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When These People Went Sailing, They Didn’t Expect To See A Puppy In The Middle Of The Sea

The RYCC Savoia is a sports club in Italy where its members can enjoy sailing in the Gulf of Naples. When the sailing members went boating one day, they saw something that caught them by surprise. In the middle of the open sea, around a mile from the shore, they saw a puppy, swimming and struggling to stay afloat. The puppy looked tired, it looks like the poor thing has been swimming for a while. They called out to the pup, and the pup paddled towards them. The poor thing looked at them; he was begging to be rescued.

Source: RYCC Savoia - YouTube Screenshot
Source: RYCC Savoia – YouTube Screenshot


So as soon as the pup got near their boat, one of them leaned down to grabbed him. Watch the video of the rescue below!



When the pup was aboard, they immediately comforted him and kept him warm. The poor thing was terrified and shivering. The sailors still had no idea where the pup came from. They called a rescue boat so the pup can be brought back to dry land.

Posted by RYCC Savoia on Saturday, October 24, 2015


Later on, they found out that the puppy’s name is Noodle and that she belonged to a man named Mario Di Meglio. He was going to bring Noodle home but she slipped out of her leash and fell overboard on the ferry they were riding. He immediately notified the ferry’s crew but they didn’t bother to stop, saying that the dog may possibly be already dead.


Thankfully, the group of sailors found Noodle and rescued her. She has been swimming in the chilly water for thirty minutes. Imagine just how tired she was! The poor thing!

Source: La Repubblica
Source: La Repubblica


Noodle is now reunited with her owner. And the ferry responsible for leaving her has apologized. They have also launched an investigation regarding the incident.

Noodle is very lucky that some kindhearted sailors came her way. If it wasn’t for them, Noodles would’ve died at sea.

You can read more of this story at The Dodo and at Zee News India.

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