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Man with Guide Dog Kicked Out of Restaurant After Employee Questions His Blindness

In Seattle, a blind man named Paul Castle was told to leave a restaurant because a worker didn’t believe he was blind, despite having his guide dog, Mr. Maple, with him. Guide dogs help many blind people live more independently by helping them with daily tasks. Paul, who has less than 10% of his vision, relies heavily on Mr. Maple. He also runs a social media channel with his husband to raise awareness about blindness. Speaking about his experience, Paul … Read more

Police K-9 Separated From Partner After Video Surfaces Showing Abuse

WARNING: Pictures and video might be sensitive to some readers. The video is tough to watch for anyone with a heart, especially dog-lovers. A K-9 police officer in Salisbury, N.C., has been been “administratively separated” from his K-9 partner, Zuul, after a minute-long video surfaced of him yelling at the 4-year-old German Shepherd, choking him by his leash, then throwing the dog against a police vehicle before tossing him in the backseat and striking him with his hand. Police footage … Read more

Rescue Staff Helps Service Dog Diagnosed With Cancer Complete “Bucket List”

Wonka the service dog has only spent a few years on this planet, but he’s managed to accomplish so much in that time. In the last two months since his diagnosis with terminal cancer, the 6-year-old Golden Retriever has been even busier than usual. Hearts Alive Village, the rescue organization where Wonka works, put together a “bucket list” of adventures for his last days. Kelly McMahon, Wonka’s handler, also serves as Hearts Alive’s Director Of Operations. There Wonka both works full … Read more

Canadian Service Dogs Made The Best Theater Audience Ever

The dogs who train to be service dogs at K-9 Country Inn in Ontario take their important roles very seriously. That’s why they collectively made up the most well-behaved theater attendees ever. A photo of their outing to a relaxed performance of Billy Elliot at the Stratford Festival speaks for itself. The K-9 Country Inn service dog training program includes this little trip to the theater to test the dogs’ learned obedience and socializing skills. They also learn to attend to … Read more

Multitalented Service Dog Also Plays Jenga

Dogs are better than people at a lot of things. Inherent cuteness, sniffing out floor crumbs, and catching things in their mouths for starters. But did you know dogs can also be intimidatingly good at Jenga? Yep, I’m talking the classic balancing game of layered wooden blocks. Well, at least that’s the case with one specific dog: an Australian Shepherd named Secret. Secret is a service dog to an 19-year-old woman named Mary. On their shared Instagram page, she posted a … Read more

Service Dog Meets His Disney Hero, Dug The Dog From ‘Up’!

Disney World is not only the happiest place on earth, it is also one of the best places to hone a service dog’s skills. Jessica Paulsen knows this firsthand. She and her good-boy Golden Retriever, Henry love spending time at the park and have visited six times! While all the sights, sounds, and smells are enough to drive an average dog to distraction, Henry is trained to focus on the task at hand. He can block out just about any … Read more

Formerly Homeless Veteran Reunited With Stolen Service Dog

When thieves made off with U.S. veteran David Drake’s SUV in Ohio, they got away with much more than that. His beloved service dog and companion Gemma, a Lab/Pit mix, was inside the stolen vehicle. The good people behind Maslow’s Army refused to give up on getting her back. Maslow’s Army, run entirely by volunteers, is an organization committed to helping homeless people. They serve meals, provide shuttle transport, and even give peer guidance. According to the organization’s website, they … Read more

J.J. Watt Smooches Presidential Service Dog Sully In Truly Iconic Celeb Photo

Well well well, if it isn’t everyone’s favorite Presidential service dog Sully back in the news again! Yep, surely you’re all very familiar with the famous Lab by now. We’ve featured him a few times before on Sully acted as a service dog to the late 41st President of the United States, George HW Bush. When the President passed in 2018, a beautiful photograph of Sully lying down in front of the American flag-draped casket went viral. “Mission Accomplished,” … Read more

Service Dog May Be First Ever To Take Good School Picture

I always hated school picture day. Almost as much as I hated seeing how the pictures turned out a few weeks later. Yes, that’s because I’m a proud member of the majority who exclusively took terrible school photographs through 12th grade. A good-looking service dog named Tosha from Gravette, Arkansas definitely has me beat there. Tosha took an outstanding school picture. So outstanding it went viral. She may be less of a student and more of a student’s helper, but … Read more

George HW Bush’s Service Dog Will Be Honored With His Own Statue

Service dogs are trained to do all sorts of amazing things, from detecting health issues to helping the physically disabled. Some are serving their country as assistants to military veterans. That’s the kind of work that should be recognized, and for one amazing service dog it will be. A 3-year-old Lab named Sully will soon have a statue erected in his honor for his work with former United States President George HW Bush. America’s VetDogs, a non-profit organization committed to helping the … Read more

You Helped An Injured Veteran And A Stray Turned Service Dog Find Each Other

If you didn’t already know, part of each sale on the store is donated to, which offers grants for charities and programs like Canines For Service. Customers like you are the reason heartwarming stories like this one are possible! Canines For Service’s Canines for Veterans initiative works with U.S. Veterans to help them regain stability in their lives following their service. Thanks to a grant from Greater Good, Veterans and former shelter dogs are matched through this program to improve both human and … Read more

Loyal Service Dog Refuses To Leave Mom’s Hospital Room After Saving Her Life

The concept of a service dog may be confusing to those who don’t have one. Sometimes you really need to see these working pups in action to fully understand how necessary and important they are. Take Ruby for example. Ruby is a gray and white Pit Bull/Staffy from Australia who’s also an outstanding service dog. She started training as a therapy dog in 2017, two years after her mom Shauna Darcy adopted her. Ruby’s initial duties were to help Darcy … Read more

Whitley, Diabetic-Alert Dog Of A 19-Year-Old, Is A Life Saver

Dogs are capable of so much more than just bringing love and joy to us. Every day, specially trained service dogs literally save lives. In many cases, dogs can use their outstanding sense of smell to detect medical issues. That’s the kind of amazing animal that changed a California teenager’s whole world. When he was just 7-years-old, Clay Ronk needed to be air-lifted to a hospital where he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. That was a terrifying day for … Read more

Starstruck Service Dog Visits All Her Favorite Disney Princesses

Megan Leigh loves Disney World, but before her service dog Nala came along, it was difficult for her to travel independently. Luckily, Nala also has a passion for the Happiest Place On Earth! With their annual passes and matching mouse ears, the pair regularly visit the park – and their favorite characters! “Her favorite part of Disney would be going to the Magic Kingdom,” Megan tells The Dodo. “She loves doing character meet-and-greets as her ‘Go say hi’ command is … Read more

Disabled Young Man & His Service Dog Bring Comfort To Hospice Patients

The residents at Saline Memorial Hospital’s Hospice House always look forward to Sundays. That’s when TJ and his trusty service dog, Corey come for their weekly visits. TJ was born with cerebral palsey and tardive dyskinesia, a condition that affects the nervous system and causes uncontrollable jerky movements. Despite his challenges, the young man makes the time to visit hospice patients and share Corey’s healing energy. “Everybody loves TJ and Corey,” said Janice Mooney, Volunteer Coordinator at Hospice House. “Corey will … Read more

6-Year-Old Boy Sells Pumpkins To Raise Money For A Diabetic Alert Dog

6-year-old Ian Unger has Type I Diabetes and relies on an insulin pump and a 24-hour glucose monitor. More than anything, he wants to ride the schoolbus with his fellow kindergarteners. Recently his condition prompted the school district to insist he have a personal aide with him if he is to ride the bus. However, when the family requested an aide be provided, their plea was denied. “Their plan was to put him on an empty bus by himself and take … Read more

Service Dog Gets Her Own Graduation Cap For Helping Her Master Succeed

22-year-old Casey Bruno recently earned her Bachelor’s degree from University of Central Florida – but she couldn’t have done it without her faithful service dog, Paisley by her side. So when it came time to pose for photos in her graduation cap, Bruno knew the 2-year-old Dalmatian deserved some recognition, too. The aspiring veterinarian decorated a cap for Paisley to complement her own. Bruno’s cap featured a paw print filled with a colorful floral pattern while Paisley’s cap was decked … Read more

Boy Sells His Toys To Help Pay For Service Dog’s Care After An Unexpected Diagnosis

Copper may look “scary” to some, but according to his owner Jennifer Jayne, he has a heart of gold. The 4-year-old Doberman first proved this in 2016 when he alerted Jayne to the fact that her son Connor was suffering from nocturnal seizures. “One night Copper began barking at the door and I assumed the dog needed to go out, instead the dog ran to Connor’s room and I was actually able to see my son having seizure activity, I … Read more

Delta Airlines Bans Pit Bull Service & Support Dogs From All Flights

Delta Airlines has announced they will limit passengers to one service or support animal per flight and ban “Pit Bull-type dogs” altogether effective July 10. According to the airline, the decision is part of a crackdown on fake emotional support animals as well as a safety precaution. “We must err on the side of safety,” Delta said in a statement Friday. “Most recently, two Delta employees were bit by a pit bull traveling as a support animal last week. We … Read more

PSA Hopes to Inform Public What to Do if Approached by a Service Dog without Their Person

Most people know by now what to do when they see a service dog–leave it be. Service dogs have important jobs to do, and petting, talking, or otherwise trying to get their attention will distract them from whatever service they’re trained to perform. But what happens when a service dog approaches you without their handler? Some people assume the dog is neglecting their duties by wandering away from their handler, and other people that don’t like dogs get annoyed by … Read more

Student’s Service Dog Honored With Yearbook Photo & Plaque

11-year-old Rachel is graduating from elementary school, and while her teachers and friends will miss her this summer, they know she is in good paws! Rachel’s service dog, Linda made quite an impression during her once or twice weekly visits to the school. In addition to assisting Rachel, who has spina bifida and relies on a wheelchair, Linda also took it upon herself to comfort other students. “She will be there to help with tests when the kids start to … Read more

VA Hospital Welcomes Disabled PTSD Therapy Dog

Honor is a 2-year-old Golden Retriever raised from puppyhood to serve individuals with PTSD. Unlike other dogs trained by the non-profit organization, Therapetics Service Dogs of Oklahoma, Honor was born without metacarpals where her back right paw would be. Unable to place her as a regular service dog, Therapetics donated Honor to the Jack C. Montgomery VA Medical Center. There, her prosthetic limb makes her all the more relatable to the heroes she comforts. “So devoted. She doesn’t know she’s handicapped. She’s the … Read more

Boston Marathon Bombing Survivors Pen Children’s Book About Their Service Dog

The afternoon of April 15, 2013 was perfect for a run or a romantic walk through the park. Boston newlyweds Jessica Kensky and Patrick Downes were enjoying the latter when they found themselves on Boylston Street, near the finish line of the city’s 117th annual Marathon. The couple made the fateful decision to stop and cheer for the runners. At 2:49 P.M. two bombs detonated 12 seconds and 210 yards apart, claiming three lives and injuring more than 260 runners … Read more

Your Purchases Are Funding Much-Needed Service Dogs for Veterans

Part of each sale through the iHeartDogs store is donated to Greater Good, which helps support various charities. Thanks to customers like you, happy endings, like the one below, are made possible. 

Our veterans are in crisis. Twenty-two veterans commit suicide every day. Patriot PAWS Service Dogs receives over 140 calls each week from veterans inquiring about a service dog and that number continues to rise. As Patriot PAWS Service Dogs continues to grow due to the great need for service dogs, they have increased the number of puppies coming into the program. At present, they have 62 dogs in the program, all at various stages of their training.

“Here is a group of service dogs in training, still puppies, who came into our program thanks in part to Greater Good’s grant. Pups: Chris, Kiera, Sebert, Reba, and Rose came into the program early this spring.” – Patriot PAWS Service Dogs

Image Source: Patriot PAWS Service Dogs


They had been at the Patriot PAWS main campus in Rockwall, Texas for their initial evaluation and training. From there, the training takes them to their inmate trainers in two of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice units, Crain and Lane Murray, with whom they’re partnered. It’s there that they work on their core foundation training. After the finish, the pups are sent on their way to Student Puppy Raisers at Texas A&M University to continue the foundation training, as well as important socialization.

Sebert @ Patriot PAWS Service Dogs
Image Source: Patriot PAWS Service Dogs


These pups, like all who go through their program, will continue to rotate through the main campus in Rockwall, Texas, the inmate trainers at the three prison units within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, the Student Puppy Raisers at Texas A&M University, as well as Puppy Raisers in the DFW Metroplex for their 2 – 2.5 year training. The pups are continuously monitored and evaluated throughout their training and rotated to ensure the highest quality!

“The grant awarded to Patriot PAWS Service Dogs by Greater Good has made a direct impact. These pups are looking good and heading into an exciting leg of their training!” – Patriot PAWS Service Dogs


Image Source: Patriot PAWS Service Dogs via Facebook


Patriot PAWS Service Dogs is just one of the many groups that benefit from Greater Good through the Pets & Vets program. Every time you make a purchase from the iHeartDogs shop, you’re helping fund projects just like this!


20% of Sales Of This Product Are Donated To Help Pair Veterans with Shelter or Service Dogs

How Your Purchases Helped Two Lives: A Deserving Veteran & A Rescue Service Dog

Part of each sale through the iHeartDogs store is donated to Greater Good Charities, which helps support various charities. Thanks to customers like you, happy endings, like the one below, are made possible.  There are moments in life when one has to stop and hold onto the memories and joys while your heart and head are wrestling to comprehend and accept. Recently many people at Canines for Service had those moments with a special dog named Nicodemus.   “Shelter dogs make their way to our … Read more

Woman Posts Powerful Message About The Damage “Fake” Service Dogs Can Cause

Lately, the issue of “fake” service dogs has been a hot-button topic of conversation. One of the most controversial points of the argument is that the laws in place by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), created to help those with disabilities, enable dishonest people to bring untrained dogs into public under the guise of being a “service dog.” The ADA aims to protect people with disabilities from discrimination by guarding their privacy. In the case of service animals, store … Read more

Little Boy In Need Of A Service Dog Gets A Christmas Miracle

Many children ask for dogs for Christmas, but few parents plead for a dog on their child’s behalf. But Nate Feola’s parents did. At only 9 years old, Nate Feola has already been through hardships many of us are lucky to never experience. He was born prematurely, weighing less than two pounds, and spent the first five months of his life living in a hospital. When he could finally go home, it was to parents who abused him so badly, … Read more

College Grad Receives Diploma Alongside Service Dog Who Made It All Possible

On Saturday, December 16, Taylor Dearman crossed the commencement stage at Texas A & M University in Corpus Christi to receive her Bachelor of Science degree in Reading Education. By her side – as she has been for the past four years – was Skittles, Dearman’s service dog. The joyous day marked an occasion Dearman may never have experienced if not for the mixed breed pup. “At my last university, I started experiencing anxiety, severe depression and seizures,” Dearman shared … Read more

Pit Bull Ban Forces Woman To Give Up Her Service Dog

Yakima, Washington has had a ban on Pit Bulls for the past 30 years. The city’s breed specific legislation was voted to law in 1987 when a series of dog attacks involved dogs who fit the “Pit Bull” description. It’s been three decades since American Pit Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Bulldogs, and American Staffordshire Terriers haven’t been allowed within city limits, but time has done nothing to clarify what’s allowed and what isn’t. Dog owner Danika Denton … Read more

First Live-In Prison Dog Softens The Hearts Of Dangerous Criminals

A successful experiment at a Michigan prison is showing concrete evidence that dogs make everything better. Corrections Officer John Hassen thought of the idea to bring in a therapy dog to Woodland Correctional Facility earlier this year. Prison warden Jodie DeAngelo had her doubts, but the live-in service dog has changed the prison in more ways than one. Sadie is the first live-in prison therapy dog in the country, and with her handler by her side, she works directly … Read more

School District Suspends Mom From Acting As Son’s Service Dog Handler

Mickey Stewart of Redmond, Washington has acted as her son, J.T.’s in-school service dog handler for six years. Her position has always been voluntary and unpaid. Now, the Lake Washington School District has suspended Stewart for a third time and ordered the family to pay for a professional handler for J.T.’s dog, Curly. In response, Stewart has filed a lawsuit against the district to appeal her suspension.   J.T. has autism and having Curly by his side at school helps … Read more

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