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Treating seizures in my Dachshund

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    • #501570

      My Stevie started having seizures in October of last year. We still do not have them under control. We started out with him on zonisimide 50 mg. once a day, with diazpam 5 mg 3 times a day. We stopped the zonismide and he is now on phenobarbitol 16.2 mg twice a day and still taking the diazapam 3 times a day. He hasn’t had a major seizure since New Year’s Eve, but he has small tremors/seizures on a constant basis. I am at my wits end as what to do for him. Would love to get him off the diazapam. Anyone else have seizure disorders with their pet? What did your vet do? Has it helped? I just want my Stevie back to himself.

    • #510388

      Does Stevie eat grain-free food? Switching the type of food has really helped our little guy.

    • #510623

      God, my heart goes out to you and your kid. Since your already using Phenobarbital, did you have a EGG done at the time your Stevie was having an seizure? Your going to have to be Stevie’s advocate and start doing some of your own research. I go to also google best animal medical websites and just start to explore seizures. I did this for Toby and his licking fits. I’d talk to our vet and let her know what I’d found and sometimes that can trigger something the Vet may have not of thought of or triggered a different way to find out why Stevie is having these seizures. I understand when this happens it really puts us humans upside down…we can’t do anything and they can tell us when it might be coming on or if the meds work…nothing…you need to start digging for information. Hope this can help you and Stevie in anyway!

    • #510665
      Maxine Sheehan

      This is going to sound a bit nuts. I had a Chinese Crested male who had seizures from an early age, none of his extended family had them. We had a very Old fashioned Scottish veterinarian whose first question he always asked when you went in with whatever animal, was, “When did ye last deworm s/he?” Working on his principle, I dewormed my whole gang, obviously with immediate clean up after. It stopped his seizures. In fact if i went over the 6 month mark for deworming he would have a small seizure. He always came to me when he felt it coming. Consequently after a severe self butt kicking, i got back with the 6 monthly program. I had him until he was about 14 years, and the only time he had a seizure was if i was late deworming. I don’t use Panacur as I think the vast majority of species of worm just laugh at it now. There are much better ones on the market. It may or may not work, but as your dog needs it done regularly anyway. I strongly advise giving it a go with a strong dewormer. Obviously follow the instructions as dewormers are poisons, we just use them in a controlled manner. I sincerely hope this helps your baby. I have a strong spot for mini-Dachshunds, i have a 22 year old and 2 nineteen year olds, I lost their mom 18 months ago at 21 1/2 yrs. best wishes with your baby.

    • #510800

      Well, I don’t know if De-Worming Stevie would work but, as he’s on Phenobarbital & Diazepam (Strong Dosage!), I’d question your Vet about Topamax or Topirimate. Or, get another Opinion Completely! That’s what I’d Do! Little Dogs tend to have more “delicate Systems” so I’d definitely want to go with either a change in Medication or a Second Opinion from a Vet with a Neurological
      Background. Go on Google & do some of your Own Research to Find One in the Same & you might be able to Combine Stevie’s Care with just one Vet. All the Best & Hope he gets better! Lynn S Warren

    • #510862

      So sorry you are your best buddy Stevie are suffering w/this! I have 2 beagles, litter mates, 12 1/2 yr’s old. They both suffered w/seizures for many yr’s since birth. They were on phenobarb for many yr’s until 1 day they both had a seizure on the same day I changed their food! So I checked the ingredients &cornmeal was 1st ingredient. So we went grain-free, stopped the phenobarb &care virtually seizure-free! Went from 1 seizure/week w/the 1 beagle to 1/yr &from 1 seizure/month on average w/his brother to again about 1/yr! &now they are old men who act like they’re half their age &happy &seizure &drug-free!! Hope this helps. God bless..

    • #511152

      I had a Lab that had very violent seizures but they weren’t a daily things, however they began to get closer and to worsen. I started giving him a tablespoon of honey every day and the seizures TOTALLY went away. I had read the honey thing somewhere years prior to ever having my Lab but recalled the information one day and to my surprise it worked. Hopefully this information can help Stevie and someone else’s dog as well…

    • #511777

      i know how to stop seizures with out meds. if you want to know. e mail me at

    • #545058

      my ali has them. they put her on phenobarbital but I took her off. they wasn’t helping. but I can tell about 2 days b4 she has one and if she takes med’s it’s not severe. it kills me to watch I happen. unfortunately she was dropped on her head when she was a puppy and me and doc thinks that’s wht is causing them. she’s a tea cup chihuahua at that. I do know that the pill they give for fleas is WAY BAD on dogs with seizures

    • #560394
      Vickie Smith Hobday

      Can I ask what kind of dog food you feed your baby? I have 2 – a Yorkie and a terrier mutt. I fed them Beneful and the terrier had seizures a few times a year, but the Yorkie who was half the size had seizures monthly. I spoke with someone else who had a small dog that was having seizures on Beneful too, so I stopped the Beneful and went to a different dog food. That simple. It has been 5 months and my Yorkie had one seizure shortly after stopping the food (which I’m assuming was residual from the food) and so far they are seizure free! I’m just thinking their is something in the Beneful that affects little dogs that way. BTW, the Yorkie was my son’s who had not had problems until he came to live with me and I changed his food to what my other dog was eating… Beneful. Good luck to you!

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