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Jack Russell

Hero Dog Dies Saving His Family From A Fire

Parents of former shelter dogs often feel that even though we rescued them, they saved us as well. This turned out to be the very literal truth for a family in Florida. Their Jack Russell Terrier named Zippy warned them about a house fire, but tragically the little guy lost his life in the process. Leroy Butler’s family adopted Zippy the Jack Russell Terrier about four years ago from The Humane Society of Manatee County in Florida. He was meant to … Read more

Almost 200 Pups Rescued From Westminster Kennel Club “Best in Show” Breeder

Most stories and details of animal neglect, while shocking and totally unacceptable, fit a certain mold. We’ve all seen the images of dogs living in deplorable conditions. Rundown homes. Hoarder-like living conditions. People who appear to not truly care about dogs or anything for that matter. So sad, but not always surprising. But, this story truly shocked us. Ties to the Westminster Kennel Club A tipster called authorities in the quiet, rural town of Stockton, New Jersey to alert them … Read more

10 Dog Breeds That Are Incredibly Stubborn

All dogs can be stubborn, especially when they know they have their humans wrapped around their little paws. Although all breed combinations have the potential for willfulness, some breeds turn it into an art form! If you think you’ve got a headstrong hound, a difficult dog or a pigheaded pooch, read on to see if your pup made our list of the top 10 most stubborn breeds. 1. Beagle Beagles were bred to be hunting dogs, meaning it is hardwired … Read more

21 Dog Breeds That Will Chew On Everything You Hold Dear

Any dog might decide to chew up your favorite shoes if he gets bored, but some breeds are notorious chewers. If you already have one of the breeds on this list, you might be familiar with their tendencies to chew. If you’re deciding what breed would best suit your family, keep in mind that the dogs on this list may need a little bit more attention, exercise, or training to avoid chewing things they shouldn’t. With that in mind, here … Read more

The 20 Most High-Maintenance Dog Breeds

You may want a dog that you can teach a few tricks, take for a couple of short walks a day, and who will snuggle with you every night. If your dog is on this list of high-maintenance dog breeds, however, you might get more than you bargained for. Some dogs are high maintenance because they need massive amounts of exercise. Some dogs are high maintenance because they require a lot of grooming. Some dogs are high maintenance because they are … Read more

10 Low Maintenance Dog Breeds

There is a dog out there for everyone who wants and has the ability to care for one. Not every dog owner is looking for a running buddy or a dog that can play for hours on end. And some dog owners don’t want to spend countless hours dealing with dog grooming demands. Dog “maintenance” can mean different things to different people. For the purposes of this list, we’ll be factoring in things such as: energy level, grooming needs, and … Read more

11 Dog Breeds That Make Great Running Partners

Waking up for an early morning run and spending weekends improving your endurance will be a lot more fun when you have a running partner matching your pace. You can cajole your two-legged friends into being your mental motivation, but dogs have long since been prized partners when it comes to everyday exercise. They’re athletic and enthusiastic, and the right dog will push you toward achieving your goals. They won’t bail on your early morning runs, and you’ll never hear … Read more

Dog Dad Builds Santa Sleigh Stairlift For Arthritic Senior Pup

Timmie is a 16-year-old Jack Russell Terrier and the faithful companion of graphic designer, Duncan Evans. The spirited pooch suffers from arthritis and other ailments that limit his mobility. After Timmie took a tumble down their home’s steep stairs, Evans decided to build him a stairlift. With Christmas just around the corner, he designed the lift to look just like Santa’s sleigh!   “Timmie has to take lots of medication for his enlarged heart and problems with his lungs, so … Read more

Jack Russell Terriers Health Problems, Lifespan, Temperament & Maintenance

Average Size of Female: 14.11 pound (6.40 kg) – 18.08 pound (8.20 kg) Height: 9.84 inch (25 cm) – 14.96 inch (38 cm) Major concerns: hereditary cataracts, ectopia lentis, congenital deafness, patellar luxation, ataxia, myasthenia gravis, Legg–Calvé–Perthes syndrome Minor concerns: epilepsy, vonWillebrand’s disease, cerebellar Ataxia Average Size of Male: 14.11 pound (6.40 kg) – 18.08 pound (8.20 kg) Life span: 13 years – 16 years on average Brief History on JRT Origin The small white fox-working terriers we know today … Read more

What To Do For Dogs With Luxating Patella

Patellar luxation – sometimes referred to as dislocated or floating kneecaps – is usually a genetic condition that occurs in small breeds like Chihuahuas, Yorkies, and Pomeranians, but it can also result from a knee injury. While surgical correction is the most effective treatment, it may be possible to make changes to your pup’s routine and prevent patellar luxation from becoming a life-altering affliction. The genetic cause of patellar luxations are shallow femoral grooves that do not adequately cup the … Read more

Family Throws “Bye Bye Party” To Celebrate Dying Foster Dog’s Life

Sometimes a story comes along that is equal parts sweetness and heartbreak. Peanut’s tale is one of tragedy, loss, redemption, and the transformative power of human kindness. The 10-year-old Jack Russell Terrier mix recently found herself back at Save-A-Pet, the Illinois shelter she was adopted from two years ago. Her adopter passed away and a relative took Peanut in, but was not able to provide adequate care.   Peanut returned to Save-A-Pet with severe dental disease, a potentially cancerous tumor … Read more

How To Teach Your Jack Russell Terrier To Sit & Stay

Jack Russell Terriers are intelligent dogs that are more than capable of learning a sit and stay. Of course, their intelligence also means you may have to negotiate with them to get them do what you want done – versus just doing what they feel like. When it comes to a sit and stay, it’s worth the effort as it can save your dog’s life – for example preventing him from bolting out the front door. It also helps teach … Read more

3 Basic Behaviors You Must Teach Your Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terriers are very intelligent and can learn just about anything you want to teach them, however, their terrier personality can make training a challenge. For some owners, the challenge becomes “not worth it” and they decide their Jack Russell doesn’t really need to learn how to roll over or fetch. And, really, that’s probably true. Unless you plan on competing in canine freestyle or competition obedience (where you need a retrieve), tricks and behaviors such as these are completely optional. … Read more

3 Things Your Jack Russell Loves More Than Anything

Is your tenacious Jack Russell everything you could possibly want in a dog? Is he your best friend and most trusted confidante? If so, then you probably do all you can to provide him with the best life possible. You buy him the food he loves, give him plenty of treats and even good-for-him “human” foods such as fresh carrots and blueberries. You  may still be wondering if there’s even more you can do to make him as happy as he … Read more

5 Tips to Stop Your Jack Russell Terrier From Digging

Your Terrier was bred to hunt vermin, so it should not be a surprise if your Jack Russell Terrier starts to dig up your backyard, especially if you have a mole problem. However, that does not make it any less frustrating as a homeowner trying to keep your yard nice for entertaining. While this behavior maybe instinctual and therefore hard to stop, there are things you can do to help curb your dog’s desire. The following are five tips to stop … Read more

3 Great Ways To Strengthen Your Bond With Your Jack Russell Terrier

Funny, full of energy, and with lots of personality, the Jack Russell Terrier can also be what we humans call “stubborn.” While dogs are not truly stubborn, Jack Russells can be a challenge to train if they do not have a good relationship with their owner. They may love you, but listening and love are two very different things. It’s not that your dog is stubborn. It may by your Jack Russell doesn’t understand what you are asking or isn’t able … Read more

5 Tips To Prevent Your Jack Russell Terrier From Pulling On The Leash

Just because your Jack Russell Terrier is not a large dog, does not mean they shouldn’t walk nicely on leash. While your JRT may not be able to pull you over, they can still cause injury to your shoulder, arm, or wrist should they suddenly bolt. It’s also not good for your dog’s body to be constantly pulling against you. This includes pulling due to her stopping and barking at everything. Finally, leash manners mean your dog listens and pays … Read more

The 10 Most Common Breeds Found In Shelters

Did you know 25% of shelter dogs are purebred? Why are some breeds more likely to be in shelters, and how can it be prevented? Let’s look at the 10 breeds most common in shelters and reasons they end up there. #1 – American Pit Bull Terrier   With more breed specific legislation popping up, “pit bulls” are the most common breed found in shelters. Even where they’re legal, many apartments forbid them. Dangerous in the hands of bad people, … Read more

How To Teach Your Jack Russell To Stop Jumping on People

Jack Russell Terriers are agile and intelligent. If they can figure out a way to get something they want, they will. This means learning very quickly that jumping on people gets them things – attention, being held, a piece of food, a toy, etc. This habit is usually taught when they are tiny puppies, and we don’t think much of it- but then they get bigger and it becomes a nuisance. If your JRT is a jumper, don’t worry. You can … Read more

3 Signs Your Jack Russell Terrier Is Overweight

It may be hard for you to imagine that a Jack Russell Terrier could become overweight. After all, they seem to be in constant motion – chasing this, barking at that. But, if you’re feeding your JRT more than he can burn off, or if you have the rare Terrier that prefers naps to runs, they can easily get chubby. Excess weight can cause a host of health problems, so you should address it as soon as you notice any … Read more

3 Ways To Keep Your Jack Russell Terrier Happy And Healthy

There is nothing better than sharing your life with a Jack Russell Terrier. They fill up the house with their large personalities and with your laughter over their comical nature. To own a JRT is to love a JRT. And as an owner, you want do everything you can to make sure your Jack has everything he needs for a wonderful, long life. The following are three ways to keep your Jack Russell Terrier happy and healthy. #1 – Make Them … Read more

5 Signs Your Jack Russell Terrier Is Stressed

Jack Russell Terriers have personalities that are pretty typical for members of the terrier group. They are larger-than-life, often acting as though they are the size of a Great Dane. However, it’s important for JRT owners to understand that sometimes that boisterous outward appearance is covering up anxiety, stress and fear. The following are five signs your Jack Russell Terrier is stressed. #1 – Whale Eye “Whale eye” is when the white in your dog’s eye – around the iris … Read more

Missing Dog Returns To Family 4lbs Heavier: “He Was Obviously Living The Life Of A Lord”

The Gallagher family of Lougher, Duleek in Ireland are speaking out about the importance of microchipping your pets after receiving a holiday surprise that made them “happier than any lottery winners.” After 6 long months, they were reunited with their missing dog Spot. If not for his microchip, that joyous day may never have come. Spot was welcomed into the Gallagher family 6 years ago as a companion to their 10-year-old German Shepherd, Dora. As is common in the Irish countryside, … Read more

11 Small Audacious Dog Breeds That Don’t Want To Be Lap Dogs

Most people consider small dogs as the dainty, fragile pets that people want to carry around in their purses. While many owners might wish to have this kind of dog, many others simply want a smaller companion that can keep up with them just like any “regular” dog does. If you’re thinking that small breeds can’t do all of the things your Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds can, you might be surprised. There are plenty of tiny pups that hate … Read more

This Dog Is Very Cooperative When His Human Is Brushing His Teeth!

How do you keep your dog’s teeth clean? To ensure that your dog’s teeth are healthy, a yearly vet checkup is recommended. But other than that, there are things we can do at home to keep our dog’s teeth clean and healthy–like brushing their teeth regularly. There are dogs who just hate having their teeth brushed. But it turns out, there are also dogs who love it, just like the dog in the video below! This dog is so cooperative … Read more

Left For Dead, This Dog With A Broken Back Proves He’s A Survivor

Maverick is a small Terrier mix that was living on the streets when he suffered an unknown accident that broke his back. It’s believed he was hit by car, but it could have also been a case of severe abuse… we will never know. Almost paralyzed, Maverick miraculously survived.   But then the unthinkable happened. Maverick was hit by a car several months later. This accident completely paralyzed him and broke his leg. He was left, writhing in pain, to … Read more

Smart Dog Doesn’t Need A Human To Play His Favorite Game

We all know Jack Russells are smart – and Sid is no exception! Sid Russell (as he is called by his owner Roland Muldoon) has learned that he doesn’t need a human in order to play his favorite game – fetch! This smart dog has figured out how to do it all himself. Caught on film by Mark Watts-Jones, Sid drops the tennis ball down some steps in London, England. He then runs down them to grab the ball, and … Read more

Eyeless Jack Russell Has Learned How To Get Around The House With Ease!

Dogs are very resilient creatures. Some shelter dogs may have gone through a lot of pain, but with proper care, we’ve seen how they’ve gotten over the trauma, and learned to enjoy life and trust humans again. The dog in the video below has lost his vision. Although there are no details provided how this 8-year-old Jack Russell lost his eyes, he has somehow learned how to navigate around the house. Watch the video below! Source: Eyeless Jack Russell navigates … Read more

Man Discovers A Creative Way To Let His Dog Join Him In His Hoverboard

Everybody seems to be having fun riding on a hoverboard. And who wouldn’t? It’s a cool, high-tech, self-balancing electric scooter that you can ride even around the house! Now the guy in the video below loves riding his hoverboard, but he also wants his dog to enjoy it as much as he does. So what does he do? He puts a blanket on the hoverboard, puts his dog on the blanket, and the hoverboard drags the blanket around like a … Read more

Jack Russell Terrier Has A Special Talent For Detecting Ghosts

It is time to meet Pixie, another small dog with a big job. A Jack Russel Terrier belonging to Peggy Schmidt of Pennsylvania, whose job is to detect paranormal activity, otherwise known as ghosts! Peggy and Pixie belong to a research team of the Ghost Tour of America and they go around and tell true stories about their area and with Pixie along, she is able to confirm if their is paranormal activity on the site. They conduct tours at … Read more