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Former Fighting Dog Never Had A Toy, Now He Frolics To Show Them Off

Written by: Stephanie Maguire
Stephanie Maguire is a writer for She loves animals so much that she started her own pet-sitting business in 2017, and goes out of her way to point-out and pet every single dog she sees.Read more
| Published on May 8, 2023

Sweet Elijah was found in the C9 Basin in Miami, a known dumping ground for dogs. He wasn’t chipped, and showed obvious signs that he had been used for fighting. The poor pup was missing an ear, had scars all over, and was extremely scared of other dogs. 

The rescue’s best guess was that he wasn’t winning in the fighting ring anymore, so he was thrown away and left for dead.


While his new mom TK didn’t know much about Elijah’s backstory, she knew in her heart that he was the dog she wanted to add to her family. When he first came home with TK, he was extremely uneasy. Being in a home environment was clearly an entirely new experience for him. He did a lot of sniffing and staring at his new mom. He wasn’t immediately drawn to her and he wasn’t quite sure what to make of his new surroundings. 

It took some time for him to open-up his heart and to trust that his new human didn’t mean him any harm. But now that it’s been three years with her, he wants to be with TK every single second of every single day. 

“I had a beautiful life but it’s exponentially better now that he’s in it. I had no idea that something could make your life that much better,” she says.

Not only that, but now he finally has the opportunity to play with toys! TK is pretty sure that he never had a single toy in his former life. Now, when he wants to play with one, he pounces on it and makes sure no one is going to take it away from him. Then, he prances around with it in his mouth, proud to show it off to the whole world. It’s so incredibly heartwarming to see, especially knowing how his life used to be. 


“I’m just so grateful that I get to be the person that shows him this love, and shows him what this life is really meant to be,” TK says.

 This beautiful boy deserves all the toys and every opportunity to play, and now he finally has exactly that. What a lucky boy to have found such a loving mom!

You can hear his mom tell his whole heartwarming story in the video below. If you want to see more of Elijah, follow him on Instagram.

Featured Image: YouTube

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