100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades Florida, an organization that rescues dogs, saved two pups who were left in a parking lot. The poor dogs were abandoned by their owner there.
Witnesses say that the dogs usually stay in one spot, which is probably the spot where their owner dumped them. Seeing them staying there, waiting for their owner to come back, was simply heartbreaking.

Since they were skittish, no would could approach them. So for two weeks they stayed there, waiting and waiting for the person they trusted and loved; but nobody came back for them.
Thankfully, some people with kind hearts wouldn’t give up on rescuing them. Since the dogs were very scared and ran every time the rescuers tried to get them, 100+ Abandoned Dogs of Everglades Florida set humane traps and were finally able to take them into their care. The two dogs snuggled with each other, and it was obvious that they had a very close bond.

Watch the video below and see these two dogs inside the car on the way to their new life:
And now for the best part: the pups, named Boo Boo and Bambi, have since been adopted together!

“Happiest of days! Booboo and Bambi have found their angels,” the shelter wrote on their Facebook page. “Thank you so much Jon and David for opening your hearts and your home to these babies.”
We are so glad that this family gave these two sweethearts a second chance! It’s safe to say that Boo Boo and Bambi will never have to worry about being abandoned again.