Judd weighs the same as me (114 lb) so helps alot. People freak out when they see me coming with my 2 anyway but at least if im in control I can maintain dignity rather than get dragged along. Sometimes I make judd sit and wait to the side of the path when people passby so that he learns to wait. Goood for them at any age to remind them they need to stay calm and patient. Good luck!

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