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Dog Gets A Surprise Snack From An Unlikely Friend

Cats and dogs have a long history of being sworn enemies. Countless cartoons have depicted these fur babies feuding over one thing or another, but rarely do we see them getting along, let alone helping one another! The dog and cat duo you’re about to meet is quite the dream team. Their human keeps the cat food on the countertop to keep it out of range of the dogs in the house. Luckily, this generous cat decides to share the … Read more

13 Reasons We Absolutely Love Senior Dogs

If you have owned a senior dog then you know there is just something special about those golden years. And remember, if you are looking for a dog, there are plenty of silver-nosed seniors waiting for love at your local shelter. Here are just a few reasons we love them. #1 – Soulful Eyes There is nothing more powerful than the soulful eyes of a senior dog. If only we could read their minds or understand what they are saying – the … Read more

Man In Thailand Spends His Time Bathing Stray Dogs

We love it how random people show their love for dogs. Just like that woman who helped animals in need and fed stray dogs. She wasn’t part of any rescue organization, she just helped them because she just wanted to. And then her family was amazed when the stray dogs showed up at her funeral. A man in Thailand does the same thing. He bathes stray dogs around his village! This amazing guy rescued a stray dog in Thailand and … Read more

Owner Assists Senior Dog In Doing His Very Last Agility Run

Old is beautiful. Puppies are cute, and so are senior dogs. Senior dogs are very sweet. They have years of experience with friendship. But old age can affect a dog’s physical capabilities. The once very energetic young dog, is now less active. Nevertheless, they are still the adorable and sweet dog that you always knew. In the video below you’ll see a senior dog doing his last agility run. Most of the time, people would think of dog agility as … Read more

After 4 Years In A Shelter, It’s Time For Us To Find A Home For Waldo

Waldo is a beautiful, 75-pound red pit bull who has been living at shelters since he was found as a stray in 2010. League for Animal Protection (LAP) pulled him in April 2011 and placed him in boarding because he was due for euthanasia. Now, Waldo is losing his kennel space and he needs a forever home ASAP. The rescuers describe him as a sweetheart! (Just look at that face!) And we’re pleased to announce that is donating a years … Read more

Adopted Dog Saves Boy’s Life By Telling His Mom He Would Have A Seizure

When Danielle Zuckerman went to Sammie’s Friends Animal Shelter, she went to get a friend for her son. But she got something even better – a dog that would free her from her health limitations. FOX 10 News | Thor is a quiet, friendly pit bull. At least, he was until a few days after they adopted him. That was when he jumped on Danielle’s lap and started barking. She didn’t understand what was going on at first. “I … Read more

After Being Rescued From Living On The Street, This Dog Says Thank You In The Most Amazing Way

Rescuing a dog is not easy. Most of the time, the dogs are traumatized by what other humans have done to them. So they are terrified when a human approaches them. They either run, hide, or try to fight back. And who could blame them? After all, they’ve been through a lot. In the video below, you’ll see a rescuer approaching a stray dog. Her name is Janine Guido, and she’s the founder of Speranza Animal Rescue. She received a … Read more

Dolphin Falls In Love With Boater’s Dog And Jumps Up For A Kiss

There are moments that are so amazing you wish you had a camera with you so you can take a video and share the moment with everyone. Just like those times when your dog does something funny or something awesome, then there’s no camera or camera phone nearby! The video we have for you is truly one amazing moment. And I’m glad they caught this moment on video! This video clip is from the award-winning IMAX classic, DOLPHINS by MacGillivray … Read more

15 Dog Breeds From France

France is known for its rich history, delicious food, beautiful art and excellent fashion. But did you know there are some great dog breeds that came from France as well? Here we’ve compiled a list of the most popular French dogs. #1 – Barbet The Barbet is a water retrieving dog and is a relatively rare breed. The Barbet is a very old breed that is thought to be the ancestor of many water retrieving dogs we see today. They’re … Read more

27 Dog Breeds From England

English dog breeds

Dogs have been around for centuries. So, many different breeds come from all over the world. But there are certain countries that have developed more dog breeds than others. Where dog breeds come from depends greatly on what dogs were needed for at the time and what kind of climate they would be working in. In the case of England, we see many herding and hunting breeds of all sizes. Check out 27 English dog breeds below! #1 – Airedale … Read more

This Dog Places Her Paw On A Boy With Down Syndrome. What Happens Next Is Amazing In Every Way.

Dogs are very thoughtful and compassionate creatures. We doglovers know that. And that’s one reason why we love them so much. Whenever we feel down, our dogs are always there for us. And we love how they are worried when they see us cry or if we feel sick. It just proves how much they love us. In the video below, you’ll see another compassionate and thoughtful dog. A mama dog seems to be comforting a boy with down syndrome. … Read more

A Terrified Dog Finally Takes The Plunge & Swims For The First Time

While humans need to take swimming lessons so we can learn how to swim, some dogs have the innate ability to swim. I said some, because not all dogs can swim. Yup, while some dogs have the natural instinct to do the doggy paddle when they’re in water, some just sink like a sack of bricks. Others just don’t really like water at all, and just avoid it at all costs. The dog in the video below is learning how … Read more

Firefighters Save And Revive A Dog From A Burning House. Wow.

We’ve said it a couple of times and we will say it once again, heaven has a special place for firefighters who save dogs! We’ve shared a couple of videos of firemen saving dogs. Just like that video of a fireman reviving a dog who was motionless when they pulled him out of the house. And here we have another rescue video for you! The video below is a raw video of firefighters rescuing a dog from a burning home. … Read more

How To Teach Your Dog To Wave

There is just something too cute about a dog waving. As demonstrated in this video, you can teach your dog to wave with each paw, or both paws at once. The best part about wave? It’s fairly easy to teach and most dog enjoy doing it. Teach The Trick Step 1 Make sure you have treats and a clicker (if you use one) on hand. Sit or stand facing your dog and put one of your hands in a fist … Read more

This Dog Visits Sick Kids To Cheer Them Up – Wait Until You See Their Faces When She Shows Up. Wow.

The Sick Kids Foundation inspire communities to invest in health and scientific advances to improve the lives of children and their families in Canada and around the world. One of their programs is the PetSmart Paws for Hope Program, where dogs visit kids to relieve them of their stress and cheer them up. In the video below, you’ll see one of the therapy dogs visiting sick kids at the hospital; her name is Moxie. They attached a camera to Moxie … Read more

These Dogs Have Absolutely NO Desire To Take A Bath (Too Funny!)

Dogs have a complicated relationship with bathtime. Some dread the necessary evil…some embrace it! One thing is universally true, though: all pups look adorably funny when wet. In the video below, we get to enjoy an array of hilarious, grumpy, downright knee-slapping reactions to doggie baths. The compilation features spunky music that makes these sweetie pies even cuter. We see all sorts attitudes toward bath time – some pups absolutely despise the process of getting clean, while others get giddy at … Read more

URGENT UPDATE: Canine Flu Outbreak Is Spreading Quickly

Since the Chicago outbreak in April of what was originally being called simply a “rare canine infectious respiratory disease (CIRD)” (now known as H3N2 virus), this potentially deadly #dogflu is spreading rapidly to other states. For more information on cases in your state, check out this information from Cornell University’s Animal Health Diagnostic Center Aside from Illinois, outbreaks have been confirmed in: Georgia Ohio Alabama California Texas Massachusetts New York Wisconsin Michigan New Jersey Iowa Indiana The latest news report from USA … Read more

This Video Of Dogs Dreaming Proves Just How Much Like Us They Really Are!

The funny snores, the hilariously adorable faces, and the silly jerking of their limbs—we just love watching our dogs sleep! They say dogs are dreaming whenever their limbs jerk, or their faces move when they sleep. So have you ever wondered what your dogs dream about? America’s Funniest Videos put together a video showing what dogs are probably dreaming about, and it’s totally hilarious! The dreams included eating a spoonful of peanut butter and drinking milk, having a relaxing dip … Read more

Dog Experiment Shows Two Owners Who They Love More – HILARIOUS

Do you think your dog has a favorite human in your family? When there’s more than one person who takes care of a dog, do you think dogs also have their favorite person? In your family, who do you think does your dog love more? BuzzFeed was curious if dogs also played favorites among their humans. So they did a little experiment. They gathered four dogs, and each dog has two owners. These humans are about to find out which … Read more

This Movie Trained 250 Stray Dogs And Helped Find Them Forever Homes

Have you watched the movie “White God”? This movie is definitely a tearjerker! It’s described as “A Fierce and Beautiful Parable” by the New York Times, and “Remarkable, Riveting, Haunting, and Quite Extraordinary” by Deadline Hollywood. The movie tells the story of a girl who was forced to give up her beloved dog because he was a mixed breed, and deemed unfit by The State. The two then embark on a dangerous journey to be together again. But that’s not … Read more

15 Dogs Breeds Who Have No Problem With Public Displays Of Affection

Are you looking for a new best friend that will not only love you, but has no problem displaying that love for the world to see? If so, then you may want to check out these dog breeds that are not shy at all when it comes to being affectionate in public. #1 – Golden Retriever This breed is known for loving anyone and everyone! Thirty seconds after meeting you, he will be trying to climb into your lap for a … Read more

This Guy Starts Playing The Piano. Now Watch The Tiny Puppy At His Feet…

Does your dog love music? We’ve seen quite a few videos of dogs who have their own favorite songs. And whenever they hear their favorite songs, they sing along with it! There’s even that one dog who joined the contest Belgium’s Got Talent because of her singing prowess! Her favorite song is Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You”! The dog in the video below is also a music lover. Although she doesn’t sing along with her favorite song, she … Read more

How To Use Balance To Train Your Dog Patience

Photos of dogs balancing things on their heads have been sweeping the internet. After all, its adorable and impressive because your dog has to have a lot of self-control to sit or stand that still. But, it’s also a great trick to teach a dog lacking in self-control how to be calm. Have a dog that’s a bit head shy? This trick will teach them that things coming at the heard are a GOOD thing! Here is a video of … Read more

This Baker Made A Dog Cake That Looks JUST Like Their Dog In Every Way

Do you celebrate your dog’s birthday? I’m sure a lot (if not all) of you do! And birthdays always comes with a birthday cake, right? Well this video is gonna blow your mind! This is one of the most amazing, life-like cakes I have ever seen! Well this cake is actually not for the dog, but it’s for a beloved dad who loves his Labradoodle so much! Elisa Strauss of Confetti Cakes sculpted her dad’s Labradoodle for his birthday. And … Read more

Dogs That Have Made It To Big League Sports

There are the usual dog sports such as agility, herding, flyball, dock diving and the myriad of other events that take place all over the world. These activities are canine driven, human assisted. What happens when the dogs enter the human sports arenas? The world may never be the same again, in a very good way. Homeless dogs make good! Hank is a famous pooch. The Bichon mix was homeless, found wandering around the stadium of the Milwaukee Brewers. Members … Read more

57 Dogs Saved From Korean Meat Market Are Enjoying Their New Lives In The U.S.

The Humane Society International and the Change for Animals Foundation rescued nearly 60 adult dogs and puppies from a dog-meat farm outside Seoul, South Korea. Prior to their rescue, these dogs, including Elly in the video below, were living in small, cramped, fifthly cages, waiting to be electrocuted, hanged, or beaten to death and then eaten. According to the HSI, the owner agreed to get out of the meat trade, which is a big win for the groups, who have … Read more

Sheep Dogs Teach Rabbit How To Round Up Sheep And You Won’t Believe How Good It Is

We’ve seen a cat who acts like a dog, and we even saw a horse who thinks he’s a dog. And let’s not forget that pig who excels in a dog agility class! Now we have something more amazing, a rabbit who can herd sheep like a sheepdog! Who needs sheepdogs when you have a rabbit who does a very good job in herding sheep? Meet Champis, the sheep-herding rabbit! Although sheep herding has always been a dog’s job, this … Read more

This Dog Lead Rescuers To A Creek…What They Found – WOW.

Get ready for an incredible story about the power of communication between dogs and humans. Hero is an appropriately named dog in Texas who lead rescue workers from Dallas Dogrrr (Rescue, Rehab, Reform) to 10 abandoned puppies and their exhausted mom. Hero, also a stray, started barking at Anna Kooiman, a rescuer with Dogrrr. She said she had seen him in the neighborhood before, often with another dog known as Mona, who was nowhere in sight now. Kooiman had never witnessed that … Read more

Jubilant Dog Dives In And Out Of The Tall Grass While His Owner Captures Everything

We love quirky dogs! They always make us laugh! Remember that dog who jumped and hopped in the middle of the field? Turns out, he’s not the only one doing that! There’s another dog who does the same thing, and it’s just as funny! This happy dog loves to run and jump in the middle of the field when his owner lets him off the leash! He enjoys every moment of freedom by frolicking through the countryside, and doing his … Read more

10 Dog-Friendly Hotels & Motels

Traveling with dogs is becoming more and more popular and with good reason. It’s a lot of fun to take our dogs with us wherever we go and certainly removes a lot of stress when you’re concerned about where to board your dog. Finding someone to petsit can be quite a challenge. Plus, letting your dog tag along could save you some money. That said, not all hotels and motels allow pets to come inside with you, which certainly defeats … Read more

5 Design Tips For Dog-friendly Living In Small Spaces

  Whether you live in a small apartment or a house that just doesn’t have enough extra space for your dog’s wardrobe, it can be a challenge to store all your dog’s essentials while still maintaining some style. Heather Higgins, ASID, CID, owner of Higgins Design Studio, LLC, is a guru when it comes to helping people design and organize, regardless of the amount of space available. “Our home’s design has a direct correlation to our life experience… including our … Read more