We all know dogs can be trained to do incredible things – look at some of the amazing deeds service and military dogs perform each and every day. But sometimes dogs that are not in the public eye are overlooked. These “everyday heroes” help their owners keep their livelihood going. Of course, we are talking about the working dogs – the herding, tending, and guarding dogs that work day in and day out to keep the farm going.
This Border Collie helps his owner on his cattle ranch. We are sure he uses him to do the normal Border Collie stuff – moving the cows, shedding, and holding. But he also has an usual talent that helps his owner when it comes time to feed the cattle. Most likely, this dog was the puppy that shredded everything. Look how this smart farmer utilized his dog’s talents for good instead of evil!
Farm Dog Level: ExpertFarm Dog Level: Expert
Posted by Realclear.com on Friday, August 7, 2015
Clearly this dog loves to grab and shake and his owner found a great use for his dog’s instincts. Now imagine if this dog got bored in your house? Probably a good thing he is one a farm where he can put this talent to good use! Does your dog have a habit that you put to good use? (For example teaching a sock stealer to put away your socks?) Tell us in the comments!