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yeast infection on paws wont go away

  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #226093

      My 2.5 year old female has had a yeast infection on her paws for about 8 months now. We have taken her to the vet for this multiple times and keep being sent home with antifungal, antibiotics and benadryl pills. They think this originally stemmed from some sort of allergy. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be getting better. She barely eats, doesn’t play because her paws are hurting her. This is absolutely heartbreaking to see my once vibrant baby so broken. The vet can’t seem to give us answers and after months of meds, you’d think something would change! Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    • #245358

      My boxer gets a yeast infection on his feet also. The use to put him on antibiotics and benadry as well but it never work for a great amount of time. His stomach would be upset from the meds and it also messed up the natural flora in his intestines because the antibiotics eliminates good and bad bacteria. The very best thing that I have found is Monistat cream. I clean his paws with soap and water and pat them dry. Make sure they are dry. Then I apply a very small amount of the Monistat cream between his toes top side and bottom side. It stops the itch and heals the infection in a day or two. I am positive if her issue is yeast then this will solve her problem.

    • #437465

      Hi my name is Suzy and I also have a boxer that has foot issues including hives , red spots boil like blisters and swollen feet. I have found that it is more likely to occure when its winter and spring and fall,rarely in summer. I have used all meds but the best is Aveeno Daily moisturizing bath with natural colloidal oatmeal. I use 1 packet and make a foot bath in tub leave him the for about 15 mins and dry his feet properly,allow them to air out and apply ORGANIC COCONUT OIL . I then put shoes on him to allow oil to prepentrate in his feet. I then give him roughly a 1 TBSP full he loves the taste and its good for him. When he goes outside we must wear his shoes and I apply Antiseptic BAG BALM , which isused for cow tits so if they try and like off it is NOT TOXIC for them… when i apply I coat all of his feet and in between toes. And repeat …. Good luck

    • #551412

      My male had this problem years ago…same thing they gave me meds (which were not cheap) and the vet did recommend a oatmeal shampoo to wash him with and to always dry his feet really well and not allow the feet to be wet for too long. As well as a baking soda and water foot bath (I believe it helps eliminate or neutralize the yeast) I also was told to try switching his food to a diet with No Chicken/wheat in it (which after awhile I found the costco brand salmon and sweet potato to be the best) fast forward 5 year later and he has had zero yeast issues with his feet and no problems with his skin 🙂

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