Miss Violet, a deaf and visually impaired puppy, has stolen the hearts of animal lovers with her incredible story of determination and resilience. This special pup has overcome numerous challenges and now thrives at The Farm Rescue and Rehab, where she has found her forever home.

Miss Violet, along with seven of her siblings and her mom, were dumped at the pound in a cardboard box. Luke took them in and brought them to his sanctuary, The Farm Rescue and Rehab. From the beginning, it was evident that Miss Violet was different from her siblings. She struggled to walk in a straight line and would often find herself wedged in precarious positions. It didn’t take long for Luke and his team to realize that Miss Violet had very poor vision, was completely deaf, and had an apparent neurological issue.

Recognizing that Miss Violet needed extra special care and attention, Luke and his team dedicated themselves to helping her learn to trust them and follow their guidance. Despite her disabilities, Miss Violet was a determined and spirited puppy. She quickly learned to follow her caregivers’ signals, which gave her a newfound sense of confidence.
When it was time for Miss Violet to learn to swim, she showed no hesitation. As soon as her front feet touched the water, she would continue moving forward, regardless of how treacherous the waters were. Her determination and zest for life allowed her to develop the mental strength and coordination necessary to keep up with her siblings.

One of Miss Violet’s quirks was her tendency to fall asleep at any moment, even in the middle of a run with the other dogs. However, after just a few minutes of rest, she would jump up, ready to go again, with no idea where she was.
As Miss Violet received more love and care, she began to improve significantly. No longer scared or lost, she was able to keep up with her pack and even became one of the top three fastest dogs on the farm. She exceeded all expectations, proving that she was just like any other dog despite her disabilities.
It soon became clear that the best place for Miss Violet was at The Farm Rescue and Rehab, where she had formed a strong bond with her sister, Miss Red. The two pups are now inseparable, and Luke and his team are amazed at how far Miss Violet has come.