He made us laugh in the Hangover. We cried over him during A Star Is Born (and drooled over his long hair and sexy voice). We respected him in American Sniper. Now it’s time we all fall in love with Bradley Cooper just a touch more. Because nothing makes a funny, singing sniper more attractive than adding a dog into the picture, am I right?
Bradley Cooper, or B-Rad as I like to call him, is a longtime dog lover. You know what they say about a man who loves dogs, don’t you?
I have no idea what they say, but what I say is, “Come to mama!”
Our American Heartthrob Rescues His Pups
Once upon a time, he had a dog named Samson who he saved from euthanasia. Samson lived a long, happy life and passed away at 13-years-old. Cooper memorialized his BFF with a massive portrait of Samson proudly hung in his living room.
Then there was Charlotte who came from a shelter in Santa Monica. If there’s one thing Bradley Cooper puts as much heart and soul into as his acting career, it’s his dogs. Any woman that comes into his life must love his dogs as much as he does. (Pssst… I’m right here!)
BCoop is currently the dog dad to Charlie. Charlie is a Labradoodle that gives Cooper a run for his money on the cuteness scale. The Coop is relatively private and doesn’t share his life on any social media (I’ll allow it, but only for him), but, with a little digging, you can find some pretty adorable pictures of the pair together.
And, uh, you might want to grab the tissues for this next nugget of information. Charlie was named after Bradley Cooper’s dad who died of lung cancer in 2011. So not only is Bradley Cooper gorgeous, funny, and loves dogs, but he is also a dedicated family man.

Charlie holds such a special place in BCoop’s heart that he cast him into A Star Is Born. If you’ve seen the movie, then you remember that scene. That heartbreaking one where the adorable fluff ball of a dog was outside. That was Charlie.
Bradley Cooper’s Dog Is A Decorated Hollywood Star
Not only is Charlie a heartthrob like his dad, but he also takes after him in the acting department. Little fluffy Charlie won an award from PETA which they created only after they were so moved by Charlie’s performance. The Compassion in Film Award was given to Charlie with the following statement:
“PETA has witnessed so much abuse and neglect of dogs, both on and off set, that we’re hoping Cooper’s kind decision sets a precedent for all of Hollywood to follow.”
I’m not sure it gets any more adorable than that!
What I wouldn’t give to snuggle up with Br- I mean, Charlie!

h/t: petworldglobal.com
Featured Photo: @doodlesoftheworld/Instagram