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Dog Diarrhea: Firm Up Your Knowledge On Runny Poop

It’s a real poop when a case of dog diarrhea strikes. Stinky poo puddles signal upset in your sweet dog’s tummy and that leaves a dog parent not only feeling sad but worried. With so many causes for diarrhea in dogs, it’s hard not to feel concerned. But, diarrhea in dogs is a common occurrence and most cases can be solved at home with some simple steps. So, bag-and-toss your worries when it comes to dog diarrhea; we’ve got piles … Read more

5 Signs Your Dog Just Had A Stroke (And What To Do)

Strokes are not as common in dogs as they are in humans, but they can be equally serious and frightening. Unfortunately, recognizing the signs of stroke in dogs can be difficult. Our pups are quite stoic, and without the gift of speech to tell us how they are feeling, diagnosis is challenging. Below we will discuss the types of stroke, how to recognize the signs in your dog, and what you can do to help them beat the odds. What … Read more

Dog Skin Cancer: What Every Owner Should Know

Did you know that growths on the skin are the most common type of tumor in dogs? While not all of them are cancerous, the ones that are can be quite aggressive. It’s essential to understand the risk factors, symptoms, and protective measures related to dog skin cancer so you can better safeguard your pup. What Are The Types Of Dog Skin Cancer? There are three types of skin cancer commonly seen in dogs: Malignant Melanoma This type of cancer … Read more

What Does A Heart Attack Look Like In Dogs?

  Heart attacks in any breed of dog are considered very rare, very dangerous, and should be taken very seriously. When a heart attack occurs the heart is deprived of oxygen and nutrients, and could die. The affected chamber of the heart will no longer effectively pump blood to the body. If your dog has a congenital heart abnormality, heart disease, or genetic predisposition, he’s at a higher risk for a heart attack. A heart attack requires emergency medical attention … Read more

What You Need To Know About Hip Dysplasia

Hip dyplasia is a serious skeletal condition affecting a high percentage of large breed dogs and occasionally small dogs. It’s diagnosed as a malformation of a dog’s hip joint that makes moving painful, and in extreme cases, walking normally is impossible. Owners of large dogs need to be aware of the risks and symptoms to provide their pets with the happiest and healthiest futures. Related: Best Hip Dysplasia Supplements for Dogs Like humans, dogs have what’s called a ball and … Read more

A Guide To Cushing’s Disease In Dogs

Difficult to diagnose, Cushing’s disease is a condition affecting a dog’s endocrine system–the glands that produce and secrete hormones throughout the body. One of those hormones, cortisol, is responsible for stress management and balancing the immune system. Cortisol is essential for healthy body function, but too much or too little can cause problems. A dog dealing with increased levels of cortisol has hyperadrenocorticism—more commonly known as Cushing’s disease. Causes There are three types of Cushing’s disease in dogs. The most … Read more

You Might Not Realize Your Dog Is Overweight – And That Affects Their Health

Whether their child is furry or not, many parents are in denial about their child’s weight. This can lead to a host of health problems related to obesity, some of which may be permanent. Obesity can also reduce your dog’s life span by up to two years. That’s why it’s so important to take an honest look at your dog’s figure and decide if they need to lose some weight. Somewhere between 22 and 40% of the dogs in the … Read more

7 Dog Breeds That Are Predisposed To Eye Problems. Is Yours Listed?

Any pup parent knows that gazing into their dog’s eyes will give them a glimpse of the undying love and loyalty that he has for his favorite humans. Dogs’ very lives revolve around us, and we’ll do anything to extend the number of healthy days we get to spend with them. It’s an unfortunate fact of life that different breeds are prone to different health issues, just like people. Below are 7 dog breeds that are predisposed to eye problems (although, … Read more

What Parents Of Short-Muzzled Pups Need To Know About Their Dog’s Breathing

The word brachycephalic refers to animals whose skulls are stubbier than what is typical for their species. In dogs, the result is a short muzzle and flattened face. Brachycephalic dog breeds such as Bulldogs, Pugs and Pekingese often suffer from respiratory problems as a result of their facial structure. Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome (BAS) refers to the various upper airway problems short-muzzled dogs are prone to, including narrowed nostrils (Stenotic Nares), an overly long soft palate, abnormally small or collapsing trachea, and collapse … Read more

What Is Salmonella Infection In Dogs?

Salmonella infection (salmonellosis)  is caused by the salmonella bacteria. It can be found in raw meat and eggs but can also be transferred from an infected animal’s poop or saliva. If your dog is vomiting or has bloody diarrhea, he could have a salmonella infection. Keep him hydrated, wash your hands with soap and water after handling your dog, and let your vet know. Symptoms of Salmonella Infection in Dogs Dogs who have salmonellosis may be totally asymptomatic, giving no … Read more

Weight Matters – The Serious Risks Of Canine Obesity

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, an estimated 54% of dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. That means over half of our dogs are suffering from a very preventable condition – enough that there is an entire organization dedicated to counter its prevalence. This is because obesity contributes to, or even directly causes, so many health conditions. The best way to stay healthy is to prevent disease and illness, so making sure our dogs are … Read more

8 Things You Need To Know About Obesity In Dogs

We hear all the time about the dangers of obesity in humans, but have you ever stopped to think about how those same dangers apply to your dog? You may love how happy your dog becomes when you give him a treat, or maybe you’re a sucker for hungry eyes, but either way, you may be shortening your dog’s life by giving in. Here are 8 things you should know about obesity in dogs – you may be loving your … Read more

Gastrointestinal Obstructions In Dogs: What Every Owner Needs To Know

Gastrointestinal obstructions in dogs can be located anywhere along the digestive tract from the stomach to the colon. They occur when the natural flow of ingested materials becomes stopped up, making it difficult for the dog to pass stool or gas. Bowel obstructions are fairly common in dogs due to their habit of ingesting non-food items. Who is at risk for a gastrointestinal obstruction? While any dog can potentially suffer from a gastrointestinal obstruction, puppies are especially susceptible as they … Read more

RECALL: Congress Fights To Recall Seresto Collars After Thousands Of Dogs Harmed

Seresto Recall

Dogs can react to any type of pet product, including dog food, grooming items, and preventatives. But there’s a difference between a few allergic reactions and thousands of incident reports. Seresto Flea and Tick Collars are getting a lot of heat for that reason. Numerous customers are reporting illnesses and even death related to the collar, and it seems like more than just some coincidences. But despite everything, Elanco Animal Health has refused to recall the products. So, a congressional … Read more

Aspirin For Dogs: Uses, Dosages, And Side Effects

Nothing is worse than seeing your dog in pain. It makes us want to do anything we can to lift their spirits and soothe their discomfort. In some cases, aspirin for dogs may help greatly. But like all medications, you shouldn’t use it as an easy way out. Instead, consult your vet and find out if aspirin is the right approach for your dog. Aspirin is often the go-to way to relieve pain for humans. Yet, dogs won’t always react … Read more

What You NEED to Know Now About Your Dog’s Pancreas

Why is it so important to know what the functions of the pancreas are? Well, the pancreas is a very important organ that does several things for the body to run smoothly. This is especially true if your dog is diabetic. Let’s take a look at what it does. ENDOCRINE CELLS Endocrine cells produce hormones that regulate blood sugar levels; insulin and glucagon. When blood glucose levels increase, the pancreas releases insulin to bring down glucose. When BG is too … Read more

Heat Stroke In Dogs – What Does It Look Like And How To Handle It

People often look forward to the warm weather of summer, but dogs are not always excited about it. That’s because heat stroke in dogs is more common for them than it is for humans. Even with all the warnings about hot temperatures, many dog parents still don’t take extra precautions. Going for a long walk or playing in the yard could cause health problems for your dog if the sun is blazing down on them. So, it’s important to be … Read more

Don’t Panic! Coronavirus: Here’s What You Need To Know

You’ve likely heard about Coronavirus by now. It can be more than a little scary when a virus like this seems to spread so quickly, but as dog lovers, many of us immediately turn our thoughts to our pups at times like these. Especially if you’re familiar with the phrase, “Canine Coronavirus.” “Can my dog get Coronavirus?” Or worse, “Can I give my dog Coronavirus?” First and foremost: don’t panic. What is Coronavirus? Though people are largely referring to the … Read more

Can My Dog Get Coronavirus?

You’ve likely heard about Coronavirus by now. It can be more than a little scary when a virus like this seems to spread so quickly, but as dog lovers, many of us immediately turn our thoughts to our pups at times like these. Especially if you’re familiar with the phrase, “Canine Coronavirus.” “Can my dog get Coronavirus?” Or worse, “Can I give my dog Coronavirus?” First and foremost: don’t panic. What is Coronavirus? Though people are largely referring to the … Read more

Rare Canine and Human Disease Spreading, Vet Urges Vaccinations

Have you ever heard of leptospirosis? It is a very rare life threatening disease that can infect dogs and humans alike. Vets in Arizona, Utah, and Colorado are seeing significant increases in dogs infected with the disease, many of which have been faced with the awful worst case scenario of having their beloved dog put to sleep. The good news? There is a vaccine for the disease that you may want to get this year. A Recent Case in Colorado: … Read more

Blind Dog Star Has No Eyes But A Lot Of Fans

Everyone loves looking into the big, sweet eyes of their dog. What we love more though, is forming bonds with our furry pals and learning their personalities. We’d love those good boys and girls with or without their cute eyeballs. In fact, one TikTok-famous dog has no eyeballs and I’m in love with him! He goes by @CaboTheBlindDoggo on TikTok. If you’re not familiar with it, TikTok has brought us some of the best dog videos around. The short-form video app which … Read more

Preventable Deadly Virus Spreading in the Midwest. Is Your Dog Protected?

Indianapolis Animal Care Services (IACS) sent out a grave warning yesterday to dog lovers everywhere. In the past week alone, the shelter has seen dozens of dogs at their intake doors infected with canine parvovirus. Canine parvovirus is completely preventable with a routine vaccination. These preventative measures are extremely successful at protecting our pups from dangerous diseases. IACS said on Facebook, Canine parvovirus, or parvo, is a highly contagious, life-threatening disease and it’s only going to continue to spread throughout … Read more

Beware! Iowa Breeder Accused of Spreading Extremely Contagious Canine Disease

Sad dog

A breeder with a history of troubling accusations recently became the subject of an investigation by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. Authorities claim the Double G Kennels were the breeding ground for an extremely contagious canine disease. Even more distressing, the disease can be spread from dogs to humans. An Unsettling History The dismal news stories date back two years. In 2017, authorities found two emaciated dogs at the Double G Kennels, a commercial breeding facility (sometimes … Read more

10 Best Cancer Preventing Foods For Your Dog

We know it by many names and fear it by them all. Cancer. The word alone has the power to conjure up deep and dark feelings in those of us whose lives have been impacted by it, which is most of us. Statistics show that the majority of American families have relatives who have been diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, our canine family members are at risk in high numbers as well. Stats vary largely depending on breed, but overall between … Read more

New Report Shows Dog Illness Can Spread To Humans

A new study published in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases is warning pet owners and pet professionals about a previously uncharted risk. A strain of bacterium that affects dogs called Brucella canis can be spread to humans. The infection referred to as brucellosis is most often spread by livestock, but new research shows dogs that have not been neutered are responsible for passing the bacteria on to humans. In adult dogs, the infection often goes unnoticed. According to VCA Hospitals, … Read more

Could Your Dog Suffer From A Collapsing Trachea?

Have you heard about collapsing trachea before? If you have a small or toy dog breed, your dog may develop a collapsing trachea, so it’s important for you to understand what collapsing trachea is, what the symptoms are, and how it’s treated in order to prevent your dog from suffering needlessly before you take him to the vet for a diagnosis. And while larger dog breeds may also suffer from a collapsing trachea, small and toy breeds are significantly more … Read more

How To Help Your Dog Through A Seizure

Whether your dog has a diagnosed seizure disorder or is experiencing an episode for the first time, it can be difficult to keep your wits about you. In fact, owners often end up doing more harm than good when trying to help their dog through a seizure. Dr. Pippa Elliott, a veterinarian with 30 years experience, shared her basic rules for protecting your dog and minimizing the effects of a seizure. Related Post: The 5 Things You Need To Know … Read more

The 5 Things You Need To Know About Seizures In Dogs

Watching your dog have a seizure can be a terrifying experience. But what is a seizure exactly? How concerned should you be if your dog has one? Is there any cure? What should you do if your dog has another seizure, or several? According to Registered Veterinary Technician, Jenna Stregowski: “A seizure is a sudden episode of abnormal brain activity that often involves some loss of body control. Seizures can look like full body convulsions or small, localized spasms. There … Read more

5 Causes Of Canine Incontinence & How To Help Your Dog Manage It

Canine incontinence occurs when an otherwise housetrained dog is no longer able to control its bladder. It is most commonly seem in adult and senior spayed females, but can occur in dogs of any age, sex or breed. This difficult medical issue is heartbreaking to witness and stressful for everyone involved. In order to treat the problem and make your pup more comfortable, you first need to identify the cause. Note: urinary incontinence is not to be confused with frequent, … Read more

6 Dog Flu Symptoms Every Pup Parent Needs To Know

Dog flu is making its rounds across the country, and the best thing dog owners can do is be prepared. Outbreaks have already spread through Washington, California, and Colorado, but dogs in every state are at risk of coming down with the flu. K-9 influenza is extremely contagious and cases range from mild to severe. Dogs who frequently spend time at dog parks and other places where they’re around other canines are most at risk. Veterinarians recommend owners be especially … Read more

What Is Twisted Spleen In Dogs?

What is Twisted Spleen? It may be hard to imagine, but it’s possible for your dog’s spleen to wrap around the blood vessels near it – this is what’s known as splenic torsion, or, more commonly, twisted spleen. The spleen can then become painfully enlarged, cutting off blood flow in the area where it occurs. It’s more common in large dogs, and can be life-threatening. It should be considered an emergency, and the twisted, enlarged spleen will need to be … Read more

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