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Disabled Pup Struggled To Make Friends Until She Met Two-Legged Ihop

Written by: Stephanie Maguire
Stephanie Maguire is a writer for She loves animals so much that she started her own pet-sitting business in 2017, and goes out of her way to point-out and pet every single dog she sees.Read more
| Published on August 7, 2023

Rachel and her sweet sister, Monica were born with deformities to their legs and paws. The adorable pair was taken in by The Pawerful Rescue, but Monica, who was able to get around a bit easier than Rachel, found a forever home right away. So shy Rachel was left lonely and in desperate need of a new friend. Sadly, she was having a hard time keeping up and bonding with the other dogs at the rescue.

But everything changed when Rachel met another super-special pup named Ihop.

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The Pawerful Rescue has taken in everything from a five-pound miniature Poodle to a 100-pound paralyzed Great Dane. They gravitate toward animals with extreme medical, behavioral, and other special needs. So they have plenty of experience with dogs that require a little extra love and care. What was happening with Rachel was something they’ve seen before.

“It’s super common for dogs without disabilities to take longer to warm-up to dogs with disabilities, like Rachel,” said Duke of The Pawerful Rescue.

But they had a feeling that Ihop would be a great fit as a friend for Rachel. She was the runt of the litter, and had been born without her two front legs. Yet right off the bat, it was obvious that Ihop had a huge personality, so she was definitely in need of a doggy friend too.


Ihop was still trying to figure out how to interact with other dogs on only two legs, but when she met Rachel it was love at first sniff. Ihop immediately took to Rachel. From the moment they met, they became inseparable. It was almost like they were long lost besties.

“While it is extremely important to properly socialize, it’s also critical to make sure we’re building up their confidence. And Ihop has been instrumental with that, said Duke.”

Rachel had finally made a friend. Not only that, but after building her confidence with Ihop, she was determined to make even more friends!


It was not long after meeting her new bestie, that Rachel was playing in the yard with multiple other dogs, and was finally confident enough to make several new pals! This will make it much easier for her to bond with other canines in her forever home when the time comes — whether they be able-bodied or differently-abled like her.

You can see a video that shares Rachel’s story and shows absolutely adorable footage of the two new best friends below. Follow The Pawerful Rescue on Instagram for even more heartwarming stories!

Featured Image: YouTube

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