Chance is a rescue dog who is being rehabilitated so that he can visit children in schools and teach them about how to treat animals–the right way.
This little sweetheart has already endured unimaginable pain and heartbreak in his short, five-month life. The floppy-eared Terrier Pit Bull mix was freezing when he was found, stumbling around and foaming at the mouth. When he was evaluated, they found he had broken hips and scars from his muzzle being bound with duct tape.

But thanks to Guardians of the Green Mile–an Indiana organization describing themselves as, “a group of individuals that acts as a liaison between kill shelters and animal rescue groups”–this sweet pup has gotten a second, well, chance!

After successful hip surgery, the Guardians of the Green Mile are providing therapy and training for the friendly Pittie mix so he can move on to his next venture: teaching children the right way to treat their pets.
“Eventually he’ll go into schools and he’ll tell his story – a brief story, nothing horrific – so they’ll get the point that somebody was not nice to them,” says a member of the charitable organization in an interview by ABC7 Chicago.
What a novel idea, to try to prevent animal abuse by the next generation, and help stop the vicious cycle in its tracks. Hopefully, this imperative lesson will begin being taught to school children, nationwide.

In the meantime, we are thrilled to see that Chance is enjoying his new happy, healthy, life!