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Homeless Man Finally Reunited With His Stolen Dog

| December 7, 2020

At around 8 a.m. on a Wednesday morning in Miami Lakes, someone stole Sky Dim, the 5-year-old Chihuahua mix, right off his leash. Sky happens to be the only family to a 72-year-old homeless man named Pedro Carrion. The two reside just north of the Palmetto Expressway, where they love and support each other. Losing Sky devastated Carrion.

Though the heartbroken father acknowledged he didn’t know if someone stole Sky or thought they were helping an abandoned dog, he just wanted the pup back. Through a translator, Carrion explained:

“It’s like when someone loses their child. My life was bad and this has not been the first time they have tried taking him from me.”


Carrion also said that Sky is his service dog who helps him psychologically. The longer he was missing, the more Carrion feared the worst.

“I love my dog so much. He is my life. I have no family, no children. My dog is my medicine. He means so much.”

A Community That Cares

Shortly after Sky’s disappearance, concerned members of the community banded together to help find him. Involved neighbors recently started a GoFundMe page to help find both Carrion and Sky find a place to live. So far, over $9,000 of the $10,000 goal has been raised. The page reads:

“Not only do I believe we can find SKY with the power of social media but we can also raise money to help Pedro get back on his feet and overcome homelessness. All the money given will go to Pedro and putting a roof over his head.”

People often unfairly assume that someone without a house takes improper care of their dog. In Sky’s case in particular, Carrion feeds him well and regularly takes him to the vet, making sure the dog has his proper vaccinations. He even makes a doggie bed up each night for Sky.

Yami Gonzalez via GoFundMe

Many local residents chimed in to say how strong the bond between Sky and Carrion is and how much the man loves his dog.

“This is awesome, When I lived in Miami Lakes I would see this man take care of his dog better than himself. Even when it was raining he would be crossing the street, him getting all wet and his dog on top of his cart with an umbrella.” – Amy Fernandez via Facebook

“I’ve known Pedro for a long time and I know that he is a good man, who takes good care of his loyal dog Sky. Pedro is just trying to survive each day and Sky is what keeps him motivated to keep going.” – Maria A via GoFundMe

Together Again, As It Should Be

A long-awaited update to this story arrived via the GoFundMe page on December 6th. Someone had anonymously returned Sky Dim to his father.

“It is my pleasure to inform everyone that last night someone anonymously returned sky to Pedro!!!! Sky is in great condition and Pedro couldn’t be more happy!!!! I wanna thank absolutely everyone who help bring sky dim home! Pedro wants everyone to know that he is so thankful for everyone helping and coming by and showing him love! God is good guys!”

A beautiful video of their reunion shows an overjoyed Carrion holding little Sky as he wags his tail furiously and gives some licks. These two belong together, and it’s wonderful to see a community come together to support that.


One resident Lourdes Leyva-Hernández said:

“I’m super happy. He’s been devastated without the dog, and he takes really good care of it – better than himself.”

The next step is helping Carrion apply for disability so he and Sky can receive support beyond the GoFundMe donations.

Featured Image: @miamistrong/Instagram

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