Sometimes, fate puts people in your path. For this lucky doggy, fate put him in Mike Densberger’s path – literally – but his story has a happy ending!
Mike Densberger is a heavy equipment hauler from Nebraska who was driving to Auburn when he spotted a Beagle mix unsuccessfully trying to cross the road. The dog was alone, and Mike watched him wander into the street a few times, and then scoot back to safety when cars would come near. As Mike approached, the dog stepped away from the road again.
In an interview with News Channel Nebraska, Mike says:
“On the road here. I almost hit him, so I pulled over and chased him down. I came up on him. He was in front of me and just swerved to the shoulder so I pulled over as quick as I could, but it’s not that easy to slow down a semi very fast.”
The dog was skittish when Mike came near to help him, and challenged him to a game of chase before eventually being caught. Up close, it seemed like the dog couldn’t see very well, and he appeared to be very tired. Mike scooped the dog up in his arms and walked about a half mile to the nearest house. The people in the home had never seen the dog before, so Mike turned around to return to his truck.
Mike gave the dog some water and a ride to Auburn for care and some much needed rest. Although the two are strangers who happened to meet only through luck, Mike was determined to give the dog a good home. That’s why he and his wife, Kiley, decided to adopt the pup after learning his former family no longer wanted him.
“We were able to locate Cooper’s owner,” Kiley told iHeartDogs of the re-named newcomer. “He expressed to us that he was not having Cooper back as he was blind and old. Heartbreaking but unfortunately that is the reality of it. We let them know we would be keeping Cooper to live out the remainder of his days with us.”
Now, the Beagle mix – who’s been very sleepy after his ordeal – has two loving parents and four canine siblings!
“He loves to sleep with Mike’s work shirts,” Kiley said. “It’s so funny. The smell must feel safe.”
“Cooper is fitting in great so far,” she added. “Everyone but the cat seems to enjoy him.”
The pooch has an upcoming appointment with Veterinarian Dr. Oxley (who’s “the best,” says Kiley), to give him a check up, determine his age, and see if his vision-impairing cataracts can be treated. In the meantime, this lucky senior dog is enjoying cuddles and snoozes in his new home.
And there’s also a story behind his name.
“I always wanted our next Beagle to be named Cooper – just like the hound dog from the movie The Fox and the Hound,” Kiley explained. “I had no idea we would find Cooper when we did but he was our next Beagle so he inherited the name. It fits him perfectly, a sleepy old hound dog is just what he is.”
We’re so glad that Cooper is finally in the home that he deserves! Best of luck to the Densberger family, and special thanks to Kiley for helping us share their story!