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Basset Hound

Hound Group

Joyful, amiable, and loving

20 Fun & Fascinating Facts About Basset Hound Puppies

Basset Hounds are among the most recognizable and lovable breeds in the canine world. Their droopy ears, soulful eyes, and leisurely demeanor make them instantly endearing. For those curious about this unique breed, here are 20 fascinating facts about Basset Hound puppies. 1. Basset Hounds have a royal connection in France The history of the Basset Hound is deeply rooted in France, where they were favored by French royals. King Louis XIV was known to have Basset Hounds in his … Read more

Is a Basset Hound a Good Guard Dog?

When it comes to choosing a guard dog, many people may not immediately think of the Basset Hound. These lovable, droopy-eyed dogs are more commonly associated with their exceptional scenting abilities and affectionate temperament. However, Basset Hounds do possess certain qualities that can make them effective in specific guard dog roles. In this article, we will delve into the unique characteristics of Basset Hounds and discuss whether they can truly be considered good guard dogs. The Basset Hound’s Appearance The … Read more

Are Basset Hounds Aggressive?

With their long ears, droopy eyes, and short legs, Basset Hounds often elicit affectionate smiles from people they encounter. They are one of the most recognizable dog breeds, gracing countless movies, commercials, and families with their unique appearance and charm. However, beneath this distinctive facade, lies a character that many prospective dog owners and enthusiasts seek to understand: is the Basset Hound aggressive? To answer this, let’s journey through the world of Basset Hounds, analyzing their temperament and the factors … Read more

What Were Basset Hounds Originally Bred For?

The Basset Hound is a short-legged breed of dog in the hound family. They are known for their long, droopy ears, wrinkled faces, and gentle disposition. Basset Hounds are also known for their excellent sense of smell, which has made them popular hunting dogs for centuries. 1. The Origins of the Basset Hound The Basset Hound, known for its droopy eyes, elongated ears, and distinctive short legs, traces its origins back to France. The name “Basset” is derived from the … Read more

What’s The Bite Force of a Basset Hound & Does It Hurt?

The Basset Hound, with its droopy ears, soulful eyes, and distinctive appearance, has won the hearts of many dog enthusiasts around the world. While they are often known for their gentle disposition, many dog owners and potential adopters wonder about the bite force of the Basset Hound. How strong is it? Can it cause harm? The Basset Hound’s Historical Background Before diving into the bite force of a Basset Hound, it’s essential to understand their history. Basset Hounds were originally … Read more

7 Best Ear Cleaners for Basset Hounds

Basset Hounds, with their characteristic long, droopy ears, are endearing but require vigilant ear care. Their unique ear structure is prone to trapping moisture and debris, creating a breeding ground for infections. This article introduces seven exceptional ear cleaners, each carefully selected to meet the needs of Basset Hounds. These products offer effective cleaning, preventing wax accumulation, odors, and infections, and are crucial for maintaining your pet’s auditory health. Read on to discover which ear cleaner is ideal for ensuring … Read more

Basset Hound Temperament: What’s a Basset Hound’s Personality Like?

Both Basset Hounds and Dachshunds are small to medium-sized dogs with rich histories and unique characteristics that make them stand out. Let’s delve into the distinct temperaments and personalities of each breed to better understand them. 1. Affectionate and Devoted Basset Hounds are notably affectionate, often displaying a deep sense of attachment to their families. Their unwavering loyalty makes them dedicated companions, and they thrive on human interaction. Often, a Basset Hound will be found following their owners around the … Read more

Parents Allowed Their Kid To Color On Puppy When She Was No Longer Wanted

When Lee from Asher House rescued a Basset Hound puppy, he was shocked to find her covered in magic marker. She cried constantly from severe trauma. The puppy, named Poppy, was not what the family expected and surrendered her to Lee. It was apparent that their toddler had drawn all over Poppy. Lee was unsure what else may have happened to her. She constantly cried, and Lee worried she might be sick. He quickly scheduled a vet appointment to ensure … Read more

How to Stop a Basset Hound Puppy from Biting: A Comprehensive Guide

With their soulful eyes, droopy ears, and short stature, the Basset Hound Puppy is one of the most endearing breeds to many dog lovers. While their demeanor is typically calm and amiable, like all puppies, a Basset Hound Puppy may exhibit biting behaviors. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding and managing these tendencies in your Basset Hound Puppy. 1. Understanding the Root of the Behavior Before addressing the biting issue, one must comprehend why a Basset Hound Puppy might be … Read more

How to Socialize a Basset Hound Puppy: Wrong & Right Ways

Basset Hounds, with their droopy eyes and floppy ears, are not only adorable but also gentle and friendly. Proper socialization is essential for ensuring that a Basset Hound puppy grows up to be a well-mannered and confident adult. The Right Ways to Socialize a Basset Hound Puppy Here are the recommended steps to properly socialize a Basset Hound puppy: Start Early and Gradually: Begin the socialization process when your Basset Hound puppy is between 3 to 14 weeks old. This … Read more

Basset Hound Puppy Training: The Surprising Truth About When to Start

The Basset Hound, with its long ears, soulful eyes, and laid-back demeanor, is an endearing breed to many. These scent hounds, originally bred for hunting due to their exceptional sense of smell, are today mostly cherished as loyal companions. Despite their often placid nature, early training is essential for a well-behaved adult Basset Hound. In this article, we will address the optimal time to begin training, potential behavioral issues in untrained Basset Hounds, and the advantages of online dog training … Read more

30 Best T-Shirts for a Basset Hound Owner

Indulging in the unconditional love of a Basset Hound companion goes beyond a mere relationship—it’s a way of life. For those captivated by the charm of these droopy-eared darlings, expressing their devotion takes many forms. One delightful way to do so is through fashion. The world of canine-themed apparel offers an array of T-shirts that not only showcase your Basset Hound adoration but also add a touch of whimsy to your wardrobe. In this article, we’ve curated the crème de … Read more

Male & Female Basset Hound Weights & Heights by Age

With their soulful eyes, droopy ears, and distinctive physique, Basset Hounds are an unmistakable breed. These gentle hounds may start as tiny, wriggly pups, but their transformation over the months is nothing short of fascinating. As they grow, their unique proportions become more evident, making understanding their average weights and heights crucial for any Basset owner. This article dives deep into the growth journey of Basset Hound puppies, ensuring you’re well-informed about their developmental milestones. Let’s embark on this intriguing … Read more

6 Natural Supplements To Help Your Basset Hound’s Itching & Allergies

There’s nothing more heartbreaking than watching your basset hound itch and scratch due to allergies. In this guide, we’ll explore 6 natural ingredients you can begin including in your basset hound’s diet that can help minimize the symptoms of allergies. #1 – Colostrum: How An Ingredient Found in Mother’s Milk Can Help Your Basset Hound Stop Itching Many people call colostrum “mother’s first milk.” That’s because it’s the first nourishment dogs receive as newborns. It’s full of all the benefits … Read more

Improve Your Basset Hound’s Skin & Coat With This One Simple Hack

So many dog breeds have health concerns – some minor, some major. Many basset hound owners struggle with skin and coat issues. Coats can become dull and thin, and some basset hounds are constantly scratching or biting at their skin. What to do about dull coats and skin problems in basset hounds On a recent visit to my vet, I asked if there were something I could do to help, and the vet asked if I gave the dogs an Omega supplement. … Read more

Is Your Basset Hound a Picky Eater? Try This Simple Hack.

Basset Hounds are so incredibly varied in their personalities. While some scarf down any food scrap in sight, others have a more picky (or shall we say, “refined”) palate, and quickly tire of their everyday dog food. What can be done when your basset hound decides to stop eating their food, or is no longer excited about it? The Dog Food Topper Craze and the Dangers of Many Food Toppers for Your Basset Hound Food toppers have become incredibly popular in the … Read more

30 Best Gifts for a Basset Hound Owner

If you have a Basset Hound lover in your life, you know their adoration for these droopy-eared, affectionate canines is unmatched. Whether it’s their soulful eyes or their lovable, laid-back personalities, Basset Hound enthusiasts deserve gifts that celebrate their devotion. To help you find the perfect present, we’ve compiled a list of the 30 best gifts for a Basset Hound lover. From adorable Basset-themed apparel and accessories to unique decor and personalized keepsakes, this collection will surely bring a wag … Read more

7 Sure-Fire Ways to Calm Your Basset Hound’s Anxiety

How To Conquer Your Basset Hound’s Separation Anxiety, Sound Anxiety or Travel Anxiety If your basset hound is experiencing anxiety, life can be miserable both for you and your pup. I myself spent 2 years battling extreme separation anxiety with my dog, and we successfully came out on the other side. In this article I’ll share some of the resources and strategies that worked for us. There are many forms of anxiety that your basset hound may be suffering from. … Read more

Adopting an Adult Basset Hound vs. a Puppy: Pros and Cons

A life graced by the companionship of a Basset Hound can be filled with memorable moments, thanks to their adorable expressions, gentleness, and, let’s not forget, the irresistible droopy ears. But as potential Basset Hound owners, you face an important decision: should you adopt an adult dog or a puppy? We’ve gathered key pros and cons of each choice to assist your decision-making. Furthermore, remember that adoption is a life-changing choice that opens the door for love and companionship, and … Read more

10 Natural Ways To Relieve Your Basset Hound’s Joint Pain

It’s excruciating to see your Basset Hound in pain. When you take a pet into your home you promise to love and care for it the best you can for as long as you can, but arthritis and joint pain can strike at any time and leave you feeling helpless. Prescription NSAID pain relievers certainly have their place, but they can be tough on your Basset Hound’s liver and steroids come with a host of side effects. Luckily there are natural steps … Read more

The 5 Biggest Myths About Basset Hounds

As a long-time Basset Hound owner, I’ve grown used to fielding questions and debunking myths about this distinct and loveable breed. From their trademark droopy ears and sad eyes to their languid demeanor, Basset Hounds are often misunderstood. In this blog post, I will dispel the five biggest myths about Basset Hounds. Myth 1: Basset Hounds are Dumb Contrary to this pervasive myth, Basset Hounds are intelligent dogs. Their independent and sometimes stubborn nature is often mistaken for lack of … Read more

5 Ways to Keep the Memory of Your Beloved Basset Hound Alive

The loss of a cherished Basset Hound is an emotional journey that touches the deepest parts of our hearts. These gentle, long-eared companions, with their adorably droopy faces and distinctive, amiable nature, create lasting memories that shape our lives. Though their physical absence leaves a tangible void, their spirit can be remembered and cherished, reflecting the companionship and warmth they provided. Here are five heartfelt ways to honor your beloved Basset Hound, ensuring their memory remains as vivid and endearing … Read more

5 Emergency Red Flags for Basset Hound Owners: If Your Dog Does These, Rush Them to The Vet

  Basset Hounds, with their distinctive appearance and friendly temperament, make for lovable companions. As a Basset Hound owner, however, it’s critical to be aware of the breed’s specific health issues and to be able to recognize signs that require immediate veterinary attention. Here are five emergency red flags to watch out for. 1. Sudden Lethargy or Decreased Activity Basset Hounds are typically calm dogs, but they also have their moments of playfulness and activity. If your dog becomes unusually … Read more

101 Female Basset Hound Names + Meanings

Naming your Basset Hound can be a unique opportunity to reflect her distinctive personality, charm, and breed characteristics. Known for their long droopy ears, mournful eyes, and a keen sense of smell, Basset Hounds are a truly special breed. The following list includes both popular dog names and ones that are inspired by the breed’s traits, all accompanied by a short explanation of their meanings. May these names guide you to find the perfect fit for your Basset Hound. 101 … Read more

11 Best Basset Hound Dental Chews

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Basset Hounds need daily teeth brushing as humans do, but since not all pups are cooperative for that, the best dog dental chews are a good alternative. Most dental chews seem like tasty treats to Basset Hounds, so they will chew on them without hesitation. While they chew, these treats clean plaque off your pup’s teeth while … Read more

101 Male Basset Hound Names + Meanings

Choosing a name for your new Basset Hound is an exciting part of welcoming him into your family. Known for their charming, melancholic expressions and impressively long ears, these dogs have unique personalities that are endearing and distinctive. Our list of 101 male dog names, ordered alphabetically, draws from both popular dog names and those that reflect the unique qualities of Basset Hounds. We hope these inspire you to find the perfect name for your pup! 101 Boy Basset Hound … Read more

5 Tips for Teaching Your Basset Hound Not to Jump on People

Basset Hounds are undeniably charming, but even these lovable pets can form bad habits, like jumping on people. Not only can this be a nuisance, but it can also pose a risk to children, older people, or anyone with balance issues. Therefore, it’s important to teach your Basset Hound appropriate manners to ensure that they’re good canine citizens. Here are five effective tips to help you train your Basset Hound not to jump on people. ⚠️ Note: While the tips below … Read more

10 Best Eye Supplements for Basset Hounds

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Using powerful ingredients for your dog’s eyesight can change your pup’s life. However, with a healthy diet, eye supplements for Basset Hounds can be just as powerful regarding your furry friend’s vision. These supplements have dozens of benefits, including improving your Basset Hound‘s eye health and vision, neutralizing free radicals, and increasing carotenoid levels. Finding the best … Read more

5 Ways to Know if a Basset Hound is Right for You

Choosing a breed of dog that aligns with your lifestyle is vital for ensuring a harmonious relationship between you and your pet. One breed that brings a unique blend of characteristics to the table is the Basset Hound. With their droopy ears, soulful eyes, and distinctive baying bark, Basset Hounds are a breed like no other. But is a Basset Hound the right dog for you? Here are five factors to consider: 1. Active but Low-Key Lifestyle Basset Hounds are … Read more

The 11 Best Potty-Training Products For Basset Hound Puppies & Dogs

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Housetraining a Basset Hound puppy or dog can be challenging. You know, as you head down the potty-training path with your furry friend, you’re embarking on a messy journey, but with the right potty-training products, teaching your pup where to go becomes a little easier. So, when you’re adding more paper towels to your shopping list, go … Read more

Breed Overview

Basset Hounds, with their distinctive long ears and droopy eyes, are known for their excellent sense of smell and calm temperament. They make great companions for families and individuals alike.


Physical Characteristics
  • Size Medium to Large
  • Height Up to 15 inches at the shoulder
  • Weight 40-65 pounds
  • Lifespan 10-12 years
  • Coat Short, smooth, and dense
  • Color Commonly tricolor (tan, black, and white), but also exists in two-color combinations such as lemon and white, red and white, or black and white
  • Grooming Low to moderate; regular brushing and occasional baths
  • Temperament Gentle, friendly, and laid-back; known for being affectionate and good-natured
  • Energy Level Moderate; enjoys leisurely walks and sniffing around
  • Intelligence Moderate
Health Needs
  • Exercise Moderate; needs regular exercise but is not overly energetic
  • Trainability Independent but can be trained with patience and consistency
  • Socialization Sociable with both people and other animals; benefits from early socialization
  • Grooming Low to moderate; regular brushing and occasional baths
  • Health Issues Prone-to-back problems due to their long spine, obesity, ear infections, and eye conditions
  • Suitability for Families Excellent; known for being good with children
  • Suitable Living Space Adaptable to various living situations, but needs space for moderate exercise; not well-suited for living outdoors due to their sociable nature

About the Breed

Originally bred for hunting due to their keen sense of smell, Basset Hounds are excellent trackers. Despite their hunting background, they are more often found as companion animals today.

History of the Breed

The Basset Hound originated in France and descended from the old St. Hubert Hounds. They were bred to hunt small game and are known for their ability to follow a scent trail.


Fun Facts About the Basset Hound

What To Expect When Caring For a Basset Hound


Prone to back problems due to their long spine, obesity, ear infections, and eye conditions. Regular health check-ups and attention to their weight and diet are important.


Requires regular brushing and occasional baths. Their coat is low-maintenance, but they do shed. Ear care is essential due to their long, floppy ears, which can trap moisture and lead to infections.


Moderate exercise needs. Daily walks and playtime are sufficient. They enjoy sniffing and exploring but should be kept on a leash or in a secure area due to their tracking instincts.


Known for being somewhat stubborn, they respond best to patient, consistent training methods. Early obedience training and socialization are recommended.


A well-balanced diet appropriate for their size and activity level is necessary. Monitor their food intake to prevent obesity, a common issue in the breed.

Caring for a Basset Hound requires understanding their unique physical and emotional needs. They thrive in environments where they can be part of the family and engage in moderate activities. With proper care and attention, Basset Hounds make loving, loyal, and delightful companions.

Basset Hound Common Health Issues and Recommended Tests

The Basset Hound, with its distinctive appearance and charming personality, is generally a robust breed. However, like all breeds, they are predisposed to certain health conditions. Awareness of these conditions and conducting recommended tests can help in maintaining their health.

Description: Due to their long spine and short legs, Basset Hounds are prone to back issues, including intervertebral disc disease.

Description: Their long, floppy ears can trap moisture and lead to chronic ear infections.

Description: Their love for food and tendency to gain weight can lead to various health problems.

Description: Including glaucoma and cherry eye.

Description: A blood clotting disorder that is inherited in some Basset Hounds.

Back Problems

Description: Due to their long spine and short legs, Basset Hounds are prone to back issues, including intervertebral disc disease.

Ear Infections

Description: Their long, floppy ears can trap moisture and lead to chronic ear infections.


Description: Their love for food and tendency to gain weight can lead to various health problems.

Eye Conditions

Description: Including glaucoma and cherry eye.


Description: A blood clotting disorder that is inherited in some Basset Hounds.

Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to catch any health issues early, and prompt attention to any changes in your dog's behavior or appearance is key. With proper care and attention to health, Basset Hounds can lead happy, healthy lives as beloved members of their families.

Prescription Medication Assistance for Basset Hounds

The iHeartDogs Free Rx Discount Card Program is a pet prescription discount card that can help you save money on your furry friend’s medications. The card is free to sign up for, and you can use it at participating pharmacies nationwide. To use the free program, simply show the card to your pharmacist when you pick up your pet’s prescription. The pharmacist will then scan the card, and you will receive a discount on the price of the medication.LEARN MORE

How Much Does It Cost To Care For A Basset Hound?

Caring for a Basset Hound involves various annual expenses, which can vary depending on factors such as your location, the individual dog’s needs, and the level of care you choose to provide. Here’s a general breakdown of the annual costs for a Basset Hound:

The cost of a Basset Hound puppy from a reputable breeder can be quite pricey. Always consider adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue.

Initial Cost

$500 - 1500

Potential Additional Costs:

When searching for a reputable breeder, seek online reviews, and advice from vets, groomers, and fellow Basset Hound enthusiasts.

Initial supplies like a crate, bed, bowls, collar, and leash can really add up.

Initial Cost

$200 - 500

Potential Additional Costs:

You may already have many of these items at home. Costs will vary depending on your purchase choices.

Basset Hounds require high-quality dog food and treats for a medium to large breed

Estimated Cost

$500 - 1000

Potential Additional Costs:

Learn more about the best quality dog food for Basset Hounds.

Basset Hounds require moderate grooming, including regular brushing to manage shedding and bathing as needed. Attention to ear cleaning and nail trimming is also essential for their health and comfort.

Estimated Cost

$100 - 500

Potential Additional Costs:

If you choose to perform simple grooming tasks at home you will need to invest in high-quality grooming supplies, such as dog-safe shampoos, and nail trimmers.

Basset Hounds require routine vet visits for check-ups, vaccinations, and flea and tick prevention.

Estimate Cost

$400 - 800

Potential Additional Costs:

The cost of veterinary care can vary widely depending on your geographic location and many other factors. This estimate only represents the cost of wellness care, and does not include any potential illnesses or injuries that may arise.

Pet insurance offers financial protection and peace of mind, ensuring that you can afford necessary veterinary care in the event of an emergency.

Estimated Cost

$200 - 600

Potential Additional Costs:

Insurance premiums vary depending on the coverage you choose as well as your Basset Hound's age and health. Get a FREE, no-strings quote from the top pet insurers!

Your Basset Hound will need toys, chews, wellness supplements, car safety equipment, and other supplies throughout their life.

Estimated Cost

$100 - 300

Potential Additional Costs:

Additional supplies can add up depending on the level of care you provide your pup.

Professional training is extremely important, but can add several hundred dollars to the cost of your dog's care.

Estimated Cost

$200 - 2500

Potential Additional Costs:

Online Courses are available and can help you save money.

Setting aside funds for unexpected health issues is always a good idea.

Estimated Cost

Varies based on need

Potential Additional Costs:

Can easily reach into the thousands with surgical costs, IVs, medications and after hours treatment.

If you travel or work long hours, you may need boarding or pet sitting services.

Estimated Cost

Varies based on need

Potential Additional Costs:

Overnight-boarding, day-boarding, and pet-sitting costs vary depending on the area you live, length of stay/frequency of services, and the amenities offered by the boarding facility or pet sitter.

A one-time fee for microchipping and annual local licensing fees.

Estimated Cost

$50 - 200

Total Estimated Annual Cost:

$2250 - $7900

It's important to note that these figures are estimates and can vary. Also, the first year of owning a dog can be more expensive due to one-time costs like spaying/neutering, initial vaccinations, and training. Regular budgeting for your dog's needs and an emergency fund for unforeseen costs are essential for responsible pet ownership.

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