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Ask A Vet: What Is The Best Way To Trim My Dog’s Nails?

All dogs have toenails and all toenails need some management. The best way to trim a dog’s nails is to achieve the following goals: the nails become shorter and blunter and no one gets traumatized or hurt. You might think these are lofty goals if you have a dog that resents a pedicure. First we have to understand the basics of training animals. Nail trimming is not something that your dog naturally thinks is a good idea, but he doesn’t … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Still Mark Even After He’s Been Neutered?

Marking behavior in a pet dog is sometimes frustrating and many veterinarians advocate neutering as prevention and/or treatment. But sometimes neutering a pet will not affect the behavior. It is important that we understand how dogs work to try to explain this annoying behavior. All About That Mate Marking behavior, like urine marking or scratching the dirt, can be a reproductive based signal and intact male dogs certainly engage in it. These intact dogs are using the scents associated with … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Lean On Me?

Many dogs, including one of my own, spend a fair amount of time leaning against their human’s leg. There have been articles that unequivocally state that I should not allow my dog to lean on me and if she is invading my space, she is disrespecting me. Perhaps they are right in a few cases, but there has never been a kinder and less dominant dog than mine. I think that there are other reasons that she, and probably many … Read more

Ask A Vet: Could My Dog Be Afraid Of The Dark?

A fear of darkness, called achluophobia, has been documented among humans for decades. Researchers as early as Sigmund Freud linked it to separation anxiety in humans. Certainly anxiety disorders are diagnosed and treated in dogs regularly, but before you decide that your dog has achluophobia, you will want to be sure that he is experiencing fear and that medical reasons for his fear have been ruled out. The fear of darkness is typically thought to be more of a fear … Read more

4 Things NOT To Do If Your Dog Gets Bitten By A Snake

There are venomous snakes out there and your dog is a nosy character. Let’s face it, he might just borrow some trouble and bug a snake. If you suspect that your dog has been bitten by a snake, here are some important things NOT to do.  #1. Never risk yourself. It is important to try to identify the snake, but not if it puts you in harm’s way. After all, who will take care of your dog if you are … Read more

Ask A Vet: Is It Bad To Raise Littermates Together?

Some people say that littermates cannot be trained and raised together. I say that raising two pups of close age might make the owner/trainer’s job a little harder, but certainly can be done. Dogs are descended from pack dwelling wolves, so many people choose to have more than one dog. If you work away from home and have long hours, your dog might be more entertained if he had a canine brother or sister to pass the day with. Knowing … Read more

Ask A Vet: Is A Dog’s Mouth Really Cleaner Than A Human’s?

In light of a recent news story about a woman nearly dying from an infection sourced to her dog’s saliva, “dog licking” is in the news. Some people say that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s mouth is, but the mouths of both species certainly have what is called “natural flora”. These are bacteria that live inside the mouth and seldom cause any type of issue for the host. The presence of different species of natural flora keeps … Read more

Ask A Vet: My Puppy Chews Up Everything. What Can I Do?

We all know that puppies will cut teeth. It’s a normal thing for puppies to do. And as humans, we all have things that are precious to us–things that we would prefer not be used as a chew toy. If you have a puppy and you know that chewing and teething are going to be a part of growing up, how do you find the balance between letting your puppy be normal and preserving your stuff? Best Chance for Success … Read more

Why A Dog’s Tail Is So Much More Than A Wag

Most of us have seen a dog wag its tail. When it is our own dog, we are tuned into his emotions pretty well and we know that he is indicating that he is pleased to see us. But can dogs tell us other things about their emotional state with their tails? We, humans, use words as our most common means of expressing our emotions, but dogs do not have any words and very few sounds. In fact, studies have suggested that … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Dogs Beg For Bacon And What You Need To Know

Bacon tastes good to dogs. No one can argue that dogs seem to be enticed by the smell and taste of bacon. In fact, people do too. There are bacon wrapped pizzas and bacon bowl kits. Internet headlines announce that bacon makes everything better. Have you ever wondered why bacon tastes good? Scientists have explored the way mammals taste things. In middle school biology, we learned that there are taste areas on our tongues, sweet, salty, bitter, sour and now, … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Is My Dog So Picky About Where He Poops?

Everyone is familiar with the scene. You are standing on the driveway in your boxers or bath robe with your dog, willing him to do “his business”. But he meanders and he sniffs, snubbing spot after spot. You can tell by the way he holds his tail or slightly hunches his back that he has to poop for sure, yet much to your chagrin, he continues to search for the perfect alignment of stars and planet to deposit his jewel. … Read more

Ask A Vet: How Do I Know If My Dog Is Drinking Too Much Water?

When a vet asks dog owners about their dog’s water intake, they often respond that she is “drinking fine”, but most people don’t realize that the vets are actually more concerned if she is drinking too much. People equate water consumption with good health because as a species, we are encouraged to drink more water. The difference is that we will notice and can tell someone if we are thirsty all the time and your dog cannot. Increased water consumption … Read more

Ask A Vet: What Can I Do To Keep My Dog’s Anal Glands Cleaned Out?

You may not know that your dog has anal glands. They are located on either side of your dog’s rectum and produce a very pungent fluid. These same structures are slightly modified for use by a skunk to spray, so you can imagine that they are capable of some real stink! For dogs, they seem to serve little purpose other than marking and identification. Their scent tags his body and his feces as his to all who might be interested. … Read more

Ask A Vet: What Do I Do If My Dog Gets Stung By A Bee?

Stinging, biting insects are a part of summer we could all do without, but chances are, if you and your dog spend time outside, you will encounter one. Dogs are very curious by nature and often have their faces and mouths in places they do not belong. Some dogs are even tempted to snap at wasps and bees and are stung inside their mouths. A bee or wasp sting is usually not a very big deal to most dogs. It … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Misbehave Only When I Am Away?

 Have you ever come in the door to a blizzard of pillow stuffing? What about the garbage can turned over or the items knocked off the counters? Does it seem like whenever your dog is left to his own devices, he finds mischief? It may seem like it, but it is not always so simple. Think about your dog like the animal that he is and not a little human. He is wired to survive. Humans used to be a … Read more

Ask A Vet: Can Dogs Feel Grief?

If you have experienced a loss of a family member or pet and felt grief, you may feel that your dog felt grief too. Many dog lovers can describe behaviors that seem grief-associated in their companions. Emotions are very difficult to quantify (even for people who can communicate what they feel). We know that grief itself is a multifaceted emotion for people and psychologists have long described these feelings in terms of stages of grief. In short, grief is a … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Always Run Off When I Give Him A Special Treat?

Have you ever been excited to give your dog an extra special treat or chew and when you hand it over she grabs it and slinks away like she thinks that you are going to steal it back? You are not alone. Many dogs have this custom and it can seem like a personal insult to you as the bearer of wonderful things, right? But don’t take it too personally. Let’s look at why a dog might behave in this … Read more

Ask A Vet: I Want To Adopt A Dog, But I Work Long Days. How Do I Meet His Needs And Still Pay The Bills?

It might seem impossible – you want to give your dog the best life possible, and that requires both time and money. Working takes your time away from your dog – however, it’s a necessity if you’re going to meet her needs! It requires a careful balance that allows you to give your dog the attention she deserves while still making sure you have enough in the bank to meet both of your financial needs. It’s something most of us … Read more

Ask A Vet: Help! I Think My Dog Has Allergies. What Do I Do?

Our live stream video has spurred a lot of excellent questions. There is always a lot of talk about allergies in pets. That’s because allergic disease is extremely common among dogs. You can view the video by clicking here. Many people assume that an allergic dog will sneeze and have itchy eyes like we do. But actually, an allergic dog is much more likely to have itchy feet. Affected dogs will lick their feet and sometimes pull at their nails … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Big Dog Love To Sleep On A Little Bed?

We laugh when we see photos of very large dogs trying to curl up in tiny dog beds. We wonder why in the world that big dog would choose to lie on that little bed when there is a bigger one visible in the photo. To try to explain this phenomenon we have to look at who the dog is. In such a situation, there are clearly at least two dogs in the environment and one is large and one … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Eat Poop?

Some dogs will eat feces or “poop” from other dogs or even their own poop, and sadly, almost every dog will eat a cat’s fecal material. This behavior is called coprophagia and it is very hard to train away. So why in the world do they do it? Coprophagia is considered normal behavior (although gross) in canines. All of the reasons why dogs engage in coprophagia are not known, but there are some pretty good theories why dogs eat feline fecal … Read more

Ask A Vet: Does My Dog Need Exercise?

We all have heard that exercise is good for us. We intellectually agree, even if we do not prioritize exercise for ourselves. The benefits to humans have been proven by many studies. What about your dog? Does she need to exercise? We know that dogs are not small humans. They cannot take the exact same medications we can and they cannot eat some of the foods that we can. Obesity is a common problem and we try to apply what … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Eat Dirty Laundry?

Dogs like gross stuff. They sometimes eat poop or roll in dead things. We all know it and deal with it. We understand that it is a part of “dog-dom”. Vets everywhere have removed socks and underwear from dogs’ stomach and intestines. Dogs live in a world of heightened olfaction and there are “scent messages” everywhere. They have the ability to perceive odors diluted several times more than we can and it is thought that although they share some similar … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Hump My Leg?

“Humping” or mounting behavior in a pet dog is embarrassing to us humans because we do not typically communicate in this way in public. Can you imagine the looks we would get if we gave any type of sexually associated movements to others in public? But to animals, this is just another way to communicate and we have to try to understand them on their terms. They do their best to understand our strange human ways. Mounting is merely a … Read more

Here’s The Real Reason Why Your Dog Chases Their Tail

We humans see certain behaviors in our dogs and think they are cute, but some of these behaviors, (like tail chasing) can be a compulsion. Compulsions are irresistible urges to behave a certain way and occur very repetitively and often. These behaviors are defined as abnormal because they seem to lack purpose and can impact the quality of life in a negative way. Dogs can be an excellent model for human disorders and compulsive disorder is no exception. Multiple studies … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Is My Dog Suspicious Of Strangers Even If They Are Friendly?

When someone new arrives on the scene, dogs are alert. Some may even act aggressively or defensively. Dogs are animals and all animals are wired in a way that supports the best chances of survival. If you watch nature shows, you have probably seen wolf packs interact. They respond swiftly to the arrival of a strange wolf and are instantly on their guard for the intentions of the newcomer. New animals could represent a threat to the group as an … Read more

The Real Reason Your Dog Is Staring Into Your Eyes

Sometimes you glance up and your dog is staring intently into your eyes. It is as if your dog has something to say to you. Studies indicate that canine species communicate with each other by gazing. Dogs specifically seemed to have evolved to look at humans’ faces even more than socialized wolf counterparts.1 I understand you. Do you understand me? Perhaps your dog not only has something to say to you, but feels that he is also gaining information from … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Go Crazy Over The Doorbell?

We are all familiar with a dog’s response when the door bells ring. Some dogs really flip out, but all dogs react in some way to the sound. Have you ever really considered why that is? Much like Pavlov’s dogs who associated the sound of a bell with being fed, your dog knows the sound of the doorbell represents a change. Pavlov’s bell made the dogs salivate in anticipation of feeding and the doorbell sound is a learned association for … Read more

Ask A Vet: Is It Better To Have More Than One Dog?

Some people say that dogs are like potato chips and no one can have just one, but is this really a good thing? Can a single dog be happy? Should you have more than one dog? Like so many things, the answer is not one size fits all. It lies in the individual dogs and the individual environment. If you have a lot of time for your dog and can provide regular playtime and exercise, you are probably all your … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Turn His Butt Toward Me?

As human beings, we have a few societal issues (to say the least) with exposing our rears to other people, both new friends and old. We would much prefer to shake hands with new people and our idea of reaffirming family bonds does not include asking your friends to scratch your rear. But if you were a dog, you would see things differently. We all know that some dogs really like certain smells that seem foul to us. Sometimes they ... Read more

Scientific Proof Now Tells Us What We Already Knew About Dogs

Dog lovers know in their hearts that being around dogs is good for them, but did you know that there is scientific proof? Science is really catching up with what we already know and research dollars are being invested in proving the value of the human-animal bond. Here are just a few of the reasons everyone should have a dog.   Dogs Make You  Exercise and Improve Your Cardiovascular Health Dogs need exercise and mental stimulation and so do you, … Read more