Noah made a trip to the desert with his two other dogs. He saw a small puppy on his travels. She was on her own, and he was taken aback. She must belong to someone! He went inside a local shop, where they confirmed she had been dumped nearby. Who could be so cruel?!

The puppy’s ribs showed. She also had infections on her skin. Noah couldn’t adopt another dog (two dogs were the limit where he lived). Noah hoped someone would show up for her. He used the facilities in the shop and made a deal with himself: if the little one stayed by his van once he finished using the restroom, he would take her to find her a new home. When Noah came out, the pup was waiting for him, wagging her tail!

She had chosen Noah, and now he had no choice but to help the sweet girl. She got inside the van all by herself, and then Noah posted her story on Facebook. He planned to bring her to the rescue group where he had adopted one of his dogs.
Well, the overwhelming response to his Facebook post was NOT what he expected! To find out what happens next, click on the video below!