Houston, and Texas as a whole, is still taking a beating from severe storms and flooding. Whenever a natural disaster happens, we all know that pets often suffer. Dogs are separated from their family, by the disaster itself or when the family is forced to abandon them to seek shelter. Often these dogs ended up being killed. Luckily for this pup, a guardian angel passes her way.
World Animal Awareness Organization (WA2S) Films were with Kelle Davis, Yvette Holzbach and Holly Kelch, volunteers with Forgotten Dogs of the 5th Ward in Houston, TX and filmed them doing outreach using drones in the aftermath of their ongoing storms that have left many dogs on the streets.
“Our first stop was an outreach follow up visit to a Hispanic family whose dogs had recently been found running in the streets of their neighborhood,” says Tom McPhee, Executive Director of the World Animal Awareness Society and American Strays series Producer & Director. “Kelle had offered to assist them in caring for the dogs and getting them spayed and neutered, but the family did not respond. Kelle spoke with the matriarch of the family in Spanish, to try to determine the whereabouts of a white Pyrenees that had been seen with her dogs, and to urge her to bring her dogs in to their house as the city was sweeping neighborhoods and her family’s pets would be picked up if they were in the streets.”
On their way back, they came across a puppy running loos in the street.
“We pulled over so that Kelle could leave some food for it,” explain McPhee.
They found that the puppy, though skittish, was interested in the food and was willing to get close enough to kelle that she could pick her up and rescue her from the streets.
Fortunately, Pumpkin Pie’s story has a happy ending. Just look at her now! Here she is enjoying toys and treats in her new home.
But Houston has one of the worst stray dog problems in the country. WA2S is a small non-profit working hard with rescue groups to bring awareness to the problem and save as many dogs as possible.
Please consider making a contribution to the operation Houston flood fund supporting all the operation Houston animal welfare member organizations that have been working to solve Houston’s stray dog crisis.
For more information on Houston – #StrayDogCity – go to http://www.wa2s.org/operation-houston
Have a rescue story to share? Email me at Kristina@homelifemedia.com