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Dog-Mom Honors Her Beloved Pit Bull That Left A Gaping Hole In Her Soul

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on October 13, 2023

When a Pit Bull named Tad was first adopted from a rescue, his new family did the unthinkable. Six months later, he was returned to the rescue, starved and near death. Then, Jolene, a loving dog mom, came across Tad’s story and knew she had to save him.


Tad’s journey to healing began when Jolene brought him home to meet her other dogs, Emmi, Daisy, and Po. Each dog had a unique relationship with Tad, helping him learn how to have fun and experience love. Emmi, an affectionate pup, shared a sweet, soft bond with Tad. While Daisy, the pack leader, taught him how to play and respect her authority. Po and Tad formed a true “bromance,” seeking each other out constantly and becoming inseparable.


Little by little, Tad began to learn what love and affection meant, forgetting his painful past and embracing his new life. Jolene and her family put their hearts and souls into healing Tad and giving him the best life possible. Unfortunately, Tad’s past trauma proved too much for him to overcome, and he passed away, leaving his family and siblings heartbroken.

In the wake of Tad’s passing, Jolene realized that the best way to honor his memory was to rescue another dog. That’s when they found a little puppy named Minnow. Minnow’s easygoing and confident nature brought happiness and laughter back into their lives. She quickly became a part of the pack, playing with the other dogs and helping them heal from their grief.


Through Minnow, Jolene and her family found a way to move forward and continue to honor Tad’s memory. Minnow’s presence has brought happiness and healing to their lives, proving that love can truly conquer all.

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