We’ve said before that your dog might actually be your baby, and for good reason: sometimes your pup acts like one! We humans are here to care for, discipline, and nurture our companions throughout their lives, and in return, we get undying love, loyalty, and even protection. Like with any relationship, there are good moments and bad (but with dogs? Mostly good!). So whether she is being snippy, snuggly, or particularly communicative, here are 16 ways your dog acts just like a kid!
1. They’ll try to convince you to give them what they want: a second helping of ice-cream, a new toy, some more time at the park… “Momma, please?”
2. Then they’ll throw a tantrum if you say no. “Pah-LEASE-ah!!”
3. And if they still don’t get your way, you can expect to see a face like this staring back at you for a little while: *Silence*
4. They get bored of their old toys, and always want the next best thing. *Yawns*
5. And no matter how many they have, the one they want most is the one that’s yours. “My turn?”
6. Except, there’s that one special stuffy they take with them everywhere. (User warning: DO NOT LOSE THIS STUFFY!)
7. It’s easy to have complete conversations with your dog. And there’s a reason why: they can understand around 250 words and gestures–about as much as a two-year-old toddler!
8. And for the humans who know them, a facial expression or a tilted head is a more than sufficient response. “DON’T BACKSASS ME, ROVER!”
9. Like kids, you need to take them to the bathroom, and it’s usually *conveniently* just after you’ve plopped down on couch with giant bowl of popcorn.
10. And they always want to know what you’re up to…and what you’re eating. “Whatchya got there, Ma?”
11. If you leave them unsupervised, they may make a huge mess (as children do…). “I thought you were gone forever, and I panicked!!”
12. Yes, our dogs are in constant need of our attention. “Look, Dad! No hands!”
13. And like kids, they look to us for basic necessities as well as guidance. (As if this little nugget could ever be naughty!)
14. But they’re always trying to get our approval, because nothing makes them happier than seeing how proud we are of them. What a picture perfect pooch.
15. And no matter how social or shy they may be, there’s no one they’d rather be with than “Mommy” or “Daddy.” Hence, their loyalty.
16. And that’s why we humans get so attached to our dogs: we love them like family, and they love us back more than anything in the world.