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Does your dog hate bath time? Mine surely does! Well most dogs dread bath time, and they will do everything they can to avoid it. Some would run away, and others would hide. Well they can run and they can hide, but in the end, they are gonna get bathed one way or another!

And since Huskies are a very talkative breed, we’ve seen and heard them protesting about bath time. There’s even that video of a Husky saying NO when her mom asks her to get in the tub! And now we’ve found another Husky who throws a dramatic tantrum when mom tells him to get in the shower! His name is Monk, and he cries like a baby and runs around the bathroom just to avoid bath time! Watch the hilarious video below!

LOL! Poor baby! Sorry Monk, but you have to get that bath or you’re gonna stink!

Has your dog ever thrown a tantrum during bath time? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

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