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Senior Boxer Delivers Curbside Wine During COVID-19 Pandemic

| April 2, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has hit the service industry pretty hard. Even though many bars and restaurants still operate for takeout and delivery, business has slowed significantly. People are anxious and hesitant about any person to person contact, even just picking up food. Far less seem to mind person to dog contact though. That’s how Stone House Urban Winery in Maryland adapted their methods: with a wine delivery dog!

Even though the winery is closed to in-establishment visitors, they’ve continued to sell wine for pickup. A Boxer named Soda Pup has been delivering bottles of wine to the curb for customers. In a Facebook post, winery owners Lori Data and Lorie Dixon wrote on Soda’s behalf asking for the continued support of their business. After all, dogs appear to be unaffected by the COVID-19 virus and are not known to spread it to people.

“So, mom has been filling me in on this Covid-19 virus thing and she says that it is REALLY affecting small businesses like our little winery. Mom says that we all have to pitch in and pull our weight, that includes me as well. So, if you are out shopping and have kids in the car, or just want to keep your distance from other folks, give us a call and place your order, I’ll try to personally deliver your wine in my nifty new wine saddle bag.”

The 11-year-old Boxer only carries two bottles to the curb at a time. He also gets plenty of breaks. Not to mention, he gets tons of pets and appreciation. He really does love his job!

“I am the GREAT and POWERFUL SODA PUP! By the power vested in me, I COMMAND that the Stone House Urban Winery stay open for business!!!! (Ever since Soda made the news his head has gotten a little big.)”


The winery hopes this clever business trick will help them remain open and profitable in troubling times. So far, it’s been pretty successful, owner Lori Yata told WJLA.

“We’ve had people call in just specifically to have soda pup bring wine out to them. People who have never even been here before.”

I can’t believe there’s a way to make wine brought out to you even better. Clearly, there is though, and this is it.


Appreciative customers can also “tip” Soda with a special treat from his saddlebag. In return, he’ll shake your hand.

Screenshot, @AlyMGR12/YouTube

Personally, I hope this trend catches on and we start seeing delivery dogs everywhere. Keep up the good work, Soda Pup!

Featured Image: @Stone-House-Urban-Winery-101973404506977/Facebook

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