Shelter Dog Meal Donation Count:

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Dog Dropped Off at Shelter for Being a “Troublemaker” Shocks Staff

Dogs sometimes misbehave, but it’s never out of malice. Their mischievous antics can be frustrating, but that’s no reason to give them up. There are better ways to handle a dog’s bad behavior than taking them to a shelter. This is the story of Penny, a sweet puppy who was left by her owners due to her playful mischief but eventually found a new, loving home. Abandoned for being a bit too spirited, Penny’s future seemed uncertain. However, a compassionate … Read more

Animal Shelters Wouldn’t Be So Crowded If Everyone Knew This

The love of a rescue pet: there’s nothing like it. Everyone who’s adopted a dog knows this to be true. So, why are there still so many pups in shelters? Animal lovers and activists are on a mission to spread awareness about adopting pets over purchasing them. We can’t help but think: if everyone knew the good that rescuing does for their communities, that it saves countless lives, and that the love of a rescue pet is incomparable to anything else, don’t … Read more

Incredibly Unique Big-Eared Beauty Needs A Forever Home

Wanda is a gorgeous pup with huge velvety ears and so much love to give… so why has no one taken her home? This beautiful pup has been waiting at the shelter for nearly half a year, desperate for a family. Normally fun-loving, shelter staff are getting concerned as she becomes more and more depressed. A post shared by BrowardCountyPetOfTheWeek (@browardcountypetoftheweek) on Jun 3, 2018 at 8:01am PDT Wanda was taken in to the Broward County Animal Care and Adoption … Read more

Shelter Dog Gives Birth The Day She’s Brought To Safety & Her Transport Was Funded By You!

Part of each sale through the iHeartDogs store is donated to Greater Good Charities, which helps support various charities. Thanks to customers like you, happy endings, like the one below, are made possible.  Liberty came from the Lancaster Shelter in California. She was not only petrified and shaking in her kennel, but she was also pregnant. This was a special rescue for the Shelter Transport Animal Rescue Team (S.T.A.R.T.), as it took a great deal of teamwork to get Liberty out of the shelter and to … Read more

This Shelter Defies Dog Breed Labels By Throwing Them Out The Window

The folks at the Arizona Welfare League (AAWL) know that every dog’s personality is different, shaped by its history, experiences, and temperament. Following a study conducted by Arizona State University, this organization wanted to give all the dogs in their care a fair chance at winning over potential adopters with nothing but their good looks and shining personalities. Michael Morefield, Marketing and Communications Manager at the AAWL, weighed in on the issue in an article by Life With Dogs.  “Breeds are an aspect of … Read more

Shelter Rules Require Appointment, Evaluation Before Accepting Surrendered Dogs

A shelter in Columbus, Ohio has passed new rules for owners who wish to surrender their dogs. The Franklin County Department of Animal Care & Control will now require an appointment to learn more about the dog’s background information before accepting surrenders, as well as a $10 fee. But before the appointment is booked, the shelter’s website explains that anyone considering surrender should know that they’ll only re-home “adoptable” dogs. Should the pup fail to pass a behavioral and medical … Read more

The Cure For This Dog’s “Mystery Condition” May Be His New Forever Home

When Fritos was found living alone on the streets, his skin was itchy and irritated, and he was missing patches of fur. Luckily, the loving folks at the San Antonio Humane Society took him in, and immediately went about trying to treat him. A year and multiple tests later, poor Fritos is still living with this itchy “mystery condition,” even though vets have ruled out lots of potential causes for his symptoms.   According to the San Antonio Humane Society: “Initial … Read more

Love Is In The Air As 500 Rescue Pets Fly Across The Country For Better Lives

Homeless dogs and cats are feeling the love this Valentine’s Day as they board planes toward better lives. is working in partnership with Freekibble to save 500 at-risk rescue animals from overcrowded and underfunded shelters across the country. The large-scale rescue effort is made possible thanks to Wings of Rescue, an all-volunteer organization that regularly transports cats and dogs from state to state. Together, the non-profits and their volunteers are saving animals from euthanization and giving them the chance … Read more

UPDATE: Dog Abandoned With Sign, Food, And Favorite Toy Gets A New Home

Update: Who could forget Duke, the pup who was abandoned in a park with a heartbreaking note? When his story went viral last week, it touched the hearts of dog lovers everywhere, especially U.S. Army Specialist Wallace White.  “This is the BEST ending – no, beginning – for our big buddy Duke. Thank you, Baltimore, for saving this handsome boy,” BARCS wrote on Facebook. We want to thank Mr. White for his service to our country, and of course, for becoming … Read more

Mom & Her 6-Year-Old Son Have Helped Hundreds Of “Death Row” Dogs Find Homes

While kindness and selflessness can certainly be taught, some special people just have a natural gift for compassion. This is the case of Roman, a 6-year-old boy who has made it his mission to help as many shelters dog as he can find their forever homes. Mom Jen chatted with iHeartDogs about her sweetheart of a son, and let’s just say, we see where he gets his passion for dogs from! “He has ALWAYS loved animals,” Jen said of Roman. … Read more

1,000 L.A. Shelter Pets Receive A Special Holiday Surprise

From December 12-17 of this year, more than 1,000 dogs and cats currently living in Los Angeles animal shelters received a special holiday meal thanks to Marc Ching, his team at the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation, and dozens of volunteers. The meals, plus new bedding and blankets for the cold, are part of the foundation’s 3rd Annual Hope for the Holidays shelter feeding initiative. The meals were all made from Ching’s line of PetStaurant pet foods. They featured combinations of organic rice, beef … Read more

2 Shelters Come Up With Ingenious Idea To Work Together & Save Lives 

Richmond Animal Care and Control (RACC) is an urban animal shelter in Richmond, VA that is always full of Pit Bulls. Meanwhile, the rural New Kent Sheriff’s Department Animal Protection Unit is always full of Hound dogs. One day, Christie Chipps Peters, who is the director at RACC, was talking to Melissa Henry of New Kent Sheriff’s Department Animal Protection Unit when they decided to try something new that they hoped would help save more dogs’ lives. Chipps Peters told WTVR: “We were texting … Read more

Widow Goes Into Shelter & Decides To Give A Home To Their “Hardest To Adopt” Dog

Although Melani Andrews endured her share of heartbreak last year, she still has a ton of love to give. According to Buzzfeed, she lost her husband in January. Then, a month later, she said goodbye to her beloved dog Lola. With encouragement from her granddaughters, Andrews decided to head to the Front Street Shelter in Sacramento, California to find a new companion. But she wasn’t looking for a pup that was particularly young or beautiful; she wanted the one that … Read more

New Findings On Behavior Testing May Save Thousands Of Shelter Dogs From Euthanasia

For many years, shelters have been using behavioral assessments to determine which dogs can be adopted and which dogs get euthanized for being suspected of aggressive behavior. New research indicates that the two most popular tests are little better than chance at predicting which dogs will be aggressive once they’re out of the stressful shelter environment and into happy homes. Occasionally, this results in aggressive dogs finding their way into homes. More often, this leads to dogs who might be perfectly … Read more

The Simple And Powerful Way You Can Help Shelter Dogs Get Adopted

Many dogs arrive at animal shelters after years of abuse or a lifetime on the streets. That kind of neglect can cause many severe health problems, which may in turn affect the dog’s personality and their ability to get adopted. Have you ever considered the importance of a bath and maybe a haircut for a dog that’s been neglected for so long? Dog breeds that have continuously-growing hair tend to suffer the worst consequences from years of neglect. Their hair … Read more

Texas Bill Aims To Regulate Dog Tethering Laws

Earlier this month, the Washington state Senate unanimously passed a bill to regulate and restrict the tethering of dogs. A similar bill, filed to the Texas House of Representatives, could lead to additional regulations in the Lone Star state. State Representative, Sarah Davis, brought HB 1156 before the House Public Health Committee yesterday. Davis argued that although the law currently restricts the chaining of dogs for extended periods, the legislation is confusing and difficult to enforce, allowing abusive owners to receive … Read more

Dog Rescue Caught Adopting Dogs Then Dumping Them In Other Shelters

In Phoenix, Arizona, a rescue has been blacklisted from adopting from area shelters after they were caught adopting dogs from one shelter and bringing them to another. “Kim’s Caring Hearts Rescue” raised concerns when county shelter staff realized they were adopting lots of dogs too often. As it turns out, many of the dogs who’d been “rescued” were really just re-located to shelters in other cities, where they faced the same potential fate: awaiting possibly euthanasia. Some of the shelter dogs … Read more

The 10 Most Common Breeds Found In Shelters

Did you know 25% of shelter dogs are purebred? Why are some breeds more likely to be in shelters, and how can it be prevented? Let’s look at the 10 breeds most common in shelters and reasons they end up there. #1 – American Pit Bull Terrier   With more breed specific legislation popping up, “pit bulls” are the most common breed found in shelters. Even where they’re legal, many apartments forbid them. Dangerous in the hands of bad people, … Read more

Dog Surrendered With A Heartbreaking Letter From A Child Who Will Desperately Miss Him

When people surrender their pets, the animals are left feeling sad and confused. But it can also be hard on the family who made this decision, which is often very difficult. What’s more, it can be especially heartbreaking for children. This was the case for Rhino Lightning, a Boxer who was brought to the Humane Society of Utah last week. He came with a spiral notebook that was filled with a handwritten letter from a child who, without a doubt, is already … Read more

UPDATE: Woman Who Saved 75 Dogs From “Mercy Killing” Opens A Rescue

Original story: This incredible story of a regular woman doing something extraordinary will make your day and restore your faith in humanity. Cher Herrera is a customer service representative who works from her home in Bacolod City in the Philippines. She lives in a modest 86 square meter house (about 925 square feet) with her brother, as well as her two nieces and nephew, whom she cares for. Herrera is also an avid dog lover, and has two rescue Golden Retrievers, … Read more

Deaf Senior Dog With Cancer Gets Adopted By Handsome Man & Their Story Goes Viral

When it comes to animals, we just love happy endings. Hearing a story about a dog’s life completely changing for the better can brighten our whole day. For a 9-year-old dog named Donuts, who is deaf and was diagnosed with cancer last month, his dreams came true when he was adopted into his forever home. The pup’s exciting new start, in addition to his handsome new dad, made their story explode on the internet! Donuts was at the Ark-Valley Humane Society … Read more

Thanks To The Community, Puppy Stolen From The Shelter Is Found, Safe & Sound

It’s every shelter worker or volunteer’s worst nightmare: you’re going about your day, caring for dozens of animals and giving them the best life possible, when suddenly you realize that a puppy is missing. After checking video surveillance, your worst nightmare is confirmed: the helpless pup was stolen. This happened at the Greenville Humane Society last week, causing a stir in the entire community. It made people question who would do such a thing; someone who wasn’t qualified for adoption? Someone who … Read more

Blind Dog And Her Two Friends Get The Miracle They Deserve

When Lola, a blind Pit Bull / Beagle mix, and her two companions were surrendered to a shelter, their separation could have been an absolute tragedy. The trio is particularly close, with Chihuahuas Tiny and Teddy protecting and guiding Lola every day. But luckily, this story has a wonderful ending! When Lola, Tiny, and Teddy were brought to Maricopa County Animal Care & Control in Arizona, the shelter staff quickly noticed their bond and were adamant about getting them adopted together. … Read more

“Avid Animal Lover” Leaves Her Generous Estate To Local Animal Shelter

This holiday season, the Elizabethton Carter County Animal Shelter in Tennessee was granted a special miracle. On Christmas day, the community got word that a woman named Glenda Taylor DeLawder, who passed away in November 2015, had bequeathed a small fortune to helping the local shelter’s homeless pets. Described as “an avid animal lover” in her obituary, DeLawder’s bequest will enable the shelter to undergo some drastic improvements. “The administrators of Mrs. DeLawder’s estate have bestowed a gift of $540,000 to the Elizabethton Carter County Animal … Read more

Volunteers Spend 24 Hours In Kennels To Learn What It’s Like For Shelter Dogs

We will never know what it’s like to be a shelter animal, reeling from abandonment and spending day after day behind bars with strangers constantly walking by. But Cape Ann Animal Aid in Gloucester, Massachusetts gave a handful of volunteers a taste of what it’s like to spend an entire day in a kennel. During the “Night Without A Family” event,  six volunteers spent 24 hours with a dog, living in its space and following its schedule. They had group playtime, … Read more

Dog Who Was Surrendered For Being “Depressed” Watches As Family Picks Out A New Dog

Update: After a transfer to another rescue, Zuzu found her forever home! Pet Adoption Fund Rescue was able to match Zuzu with her perfect family! Congratulations! This story is sure to make your blood boil. Zuzu, as she’s been re-named, was abandoned when she needed love the most. She used to live with her human family along with her father, a German Shepherd. Unfortunately, he recently passed away. Poor Zuzu, who’s about two years old, became very depressed and cried incessantly. … Read more

Woman Pays Adoption Fees For Entire Shelter So Every Pet Can Have A Home For The Holidays

If you’re near Sacramento, California and have been thinking of adding a new four-legged member to your family, head over to the Front Street Animal Shelter and pick up a furry friend – for free! Now, it must be said that those who can’t otherwise afford adoption fees should reconsider whether they’re financially stable enough to properly care for a pet. Also, around this time of year, animals should not be considered “holiday gifts” to be spontaneously bought – and then returned. Also, all potential families … Read more

2 Dogs Hit By Cars Meet At The Same Rescue & Become Inseparable

For pups Thor and Petunia, a very, very bad day turned into the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Thor, a stunning Shepherd with jet black fur, got struck by a car and broke two of his legs. He was taken to a shelter, but because of his extensive injuries, they couldn’t care for him. Not wanting to resort to euthanasia, they called the  Animals Benefit Club (ABC) in Phoenix, who gladly took him in. “They said that these beautiful dogs were … Read more

11-Year-Old Cancer Survivor Uses Her Wish To Help Local Shelter Dogs

Every 35 minutes the Make-A-Wish Foundation fulfills a request for a child battling a life-threatening illness. Most kids wish for a trip to Disney World or a visit from their favorite celebrity, but 11-year-old Anna Getner’s dream was to improve her local shelter and help dogs get adopted. The sixth grader from Wilton, Connecticut completed a grueling treatment regimen for Leukemia that began more than 2 years ago. When the Connecticut chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation contacted her to find … Read more

Bridal Party Puts Down Bouquets, Carries Rescue Puppies Instead

Fresh flowers are gorgeous, but snuggly little rescue puppies go with everything. Just kidding! Animal lovers Sarah and Matt Crain know that puppies are not accessories. The two work at a local shelter and are passionate about rescuing animals, so they wanted to involve these wrinkly cuties on their big day!   Because the litter of Boxer-Coonhound mixes are from the shelter where the Crains work, the couple was able to invite the pups to their wedding to share an unforgettable photo-op.  They are all females named after … Read more

Dog Treat Company Employs Homeless Teens Who Can Relate To Homeless Pets

Homeless youth and shelter animals have a lot in common: they’ve been forced out of their homes; they’ve often been abused and neglected; and they’re searching for a place where they can belong. But unlike shelter animals, these kids can learn how to build a successful life for themselves, when given a few skills and a second chance.   That’s why dog treat company Lindy & Co. thought that the homeless teens of Dayton, Ohio–where the company is based–would make the perfect employees.   There, the … Read more