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9 Ways To Keep Your Dog’s Heart Healthy

Heart disease affects dogs differently than humans. For example, coronary artery disease is quite common in humans, but very rare in dogs. However, conditions involving the weakening of the heart muscle, such as congestive heart failure (CHF), are a real concern in aging canines. Avoiding CHF and/or slowing its progression can give your dog many more healthy years by your side. Before making any major changes to your dog’s diet or lifestyle, consult your vet to make sure it is safe to … Read more

The 5 Major Parasites That Could Threaten Your Dog’s Health

If asked to name all the parasites that could affect your dog, how many could you name? There is actually a pretty wide variety of parasites that can affect dogs. They all have varying effects on dogs from just uncomfortable itchiness all the way up to death. With most parasites, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure. If you understand the risks associated with varying types of parasites, it may encourage you to remember to keep up … Read more

10 Dog Health Myths Pet Parents Should Stop Believing

There are many widely held beliefs about canine health that contain a nugget of truth, but are not entirely factual. People who spread these misconceptions certainly mean no harm, but believing them could potentially affect the veterinary choices you make for your pup. Your time together is already too short. Don’t let a dog health myth keep you from providing the best possible care for your fur friend. 1. Dogs eat grass when they are sick. If you Google the … Read more

Bonded Senior Sisters Want To Live Out Their “Golden” Years Together

Staff members at the Atlanta Humane Society recently discovered a pair of unexpected visitors in their play yard. Sophia and Rose had clearly been dumped over the fence. They were abandoned, but safe and unharmed. AHS had them checked out by a veterinarian and placed them in separate kennels to undergo medical treatment. Rose is a sprightly chocolate Chihuahua of about 8-years-old. She’s an old gal, but healthy and happy as can be. Poor Sophia, on the other hand, is … Read more

Dying Dog Abandoned In Wheelbarrow Gets A Miraculous Second Chance

On the afternoon of November 1, 2016, an emaciated, paralyzed German Shepherd named Cubby was surrendered to the Harris County Shelter (HCS) in Houston. He was so weak that he had to be pushed there in a wheelbarrow. The prognosis was grave, but shelter volunteers could tell that Cubby was not ready to give up, so they decided that they would give him every possible chance to fight for his life. Such a sweet face. #cubbystrong Posted by Val’s Pals … Read more

11 Ways You May Be Unintentionally Shortening Your Dog’s Life

Having a dog is a big responsibility. They depend on you to make the best decisions for them on everything from what they eat to how their hair is cut. Although every loving dog parent has the best intentions at heart, certain choices that seem simple and harmless may actually result in fewer years with your furry friend.   1. Skipping Annual Vet Visits Some people feel that it’s a waste of time and money to take their dogs to the … Read more