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10 Dog Health Myths Pet Parents Should Stop Believing

There are many widely held beliefs about canine health that contain a nugget of truth, but are not entirely factual. People who spread these misconceptions certainly mean no harm, but believing them could potentially affect the veterinary choices you make for your pup. Your time together is already too short. Don’t let a dog health myth keep you from providing the best possible care for your fur friend. 1. Dogs eat grass when they are sick. If you Google the … Read more

11 Ways You May Be Unintentionally Shortening Your Dog’s Life

Having a dog is a big responsibility. They depend on you to make the best decisions for them on everything from what they eat to how their hair is cut. Although every loving dog parent has the best intentions at heart, certain choices that seem simple and harmless may actually result in fewer years with your furry friend.   1. Skipping Annual Vet Visits Some people feel that it’s a waste of time and money to take their dogs to the … Read more

Hilarious ‘All About That Spay’ Video Wins The AVMA Vettie Awards

While most of the world was celebrating the Oscars, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) decided to host their own award show, where the winners would be voted by the public! The First Annual Vettie Awards were hosted on their Facebook Page and votes were cast with the like/love/haha votes. The did not count wow/sad/angry “votes.” The rules were as follows: The video must be made by a vet, vet tech, vet student, or vet practice It can be funny … Read more

Pennsylvania SPCA Partners With Sato Dream Home To Save Strays In Puerto Rico

The plight of any stray dog is never good. But in Puerto Rico, it is especially grim. With spay/neuter not among the common practices in the area, there are thousands of stray dogs throughout the island. This causes an atmosphere where they are subject to neglect, cruelty and dumping practices, all which ultimately can lead to their death. Exacerbating the issue, the five Municipal Shelters in Puerto Rico share a euthanasia rate of 99%, with the vast majority of animals not … Read more