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Dog Takes The Wheel Of Tiny Human’s Car

I’m so confused. I thought “Driving Miss Daisy” was an Oscar-winning movie starring Morgan Freeman and Jessica Tandy. But if you watch the video below, you’ll agree that this title also fits footage of a dog driving her human around in a toy car. Just use “driving” as an adverb instead of a verb. That driving dog’s name is, obviously, Daisy, and her human brother’s name is Oliver. The car, to clarify, is really just a toy. The toy convertible … Read more

Corgi Puppy Farts Right In Her New Brother’s Face

Sibling rivalry is an age-old phenomenon that spans species boundaries. It’s no wonder a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Mac and his new puppy sibling Lacie ended up yapping at each other. However, in a truly incredible viral video, their sparring goes past just barks. Lacie takes this sibling battle to a whole new level. The fact that this video has over 7.7 million views should speak to its quality. At first, it seems like just a cute video of two … Read more

Rescue Puppy Acts As Blind, Deaf Littermate’s Guiding Star

Two uniquely bonded puppy siblings are ready to find their forever home together after being rescued from the streets of Louisiana. Star is deaf and nearly blind, but her brother, Denver proudly serves as her “guiding star”! The story of Denver and Star begins like so many others. They were dumped, along with their mother and six other littermates in the rural south. All were taken in by a loving family who fell in love with the mama dog. They … Read more

Boxer Whimpers When She Hears Her Newborn Baby Sister Crying

Boxers may be large dogs with strong builds, but they’re really just big ol’ sweethearts. The breed famously adores kids, making them excellent family dogs. That’s why two parents bringing their newborn home to their sweet Boxer knew they were in for a treat. Consequently, so were all of us. One of the lucky parents caught the sweetest interaction between her babies on film. A loyal and loving defender, the dog sleeps directly underneath her new sister’s crib. When she hears … Read more

Clever Dog Convinces Her People To Adopt Her “Twin”

In my opinion, one of the hardest things about being an animal person is stopping yourself from going out and rescuing a bunch more animals. When you have the ability to care for a dog or cat who needs it, that instinct can be really hard to resist. Bethany Coleman knows this all too well. Her puppy Rogue, originally rescued from Animal Rescue League of Boston, sneakily convinced Coleman to adopt a canine pal for her. Coleman told Bored Panda she … Read more

Piano-Playing Rescue Beagle Gets His Human Sister To Dance

Is there anything better than dog and baby interactions? Just give me two pairs of big, curious eyes and some unspoken love and I’m done for. When it comes to this category, the cuteness in the dynamic entertainment duo of a singing, piano-playing Beagle/Basset Hound mix and his human baby sister is tough to beat. Buddy Mercury, named of course after the famous Freddie Mercury of ‘Queen’ fame, has a true Cinderella story. He was adopted from a shelter and … Read more

DNA Test Reunites Littermates Displaced By Hurricane Harvey

DNA testing is all the rage these days. With a simple cheek swab, curious humans can learn all about their own cultural heritage or unlock their beloved mutt’s unique blend of breeds. When two families living nearly 1,000 miles apart submitted DNA tests to Embark Veterinary, they expected to learn the genetic makeup of the rescue pups they adopted in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. They had no idea they would discover their dogs’ long-lost littermate in the process! Ollie was … Read more

Dog Sisters Unexpectedly Reunite & Their Reaction Is Priceless

These two Golden Retrievers were from the same litter and had shared a flight as puppies from Russia to Seattle, WA in order to be adopted last May – and hadn’t seen each other since. But they noticed each other across the crowded Pike Place Market and played as if not a day had passed since their separation. Pam Corwin caught their adorable reunion on video and posted it to Facebook. In her post, she said: “O.M.G.!!!! I witnessed the … Read more

This Dog Went Blind, So Her 3 Sisters Became Her Seeing Eye Siblings

When Margaux the Standard Poodle was 8-years-old she developed a mysterious auto-immune condition that cost her her vision and hearing. Her parents, Scott and Laura Jordan considered euthanasia until they noticed something amazing – Margaux’s 3 Poodle sisters immediately stepped up to become her guides. A photo posted by Poodle Margaux (@rootformargaux) on Sep 24, 2016 at 2:20pm PDT Margaux’s rare disease began with an infection on her paw that the Jordans mistook for a snake bite. A specialist in … Read more

Tiny Dog Experiences The World From Aboard Her Saint Bernard Brother’s Back

When Lulu the Japanese Chin was a tiny puppy, she took comfort in nestling in the warm, thick hair on her brother Blizzard’s back. At 126 pounds, the gentle Saint Bernard made little Lulu feel safe and protected. Soon she wasn’t just sleeping on Blizzard, she was riding him like a mini cowgirl on a pony! Wherever her big brother goes, Lulu is sure to be happily astride his back. A photo posted by BlizzardandLulu (@blizzardandlulu) on Nov 1, 2016 … Read more

Ask a Dog Trainer: How Do I Stop The Sibling Rivalry Between My Dogs?

Whether you own two sibling dogs from the same litter or just have two dogs at your house, you’ve probably experienced some type of sibling rivalry. In dogs, rivalry looks a lot like what human siblings do – they fight over your attention, toys and even food. If your dogs push each other out of the way for attention, if one dog gets upset while you are training the other, they get snappy and grabby with treats, or even fight … Read more

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