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These Puppies Are Trying Hard To Listen And It’s Soooo Freaking Cute.

| October 13, 2015

Why exactly do dog’s tilt their head when we talk to them? While there are various speculations out there, including because it’s reinforced by our response (most people coo over their dog when they do it); because it helps them hear better; and because it helps dog’s see better past their noses.

Now imagine if it’s a puppy doing that head tilt.

Image source: @WiggleButtsPetPhotography via Flickr
Image source: @WiggleButtsPetPhotography via Flickr

What if it’s five, fluffy Alaskan Malamute puppies.  And they are doing it to music?!


Yup, we agree, it’s a recipe for utter cutest.

Here is a sneak peak, the video is below (awwwww):

We suggest you save this video and watch it whenever you get stressed out. After all, studies show that looking at cute puppy pictures can relieve stress and make you more productive. Watching this video should make you ready to solve World hunger or cure cancer, it’s that cute.


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