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This Pup Who Seems Scared Of The Steps Takes a Braver Route Down To Dad

One of the most challenging trials that puppies have to face is conquering the stairs. The stairs can be really scary, especially if you are a small pup. The stairs may seem nothing to the big humans and those big dogs, but for a small pup, the stairs can be very intimidating. So puppies need some guidance and a little help to face their fears and conquer the scary stairs.


Source: YouTube

But the puppy in the video below is not quite ready to conquer his fear of the stairs just yet. So when his human placed him on top of the stairs (which only has three steps), he figured out a better way of getting down. Watch the video below and see how this pup got down without using the stairs!

Awwww…the poor baby! I bet the bushes don’t look as scary as those stairs did! So he thought, jumping to the bushes is a better way, plus the bush would let him have a softer landing!

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