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Photographer Takes Photos Of Dressed Up Shelter Dogs To Help Them Get Adopted

We mentioned before that it sometimes takes something radical to catch people’s attention and encourage them to help. One example is when shelter director Whitney Steele of Arizona Animal Welfare League & SPCA staged a sit-in where she lives inside a dog’s kennel until the dog gets adopted. And after a little over 24 hours, the dog found a forever home.

And now a photographer is doing something radical and fun to capture the attention and the hearts of people and get these rescue dogs adopted!

A photo posted by Tammy Swarek (@tswarek) on

Tammy Swarek, a photographer from Arkansas, came up with a brilliant idea of dressing up rescue dogs to draw people’s attention.

A photo posted by Tammy Swarek (@tswarek) on

She thought that by dressing up the dogs, people will be interested to know the dog’s stories.

A photo posted by Tammy Swarek (@tswarek) on

The dressed-up dogs will not only draw attention but will also inspire people to connect with the dogs and find them loving homes.

A photo posted by Tammy Swarek (@tswarek) on

Tammy wanted to help find homes for rescue dogs, so she contacted the Union County Animal Protection Society (UCAPS).

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