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Cute Comic Shows What It’s Like To Adopt A Rescue Dog

| November 21, 2018

Every rescue dog has a story. Whether they were found roaming the streets as strays or rescued from abusive situations, there’s something unique about each experience. We don’t always know what their lives were like “before,” but adopting a shelter dog is all about the “after.” We shower them with love and attention, and it’s amazing to watch nervous dogs straight from the shelter blossom into confident members of the family. Anyone who’s ever rescued a dog knows how much that one simple act can change lives. Not only does it permanently change the dog’s life, but bringing home a rescue dog has an impact on the entire family.

Bird Born, an artist from Russia, experienced first-hand the transformation that can happen when a shelter dog finally finds a home. The adorable comic shows how a shelter dog went from being scared and cautious to being a happy and valued member of the family. The artwork tells a story shared by thousands of adopters. You can never judge a dog by how she behaves behind a chain-link fence at a shelter. It’s all about earning trust and taking time to build a powerful bond.

Courtesy of Bird Born


Courtesy of Bird Born


Courtesy of Bird Born
Courtesy of Bird Born
Courtesy of Bird Born
Courtesy of Bird Born
Courtesy of Bird Born
Courtesy of Bird Born
Courtesy of Bird Born
Courtesy of Bird Born
Courtesy of Bird Born
Courtesy of Bird Born
Courtesy of Bird Born
Courtesy of Bird Born

Every rescue dog is different, and they all deserve homes that will help them experience life to the fullest. Adopting one dog won’t change the world, but it’ll change the world for both the dog and you. For more fun animal-related comics, check out Bird Born on Instagram.

Featured image via Bird Born

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