Casey Elise is a professional photographer and lifelong animal lover. She began volunteering at the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter in 2014, and found that her camera skills drastically increased the adoption rates of the dogs and cats she photographed. Her latest project is designed to show the sweet, silly and utterly adorable sides of some of the senior pups currently awaiting their forever homes.

Elise happily photographs any and all animals at the West LA shelter, as well as several area rescue groups, but her true passion is helping pets that are often overlooked – like seniors, pit bull-type dogs, and those with disabilities.

In order to showcase the seniors currently residing at the shelter as the fun-loving “oldies but goodies” they are, Elise utilized a tried and true trick – peanut butter!

Through her experiences photographing shelter cats, Elise noticed that the images featuring kitties with their tongues out yielded the biggest responses.

Seeing a pet looking playful or silly helps potential adopters visualize how fun life would be with that pet in their life – and in their home!

You have to admit, these pups look pretty fun!

And pretty darn adorable!

Each and every one of the tongue-tied cuties featured in this post is currently available for adoption at the West Los Angeles Animal Shelter! Click on the name within their photo or reference their ID # to learn more about them.

If you aren’t able to adopt, share this post! The more people who see these irresistible faces, the better chance they have at finding fur-ever homes!
All Images via Casey Elise