According to neighbors in the Los Angeles community where Stewie was rescued, the pitiful senior pup once had a family. After falling on hard times, they moved away, leaving the puzzled pooch behind.
Ever the faithful companion, Stewie waited at his abandoned home for more than a year for his humans to return, eating rocks when his hunger became too much to bear.
Source: Homeless dog was so hungry he ate rocks! Thanks to your support, we saved his life! by HopeForPaws
By the time JoAnn Wiltz and Lisa Arturo from Hope for Paws arrived to rescue Stewie from his lonely life, he had reverted to a state of fear and mistrust. The pair were eventually able to bring Stewie in and begin the rehabilitation process.
He was filthy, hungry, and covered in skin tumors. Most heartbreaking of all, the veterinary staff discovered that his belly was full of rocks. Stewie had ingested them out of extreme hunger and desperation.

Luckily, Hope for Paws surgeons were able to remove the stones from Stewie’s digestive tract as well as the tumors from his skin – which all turned out to be benign!
Stewie is now in the care of a loving foster pawrent and his sweet, gentle personality has begun to blossom.

Featured Image via YouTube/Hope for Paws