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Terrified Of Dogs, Grandma Puts In The Work To Conquer Her Fears

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| April 27, 2023

When Sam adopted a Pit Bull named Ellie and fostered another dog named Sophie, her mom Nancy refused to come to her house. Ever since being attacked by a dog as a small child, she was petrified of being around them. Nancy knew this would put a strain on their relationship and tried her best to face her fears. But her terror was undeniable.


Nancy worked up the nerve to touch the dogs occasionally but was still apprehensive. She’d approach her grand pups, then run away, horrified. Eventually, Nancy dared to spend the day alone with her grand-pups, hoping the exposure would help her transition.


Sam set up a surveillance camera to experience as much as she could from work. The dogs came up to Nancy, wanting affection. Suddenly, Nancy gave in. She put her hands out and pet her grand doggies. At that moment, everything changed! Sam’s mind was completely blown! Nancy was officially transformed.

The story isn’t over yet, folks. Wait until you see what happens next! We’re over the moon for Sam and Nancy. You will be too!

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