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State Trooper Adopts Dog After Saving Her From Extreme Heat

By: Molly Weinfurter
Molly Weinfurter is a writer for iHeartDogs, and she’s passionate about helping animals in need. She volunteers for Bailing Out Benji and a local dog rescue.Read more
| June 29, 2022

On June 15th, 2022, Tennessee Highway Patrol located a dog on the side of the road in extreme heat. The small dog was exhausted, malnourished, and looked like she had just collapsed. A state trooper stopped to comfort the dog until she could be brought to safety, and during her rescue, the trooper fell in love.

Just over a week after the canine’s rescue, the trooper who saved her committed to adopting her. She has a long road to recovery ahead of her, but at least she’ll be loved along the way!

Dog on side of highway

Extreme Heat Rescue

It was about 96 degrees Fahrenheit when Tennessee Highway Patrol Trooper Pumpy Tudors spotted the skinny white dog on the side of the road. He has no idea how she got there or how long she was stuck there, but she was panting heavily, and her rib bones were prominent.

Tudors pulled over and set up a chair beside the dog. He sat in the chair and held an umbrella over her for shade. He gave her some water and snacks from his vehicle, and soon, he gained her trust.

Trooper rescuing dog

RELATED: 8 Dogs Die Of Extreme Heat During “Freak Accident”

Once it was safe to do so, Tudors picked up the dog and carried her to safety. Cleveland TN Animal Control took in the dog, now known as Princess, and treated her medical concerns.

“Today was #Ruff for #MansBestFriend. Thanks to a #GoodSamaritan, a Trooper was alerted to a dog in need on this hot summer day. The dog was on the side of #Interstate75 parched and desperately needing water and shelter from the heat. Now, this sweet pup is being TREATed well at Cleveland TN Animal Control,” Tennessee Highway Patrol shared on Facebook.

Dog on side of road saved

Princess Gets to Live Like Royalty

After spending a week getting life-saving treatment, Princess is now doing well and getting the happy ending she deserves. Trooper Tudors recently adopted the pup, and the highway patrol shared an adorable photo of him cradling the dog to celebrate. She still has some treatment to go through, but she’ll head off to her new home as soon as she can.

RELATED: Two Charged With Animal Cruelty After Dog Dies From Extreme Heat

“Trooper Tudors has adopted the dog he rescued. His family named her #Princess. She is still receiving treatment at the facility until she can go to her #ForeverHome,” Tennessee Highway Patrol wrote.

Trooper adopts rescued dog

Now, Princess is safe, but sadly, many dogs become victims of extreme heat in the summer. The highway patrol reminds pet parents to keep pets safe on hot days and make sure they always have access to water.

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