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Traditional & Holistic Vets Agree: These 4 Tips Help Dogs Live Life To The Fullest

Whether you prefer a straight-laced veterinary clinician or a holistic vet with a focus on Chinese medicine, we all have one common goal when we consult a doggy doctor: More healthy years with our canine BFFs. Two very different vets agree on four things pawrents need to do in order to achieve that goal. Dr. Elizabeth Murphy, author of How to Age-Proof Your Dog, believes prevention is the key to longevity and that we are the “guardians of our pets’ health.” … Read more

What Every Dog Parent Needs To Know About Vaccine Reactions

Vaccinations have saved countless lives – both human and animal. But as with all pharmaceutical products, they have their side effects. It’s important to understand the difference between normal post-vaccine symptoms and potentially life threatening reactions. “True” vaccine reactions are rare and the benefits of protecting against deadly diseases like Parvo and Rabies far outweigh the risks. Understanding the different health concerns associated with vaccines can help you initiate an important discussion with your veterinarian on your dog’s behalf. Together … Read more

Why Do Veterinarians Take Your Dog To “The Back”?

Chances are your veterinarian has asked to take your dog to “the back” at one time or another. While having your beloved pup out of your sight is understandably stressful, there are several legitimate reasons your vet may choose to do this – and none of them are as scary as you may think! I worked as a veterinary technician for more than 15 years. In my experience, tending to a pet without the owner present is often safer and … Read more

10 Things You Might Be Doing That Make Your Vet Crazy

Veterinarians truly want to do what’s best for the pets in their care, but sometimes owners do things that make the otherwise rewarding career of being a vet frustrating or disheartening. You try to give your dog the best care possible while being a good person in the process, but sometimes your love for your dog may cloud your vision and cause you to say or do things that drive your veterinarian crazy. Are you guilty of doing any of … Read more

How To Be Your Dog’s Advocate When She’s Facing A Serious Illness

It’s a moment every pet parent dreads: your dog has been diagnosed with a serious illness. While your veterinarian does her best to explain the disease, treatment options and prognosis, your head spins with questions: Is my dog suffering? Can my family handle the emotional strain? How much will all this cost? Dr. Nancy Kay is a veterinarian and the author of Speaking for Spot: Be the Advocate Your Dog Needs for a Happy, Healthy, Longer Life. She says that … Read more

Family Spots Their Dog Online 6 Months After They Thought She Was Euthanized

2016 was a difficult year for Tawny Coates and her family. Tawny’s husband was sent to prison, they lost their home, and the family dog Zoey fell ill. The 10-year-old Boxer was suffering from seizures and had developed a tumor on her side that Tawny feared was cancerous. In November, the mother of three made the heart-wrenching decision to put Zoey to sleep. Too devastated to drive her to the vet, Tawny asked her father, Larry Coates to perform the … Read more

Rare Treatment Saves Rescue Puppy Who Was Brought Back From The Dead

Two weeks ago, a rescue puppy named Cutie Pie suffered complications during a routine spay and “died” on the surgical table. Veterinarians were able to bring her back, but she was left with uncontrollable seizures causing the staff to fear for her long-term survival. Little Cutie Pie was taken to Scottsdale Veternary Clinic and placed inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber – a piece of equipment rarely found in an animal hospital.   Just five days later, the tiny pup was back … Read more

Vet Refuses To Give Up On “Paralyzed” Puppy

Veterinarians are forced to make difficult decisions every day. Dr. Z of Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital outside Los Angeles recently found himself confronted with an agonizing situation involving a six-week-old puppy named Bo. The tiny pooch’s owners said she was paralyzed and signed over their rights to her after declining all treament – except euthanasia. But Dr. Z refused to give up on little Bo so easily.   He ran a series of tests that revealed the cause of Bo’s “paralysis.” … Read more

Vet Mistakenly Euthanizes Dog, But She Fights To Survive Against All Odds

Brittany Turnbill took her 8-year-old Shih Tzu, Sugar – whom she lovingly refers to as her “daughter” – to her local vet for a simple ear infection. But what began as a routine visit became a life or death emergency when an egregious mistake occurred. Instead of receiving medication for her ear infection, Sugar was somehow accidentally injected with a euthanasia drug. The veterinarian broke the horrifying news, telling Turnbill to take Sugar to an emergency clinic in Columbus, Ohio … Read more

Blood Donor Dogs: These Unsung Heroes Could Save Your Pup’s Life

Accidents, illnesses and complicated surgeries can leave patients desperately in need of blood transfusions. There are 2,370 independent blood banks devoted to humans in the U.S. For pets, there are just 10. To compensate for the deficit in life-saving canine blood, many veterinary colleges and clinics have established volunteer donor programs. The everyday family pets who donate save hundreds of lives each year.   Routine blood typing isn’t usually done in dogs, and when a life or death emergency occurs … Read more

10 Vet-Recommended Ways To Save Money On Your Dog’s Medical Care

The inability to pay for care is one of the top reasons dogs are given up or abandoned. No one should ever have to lose a beloved family member due to financial strain. Veterinarian, Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot, which details how dog owners can become well-informed medical advocates for their pets – and save a little money in the process! She recommends the following 10 methods for spending less at the vet without compromising your … Read more

Dying Dog Abandoned In Wheelbarrow Gets A Miraculous Second Chance

On the afternoon of November 1, 2016, an emaciated, paralyzed German Shepherd named Cubby was surrendered to the Harris County Shelter (HCS) in Houston. He was so weak that he had to be pushed there in a wheelbarrow. The prognosis was grave, but shelter volunteers could tell that Cubby was not ready to give up, so they decided that they would give him every possible chance to fight for his life. Such a sweet face. #cubbystrong Posted by Val’s Pals … Read more

This Young Vet Runs A Clinic Providing Free Care To Homeless People’s Dogs

Ruby Shorrock is only 24-years-old, but she has already managed to graduate veterinary school, open a revolutionary new clinic, and selflessly serve the pets – and humans – of her community. The young vet is an inspiration to the homeless men and women she helps, as well as the entire veterinary community who have taken notice of her service and begun to spread the goodwill. A photo posted by The Trusty Paws Clinic (@trusty_paws) on Sep 4, 2015 at 12:05pm … Read more

People Across The World Send Headdresses To Help Cover Former Bait Dog’s Wounds

3-year-old Abigail’s abuse case has been described by Miami-Dade Animal Services as the worst they have ever seen. As a bait dog she suffered wounds to her head, neck and face as well as the loss of her right ear. Abigail is now recovering in comfort, but she still bears the scars of her past. In response to her story, supporters around the world have been sending heartfelt gifts of hats, headbands and bows. The sweet Pit Bull mix was … Read more

Great Dane Parents Need To Know About The Deadly Condition Called Bloat

40,000 – 60,000 dogs – mostly deep-chested giant breeds like Great Danes – suffer from gastric dilation, commonly known as bloat, each year. The condition advances rapidly and has a mortality rate as high as 33%. Bloat can result in deadly shock and tissue death in mere minutes, so it is vital that Great Dane parents understand exactly what it is and the signs and symptoms to watch out for. Bloat is the result of accumulation and swelling in the … Read more

Heartbreaking Photo Captures A Boy’s Tender Final Moments With His Dog

Children often learn about death through the loss of their first pet. Professional photographer, Marvi Lacar captured this stunning image of her son, Mateo saying his final goodbyes to the dog he’s known since birth. The photo shows Mateo clutching a tissue and tenderly pressing his head against the dog’s face in a private moment of grief and loss – the first the 7-year-old has ever had to endure. Mateo and Wheat’s Final Goodbye | 10/26/2016 It has been a … Read more

Compassion Fatigue: The Struggle That Few Animal Care Workers Want To Talk About

On May 12, 2016 veterinarian and shelter director, Jian Zhicheng passed away after injecting herself with euthanasia solution – the very substance she had been forced to use far too many times on the dogs and cats she adored. Zhichen was only 31-years-old and likely suffering from a rarely discussed condition known as Compassion Fatigue or Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder defined as:  “Emotional exhaustion, caused by the stress of caring for traumatized or suffering animals or people.” Compounding the condition for … Read more