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Woman Walking Down Street Hears Tiny Cries Coming from a Box

By: Clarisse Q
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| October 25, 2024

It’s shocking to imagine someone leaving a helpless animal by the roadside.

In San Jose, California, this unfortunate scenario unfolded when someone placed a tiny puppy inside a cardboard box and left it on the curb before walking away. Ashley, a compassionate woman, was the one who discovered this devastating scene. She could hear the small puppy’s whimpers coming from the box, almost as if it was pleading for assistance.


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Weighing less than a pound, the puppy was small enough to fit comfortably in Ashley’s hand, stirring a strong urge in her to protect and care for him. Ashley’s immediate goal was to ensure the puppy received the necessary care, as he appeared to be about three weeks old. Figuring out the best way to feed him was tricky, but she considered both formula and wet food as possible options. Making sure he ate enough became Ashley’s top priority due to his fragile condition.

As time passed, Ashley realized that Jackson, as she decided to name him, faced more difficulties than just his tiny size. She grew increasingly worried about his health and decided to take him to the veterinarian. The vet’s diagnosis was devastating: Jackson was almost blind, had trouble hearing, and was suffering from anemia. Despite these challenges, Ashley’s dedicated care and the proper medication led to an incredible improvement.

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Jackson transformed from a weak and vulnerable puppy into a cuddly and loving dog who often snuggled on Ashley’s chest. Even with his disabilities, Jackson’s lively personality shone brightly. His enhanced senses were clear in his playful behavior, whether it was his gentle growls or his small, lovable moments of “viciousness,” all under Ashley’s careful supervision.

It’s heartbreaking to think that someone could abandon such a sweet and adorable puppy. However, Jackson found a wonderful friend in Ashley. A key moment in Jackson’s journey was meeting Ashley’s cat, Dan. Their connection was immediate and touching. Dan not only accepted Jackson warmly but also played a crucial role in helping him settle into his new home. Watching them together was delightful. Whether Dan was gently guiding Jackson or the two were playfully wrestling, their bond grew stronger under Ashley’s nurturing care. Dan’s companionship was essential to Jackson’s emotional and physical development.

Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.
Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.

Puppy mills are mass breeding operations that run solely to make a profit. Support a nationwide ban on selling puppy mill animals at pet stores.

Despite his difficult start, Jackson is now a lively and happy dog. Ashley shared with The Dodo:

“He’s not just loved, but given everything that he needs possible to grow up big and strong and lead the happiest life.”

Thankfully, Ashley rescued Jackson, allowing him to enjoy the wonderful life he deserves. Jackson’s story has touched many hearts online, garnering over 2.8 million views.

Watch the video below to see his incredible journey!

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