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Sweet Blind Boy Who Can’t Chew Has Specialty Food Thanks To YOU

Written by: Stephanie Maguire
Stephanie Maguire is a writer for She loves animals so much that she started her own pet-sitting business in 2017, and goes out of her way to point-out and pet every single dog she sees.Read more
| Published on June 28, 2023

A portion of every purchase you make from is donated to Greater Good Charities. They’re an incredible group of charity partners who help people and pets. It’s because of customers like you that make their mission possible.

This small senior Toy Poodle was once all alone and left to wander near a small airport in north Georgia. Luckily, a dog lover named Joe spotted him, scooped him up, and took him home. 

Blind Boy

Joe posted the dog’s photo all over social media and missing pet pages. Plus, he notified the local animal control that he had found the wayward pup. All there was left to do was wait. But no one came forward to claim him. 

Georgia Dog Advocates saw one of the posts he made online and offered to stop by his house to scan the dog for a microchip. It turns out that the tiny pup was indeed chipped. However, after speaking to the chip company, they learned that the owners had removed themselves from the registry and rehomed their dog. This left the chip essentially unregistered.

The fact that he was super skinny, had a dirty coat, filthy ears and long nails, along with desperately needing dental work, indicated that he had not been well cared for in a while. The dog also has advanced cataracts which impair his vision.

They are still holding out hope that someone will recognize this cute little boy, but in the meantime they will take care of him to the best of their ability. Then, if he does have owners come forward to claim him, they will provide services to help them improve his health.

It’s thanks to Greater Good Charities GOODS program that this sweet pup has all the canned wet food he needs. Due to the state of his teeth, he struggles to eat hard, dry food. But he is able to gobble up the canned food that he otherwise may not be able to have without the help of the GOODS program.

Not only do the donations enable them to help the dogs directly within their care, but Georgia Dog Advocates has become a lifeline for many dog owners within their local community. Thanks to the GOODS program, they are able to help pet parents keep their canine companions fed even though they may be struggling financially. Without the GOODS program, they would not be able to help the dogs and their families who depend on them every month.

Since a portion of every purchase made from funds this life-saving program, YOU have played a part in helping rescue dogs be healthy and happy. So, thank you!

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The following products provide quality dog food for shelters and rescues, helping them reserve more of their precious funds for medical expenses, supplies, and spreading the word about their adoptable pups. Learn more.

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