Many of us are familiar with begging for our first dog since a lot of parents are reluctant to give in. As a child, we often don’t understand the time and effort that goes into caring for another living being. Luckily for these kids, their dad has a funny way of making sure they fully comprehend what they’re getting into. Instead of saying no, he just came up with a hilarious doggie contract!

Some of our favorites include:
1. Dad never has to pick up dog poop. Ever. The dog’s poop is picked up at least 3x per week by children to Dad’s satisfaction.
6. The dog does not scratch the floor. Dad does not care how this is prevented – clip nails closely, walking boots, surgically remove feet, etc. All parties agree that dog may not scratch the floor.
7. Dad never has to give the dog a bath. Also, if Dad decides the dog smells, a kid gives the dog a bath within 24 hours.
9. Dad has unrestricted veto power over the dog’s name.
Once the contract was signed, this dad and his family went to the local shelter to pick up their new pup. It’s been two years, and he came back to say that everyone has been doing wonderfully. The new dog’s name is Kershaw, which didn’t require any veto power to settle on. There have been no accidents in the house, he eats Trader Joe’s dog food, and everyone, dad included, just loves him. Kershaw was already house-trained and doesn’t shed or drool. He says the kids are doing a great job handling all of the responsibility and that Kershaw is a fantastic addition to their family.

This silly contract was a great way to teach responsible dog ownership and gave Kershaw a new lease on life after sitting in the shelter waiting for his forever home. We love this story and wish there were more like it!