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5 Great Tips For Fighting Your Senior Dog’s Hearing Loss

One day your dog is running around with typical puppy playfulness, and the next you’re contemplating the fact you now have a “senior” living in your home. Canine aging can happen quickly, and as with humans, the process isn’t always easy. Getting older means a few more grey hairs on their muzzle and shorter walks to accommodate achy joints, and for some dogs, it also means hearing loss. As their body ages, the nerves in their ears can degrade. This … Read more

How To Prepare Your Home For A Senior Dog

Whether your dog is approaching his senior years or you’re bringing a senior dog into your home for the first time, senior dogs require more planning and preparation than other dogs to keep them healthy, happy, and safe. A senior dog is one who is considered to be in the last quarter of his life. For large and giant breeds, this could be as young as 6. For smaller dogs, that may not be until age 10-12. Either way, senior … Read more

20 Home Remedies For Your Dog’s Stiff & Aching Joints

What Home Remedy Can I Give My Dog for Arthritis

Dog Home Pain Treatment: Stiff Joints, Neck, & Legs Has your dog started to slow down as they’ve gotten older? If it takes them a little longer to get out of bed in the morning or if they’re sluggish on walks, they may be suffering from stiff, achy, and possibly arthritic joints. Yet, is it necessary to put them on a vet-prescribed medicine? Or are there things you can do for your dog or provide in their diet to ease … Read more

8 Changes To Expect As Your Dog Becomes A Senior

Our dogs are family, and we cherish them from their playful puppy days to their wise and wonderful senior years. Or perhaps you’re one of those incredible souls who opened your heart to a senior rescue dog, giving them the love they deserve in their later years. Either way, keeping our beloved pups happy and healthy as they age takes a little extra care and attention. To help, we’ve outlined 8 common changes you might notice as your dog reaches … Read more

How To Get The Most From Your Senior Dog’s Vet Appointment

As our dogs age, their health needs and problems change, too. As your dog approaches his senior years, vet visits are likely to change as a result. Each vet visit is an opportunity to find out how your dog’s health is doing and how you can help him live for many more healthy, happy years. It does take a little bit of preparation, but we’re here to help you get the most from your senior dog’s vet appointment. When you … Read more

Chihuahua Rescued from Puppy Mill Finds Joy in First Bed Experience

Dogs, with their naturally endearing and loyal nature, require only a few simple things to find true happiness: love, nourishment, and playtime. These elements are essential for their well-being and contentment. However, the harsh reality is that not all dogs have the privilege of experiencing these simple joys. For many, life is marred by neglect, abuse, and hardship. One of the most egregious examples of this is the existence of puppy mills, where dogs are subjected to cruel conditions and … Read more

How To Take Care Of Your Senior Dog’s Teeth

Did you know that 80% of dogs will have some form of periodontal (gum) disease by the age of 2? That number certainly won’t improve as your dog ages. Dogs are five times more likely than humans to develop gum disease, and that can lead to a whole host of problems. Your senior dog isn’t just at risk of developing problems like mouth abscesses, tooth loss, and even a fractured jaw, but they are also at risk of developing heart, … Read more

Dog Years: How To Determine Your Pup’s Real Age

Determining a dog’s real age is far more complicated than simply multiplying by seven for every “human” year. According to veterinarians and researchers, size and breed both play major roles in canine aging. From tiny Chihuahuas to giant Great Danes; there simply cannot be a one-size-fits-all calculation for the entire species. A study led by Dr. Kate Creevy of the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine found that while small dogs have the aging advantage later in life, they age faster in … Read more

Yorkie Taken From Elderly Woman’s Porch Is Returned Safe & Sound

Stolen Yorkie Reunited

When a dog is lost, every day is a struggle. You can’t help but wonder when they’ll return, if they ever do. 71-year-old Dianne Ramsey was only apart from her beloved Yorkie for four days, but it felt like a lifetime. Sasha the 15-year-old Yorkie was stolen off Ramsey’s porch in New Orleans. Ramsey, who is a vascular dementia patient, was crushed when she found out. But as it turns out, the “thief” might not have been the villain they … Read more

Veterinarian Welcomes Stolen Yorkie Home After 13 Long Years

13 years ago, a teen and his mom witnessed something they’d never forget. Their Yorkie named Connor was in their front yard when a red pickup truck pulled up and snatched the pup as they watched. The teenager yelled for the truck to stop, but the vehicle drove off with Connor inside. Karen Fox and her son hopped in their car and sped after the truck. But despite their best efforts, they lost sight of the truck, and Connor was … Read more

15-Year-Old “Southern Gentleman” Needs Some Luck On His Side

Swampy featured

Swampy the bully mix is all dressed up for Saint Patrick’s Day, but with nowhere to go. At 15-years-old, finding a forever home is hard. Poor Swampy already lost two loving families through no fault of his own, and now he’s down on his luck. But maybe the luck of the Irish will finally be on his side. The St. Tammany Parish Animal Shelter in Louisiana is working hard to find a forever home for Swampy. They describe him as … Read more

3 Things That Can Help Your Senior Dog Avoid Dementia

Did you know that cognitive dysfunction syndrome, also called dog dementia, affects a large percentage of our fur children? More than a quarter (28%) of all dogs between the ages of 11 and 12 show at least one symptom of cognitive impairment. By the time a dog reaches 15, more than two-thirds (68%) of all dogs show at least one symptom and more than a third (35%) display at least 2 symptoms of cognitive decline. Luckily, there are some things you … Read more

No One Will Adopt This “Different” Looking Senior Dog

You’d think dogs would be exempt from unfair standards of beauty, but tragically that’s not always the case. Dogs with unconventional appearances or physical disabilities often end up staying longer in shelters. They rarely get the chance to prove their hearts and devotion after quick first-impressions. 10-year-old Pit Bull Wally has now lived at Islip Animal Shelter in New York for over a year. He arrived there as a stray last January with a severe skin infection and blind in one eye. … Read more

Dog With Skin Cancer Needs YOUR Help To Complete His Bucket List!

This past weekend, a very special dog named Marley marched out the front door of Michiana Humane Society to begin a new life with his adopters. Staff members wept tears of joy, played kazoos, and waved handmade signs as he passed by.  Marley’s Gotcha Day was extra special because it came just days after he was diagnosed with terminal skin cancer. According to his vet, he only has about six months to live. His friends at the shelter knew finding … Read more

Senior Dog Adopted Then Abandoned Tied To A Rail 48 Hours Later

At 11-years-old, Max was dropped off at The Animal Care and Control Team of Philadelphia (ACCT Philly) when his family moved away. It seemed like the pup was getting a second chance to live out his golden years in a loving home when he was adopted again. But just 48 hours later, the neighbor of a volunteer discovered him tied to a rail in the cold, abandoned. That volunteer, Monica S. da Costa, was both heartbroken and repulsed by Max’s abandonment, … Read more

18-Year-Old Rescue Dog Stays Alive To Meet His New Human Baby Sister

Few people hoping to adopt a dog from a shelter are there looking for older dogs. It’s devastating how these adoptable dogs’ ages can work against them like this. Senior dogs can make for the most wonderful life experiences, no matter how old they are when they come into yours. If you’re not sure, the story of Beth and Michael Clark and the dog they rescued at 17-years-old will undoubtedly convince you. In December of 2015, the couple visited Friends … Read more

Senior Rescue Dog Picks Out The Perfect Toy To Make Her Feel Safe

As former children, surely all humans can relate to the feeling of holding on to a stuffed animal or beloved toy for support during stressful times. It’s comforting to have a best friend that goes everywhere with you. It turns out dogs use this same strategy too. Nicole Marie Wasieleski is a volunteer with the Animal Rescue League of Iowa and already the proud mama to two rescue dogs. She really didn’t plan on adopting another, but Nicole told the Dodo … Read more

Dog Who Was Returned To A Shelter Received Over 500 Cards And A Party For Her 10th Birthday

Due to misconceptions about the breed, Pit Bulls often spend more time in shelters than other dogs. Truffles, a 10-year-old Pitbull mix in New York is one unfortunate victim of this phenomenon. You might be familiar with the Sophie Gamand photoshoot Truffles starred in. Gamand took soft pictures of Pit Bulls and Pit Bull mixes in flower crowns in order to show the softer side of a breed usually assumed aggressive. It was a beautiful series done with the goal … Read more

Widower & Senior Shelter Dog Teach Each Other To Love Again

Carmon Collier lost his wife of 66 years in December. Just four months later, his cherished dog also passed away. Despite his heartache, Carmon recently decided he was ready to love again. His daughter took him to the Humane Society of Southern Missouri where the staff had the perfect pooch in mind — a special senior named Bridget. Like most shelter dogs, Bridget has her own sad story. She arrived at HSSM hairless, emaciated, and obviously down on her luck. … Read more

Eight Special Needs Rescue Dogs Walked Bride Down The Aisle

Weddings are among the most important days of our entire lives. That’s why we want all of our family and friends there to celebrate. Some families just happen to be more canine than human. One bride in Ireland had a particularly hairy wedding party. Samantha Kelly and her husband Ronan were married in a beautiful ceremony at the family’s country estate home, Loughanmore Court in County Louth, Ireland. However, instead of parents, siblings, or cousins, Samantha Kelly was preceded down the … Read more

Three Unfortunate Things Keep This Sweet Boy From Finding A Happy Home

Every year since 2009, has celebrated Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week to help senior dogs, FIV+ cats, and other often-overlooked pets find their fur-ever homes. The annual event takes place during the third week of September. This year’s Less Adoptable Pet Week is September 16 — 22, 2019.  Handsome Hatchi came to All 4 Paws in Pawleys Island, South Carolina about six months ago. He has big, soulful brown eyes, loves long walks on the beach, and has … Read more

10 Signs Your Dog May Be Ready To Cross The Rainbow Bridge

When the time comes to say goodbye, all dog parents hope their pets peacefully pass away after a long, happy life. The unfortunate reality, however, is senior dogs and dogs suffering from illness or injury most often rely on their owners to know when it’s time to cross the Rainbow Bridge. Choosing to end a life—a life you’ve cherished as part of the family—is an impossibly difficult decision, but preventing suffering is your biggest concern. No one wants their best … Read more

Want To Show Your Pup Just How Loved They Are? Get Them Cozy PACK&DEN Gifts From Santa!

Your dog has been hinting at what he asked Santa for this year – did you catch it? We’ll give you a hint: On the night before Christmas, when you rest your head, will you sleep soundly, if your dog hates his bed? We may not be poets, but we know dogs. And we know that a good night’s rest on the night before Christmas or any other night is essential to the health, happiness, and well-being of your pup! … Read more

What Is Nose Work And How Can It Help Senior Dogs Stay Mentally Healthy?

Your senior dog is past the days of jumping off docks and climbing up mountains, but that doesn’t mean their quality of life should be diminished. The key to keeping your senior dog mentally healthy and happy is getting them involved in something other than snoozing on the couch. Nose work is a canine sport that takes after training methods used for professional scent detection dogs. Every dog with a sense of smell has potential to join in and succeed. … Read more

4 Reasons To Invest In A Quality Bed For Your Senior Dog

Your dog may typically sleep on the floor or a cheap dog bed, and that’s fine for younger dogs. Senior dogs need a little extra care to keep them healthy and happy. A high-quality dog bed can be a bit of an investment, but isn’t your fur child worth every penny when the extra money spent on a superior bed could help your dog have more quality time with you before they cross the rainbow bridge? Here are 4 reasons … Read more

How To Help Your Senior Dog Find Relief From A Dry Nose

Your dog’s slobbery kisses aren’t the same without that cold, wet nose pressing up against your face. And if your senior dog’s nose is dry or cracked, you have more than the quality of their kisses to be concerned about. As one of a dog’s most important features, the health of their nose is always important. A dry nose is irritating and in the worst cases, it’s even painful. It’s sometimes a symptom of serious illness, but most of the … Read more

Blind Senior Dog Is More Than Ready To Find His Forever Family

No dog deserves to spend their days in a shelter, but life in a kennel is harder on some than others. Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Conroe, TX goes above and beyond to make sure every rescue in their care is as happy as possible, but there’s no substitute to finding a forever family and leaving the shelter for good. A senior dog named Max is one of the many dogs currently up for adoption at MCAS. At eight years … Read more

5 Things People Should Give Their Senior Dogs To Make Them Happier And Healthier

Aging is difficult, whether you’re human or canine. Luckily, we live in a day and age where there are plenty of products to help our furry kids feel better as they age. At what age is a dog considered “senior,” anyway? It depends on your dog’s size and breed. On average, dogs are considered seniors at 7. Giant breed dogs are considered seniors at the age of 6. Toy breeds may not be considered senior until they reach 10 years old. … Read more

8 Things Your Senior Dog Will Thank You For Doing

As our dogs age, their bodies change and their needs will start to differ. While they’ll always be our baby puppies, our senior dogs are going to have some special needs. They become more sensitive physically and mentally, their bodies and minds start to change, and they will need some extra help living out their golden years in happiness and health. If you’re wondering how you can make life better for your aging pup, consider these tips. #1 – More … Read more

10 Tips For Easing Your Senior Dog’s Skin Irritation

Does your senior dog suffer from skin irritation? You would do anything to help him feel better, but maybe you’re at a loss as to what you should try next. Obviously, any chronic problems should be addressed with your vet, but if you’re looking for some more natural remedies to help your dog feel better, one or more of the following things may help. Some of these are external applications and some will help the problem from the inside out, … Read more

UPDATE: These Bonded Dogs Were Heartlessly Separated After Adoption, But Their Story Isn’t Over

Update: A month has passed since the bonded pair of dogs, Dozer the pit bull and OJ the blind Dachshund, were reunited at Richmond Animal Care Center (RACC) after a harrowing ordeal. They were almost separated, but their friends at the shelter didn’t let that happen. Now, after weeks of not knowing their future, the two dogs are finally moving on. After the incident that ripped apart the two canine friends and left OJ heartlessly abandoned on the side of … Read more

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