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Vet can't figure it out.Keeps saying its different things.wethink its 1BIGthing

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    • #211906

      Our 4 year old boxer has been to the vet a hundred time the past few months even hospitalized. Now ither issue has popped up and the vets can’t seem to ever figure out the correct issue. We dont want to loose her so im asking the public for help. It started off with swollen hot joints(couldnt walk, could barely stand, she dropped 30 lbs) then not to long after that she started to cough and try to throw up but nothing ever came out. And now in the past week her belly has blown up like a balloon, shes sleepy, no energy, cant exercise, doesnt eat, and we are afraid we will loose her. 🙁 we just want to figure out whats wrong. Please help our little girl.

    • #214867

      Sounds like congestive heart failure…get her to the vet asap!!

    • #214875

      And please go to a new vet..and find out what is wrong with your fur baby.

    • #214883
      Vero Faccio

      Here are some responses posted on i love my boxer Facebook post.

      Patricia Cates: Swollen hot joints typically means septicemia. Bloated abdomen could be bloat,cancer or bowel obstruction. Prayers and wet sloppy Boxer kisses xoxo

      Sal DelGreco: Is her stomach upside down? Did they x ray her stomach?

      Mary Ellen Battiato: Take her to a hospital like red bank, or some other reputable hospital..I can’t believe they can’t find an answer…

      Kelly Demers: Lyme disease,pancreatitis

      Damien Carney: Any chance she has a gluten intolerance?

    • #214886

      I don’t know what could be wrong w/your baby but I would definitely find a new vet asap! I would take her to an emergency vet like now if it was me. Any of those in your area?

    • #214889

      Have her heart checked for a fib or congestive heart failure. There is meds for it. Mine had it but he was older. He had fluid around his heart so it made him cough/spit up mucus. Lost lots of weight too and had swelling in his legs at the end. Three different meds helped him for a while.

    • #214899
      Rei Taylor

      I’m not a vet or vet tech, but I was wondering if she’s been tested for Lyme Disease? I hope you guys figure out whatever it is! I’ll keep her and you in my thoughts!

    • #214911

      There are several tick borne illnesses that could cause some of these symptoms! Has she been tested? Sending boxer hugs!

    • #214930

      Make sure to have her tested for heartworms. Those symptoms are very similar to when a dog I adopted was diagnosed with very severe heartworms. The constant coughing and trying to throw up in has case was the worms and enlarged heart irritating his lungs and throat. He almost completely stopped eating. The vet was running out of things to test for, and then ended up doing a heartworm test just because he had not had a recent one, and that was it. His belly was full of fluid due to heart failure (but once we get rid of the heartworms fortunately his heart recovered). They told me it was so bad there wasn’t really much chance of treating him…. but he made it, and lived 7 more years. <3

    • #214984
      Yoshika Hedberg

      What state are you located? If you are in northern California, U.C. Davis is where you want to go. Try your local university hospital. If you don’t have one close to you, try an internist in a veterinary specialist hospital if your vet hasn’t referred you to one already. Can you give me more details on what test you have ran so far? Has a blood panel been done? Tick/lime panel? Depending on where you are located or where you have traveled recently, a valley fever test may be in order. Your best bet is to find a university veterinary hospital or an internist ASAP.

    • #215019

      Take your dog to a specialist now. My Boxer was diagnosed with IMHA and it took a specialist to figure it out. Ultrasounds need to be done to check for pancreatic cancer and possibly bloat…..which is a killer. ….a cardiologist would be a good place to start NOW!!!

    • #215199

      Get her thyroid checked out ASAP! Boxers are prone to thyroid cancer and all the signs you described are all of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

    • #215302

      I will spell this the way it sounds) There is a spore that lives in dirt in certain parts of the Country…it is rare so it won’t be looked for unless you live near these areas, but it is call Blast-most-tish, and it can cause the symptoms that you are describing from above… Its important that you recognize this sooner than later, so if the everything else is coming up negative, you may want to test for this.

    • #215376

      Did you get her from a breeder? If so, have you contacted the breeder to see if any problems with the bloodline such as your baby is having? My baby got very sick when she was only six month old. Her vet refused to give up after the normal blood work they run turned up negative. She found in her books about a meningitis that only a few certain dog breeds get and Boxers were one of them. With that she knew what antibiotic to give my poor little puppy and she responded right away. I called her breeder to let her know what happened and the first thing she said was OMG it is genetic. It turned out my puppy’s daddy had the same thing when he was the same age my little girl and they thought they were going to lose him. But they’re vet told them it was a bladder infection. He did get better. I told my vet but she tested for bladder infection and my baby’s tests were negative for bladder infection. My baby just turned two this month and she has been fine. Sorry for the long text. Sometimes the breeders don’t tell you everything because they are not aware because their vet brushes off something more serious as something that isn’t. I am praying for your little girl that they find what is wrong and how to treat her. Please keep us posted. What is your baby’s name?

    • #223443

      What’s the latest news on your fur baby?

    • #394102

      Do you still need help with your furry one?

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