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Gift Ideas to Celebrate the Best Dog Moms This Mother’s Day – LAST DAY TO ORDER!

Last Chance to Surprise the Dog Mom in Your Life! Nothing brings more joy than being a proud mama – especially when it’s the mama of a loving pup. These gift ideas are perfect for anyone who loves dogs, so show someone special just how much they mean to you this Mother’s Day…even if it’s yourself. Be sure to share this post with other dog lovers – except maybe your pup. Those paws aren’t so good on the keyboard. Who … Read more

A Dog Mom’s Struggle with a Splash-Happy Pup

In the vast realm of internet stardom, Buster, the ever-charming Labrador Retriever, commands attention like no other. With his latest escapade documented meticulously by his doting owner Jennifer, a narrative unfolds, captivating audiences worldwide. It all begins on a serene afternoon, the sun casting its warm embrace over Jennifer’s backyard sanctuary. Here, amidst the tranquil ambiance, Buster’s unyielding fascination with the family pool takes center stage. His boundless enthusiasm propels him toward the shimmering water’s edge, his tail wagging fervently … Read more

Brave Dog Mom Saves Pomeranian From Clutches Of 11-Foot Python 

This tale is not one for the squeamish, so if you fear snakes, beware. But also know this story comes with a happy ending despite involving an eleven-foot coastal carpet python and a tiny victim. Ferrari the Pomeranian was enjoying a walk with his mom and two dog siblings at the Noosa Woods dog beach in Queensland, Australia when the python snapped its jaws shut on his little head. The snake quickly wound around Ferrari’s body and began to suffocate … Read more

Rescued Pit Bull Has ‘Nonstop’ Conversations With Her Dog Mom

Maisy, a Pit Bull Terrier mix, frequently makes a wailing sound of “Woo-woo-woo-woo-woo” throughout the day. Maisy and her mother engage in frequent discussions, and her mother is happy to hear her talk. Maisy’s mother remarks that she is a very chatty dog when she is excited. In the past, things were not always easy for Maisy or Marisa Elbert’s mother.   Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo – YouTube Video   Maisy spent three years alone in a cage outside because … Read more

After Sulking For “A Million Dog Moments,” She’s Told Daddy’s Coming Home

When one loyal dog had to say goodbye to her dad, her heart broke into a thousand pieces. Her dad left for 32 days to serve his country. It may have only been 32 days, but to her, as the video puts it, it was “a million dog moments.” The pup waited every day, sulking for her dad to return, and when that day finally came, her reaction was incredible! Mom opened the door as soon as Dad pulled into … Read more

Brave Dog Mom Saves Pomeranian From Clutches Of Eleven-Foot Python 

This tale is not one for the squeamish, so if you fear snakes, beware. But also know this story comes with a happy ending despite involving an eleven-foot coastal carpet python and a tiny victim. Ferrari the Pomeranian was enjoying a walk with his mom and two dog siblings at the Noosa Woods dog beach in Queensland, Australia when the python snapped its jaws shut on his little head. The snake quickly wound around Ferrari’s body and began to suffocate … Read more

Dog Mom Goes All Out To Throw Her Pup A Minion-Themed Birthday Bash

Ivor with cake

When the time of year rolls around that our furry family members were born or rescued from the shelter, some pet parents really want to go all out to celebrate.  After all, what would life be like without the furry loves of our lives? Recently, one doggie mama threw a Minion-themed birthday bash for her baby boy, and the video she posted is going viral. It’s obvious by the recent video clip posted by Tik Tok user @Hannahwantsdj that she … Read more

United Airlines Employee Lets Dog Mom Know Her Baby Is Safe

United Airlines has been all over the news this week, but one dog mom is forever grateful for a particular employee who eased her worries as her family took a flight overseas. Ashley Cervantes, a military wife, was traveling from Texas to Hawaii because her husband was being relocated. They refused to take the trip without their beloved Boxer, Maya. The pup is too big to be allowed a ticket with the passengers on the airplane, so there was only … Read more

Dog Mom Details Her Dog’s Eventful Last Day Alive In Achingly Emotional Video

An unfortunate aspect of being a pet parent is that, more than likely, you will outlive them. The day we have to say goodbye is a day we all dread. But why not make it the best day possible, for both you and your pup, by doing all of your favorite things together one last time?  That’s exactly what Baxter’s mom did, and her video documenting their last day together has gone viral.  If you’ve ever had a dog that’s … Read more

Dog Mom Fights Off ‘Deranged’ Animal Attacking Her Dog In Backyard

Elizabeth Dellapietro began her day as she always does by allowing her 12-year-old small dog, Tilly, out to do her business. It was only a minute or two before Elizabeth returned home when she heard terrifying yelps of pain and screaming from Tilly. When Elizabeth Dellapietro went outside to check on things, an animal attacked her tiny pooch. She immediately sprang into action to try and save Tilly’s life.   A rabid raccoon was clutching her 10-pound Chihuahua mix and … Read more

Video Captures Heroic Dog Mom Rescuing Pit Bull From Frozen Pool

What lengths would you go to to save your dog’s life? One Tennessee woman didn’t even have to think twice when faced with that question. Jennie Tatum put all her fears and discomforts aside when her dog was at risk of death. Tatum’s Pit Bull named Sid fell through the ice of a frozen pool, and Tatum rushed into action. She jumped in, broke the ice, and pulled Sid to safety. If she hadn’t acted fast, poor Sid might not … Read more

“Dog Moms Of Tampa Bay” Bring Pup Lovers Together & Support Local Shelters

Dog Moms of Tampa Bay

Back in 2020, the start of the pandemic limited human interactions. With people staying home as much as possible, it wasn’t easy to make new friends, especially for those new to an area. Zoe Lee, who lives in Tampa, Florida, wanted to find a way to bring people together even during difficult times. Lee is a dog mom to a 3-year-old Boxer/Hound mix named Kali, so she was eager to meet other dog parents in the area. She was shocked … Read more

Rescued Pit Bull Has ‘Nonstop’ Conversations With Her Dog Mom

Maisy, a Pit Bull Terrier mix, can be heard wailing “Woo-woo-woo-woo-woo” all the time. That is exactly what Pit Bull, Maisy, had to tell her mother throughout the day. Her mother is pleased to hear her lovely dog talk to her because the pair engage in frequent discussions! When Maisy is ecstatic, her mother remarks that she is a very chatty doggie. Things weren’t always so pleasant for Maisy or Marisa Elbert’s mom.   Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo – YouTube … Read more

Dog Mom Fights Off Deranged Animal Attacking Her Dog In Backyard

Elizabeth Dellapietro began her day as she always does by allowing her 12-year-old small dog, Tilly, out to do her business. It was only a minute or two before Elizabeth returned home when she heard terrified yelps of pain and screaming from Tilly. When Elizabeth Dellapietro went outside to check on things, an animal attacked her tiny pooch. She immediately sprang into action to try and save Tilly’s life. A rabid raccoon was clutching her 10-pound Chihuahua mix and refused … Read more

Dog Mom Shares Warning After Creep Gets Ahold Of Dog’s Collar

Creep Uses Dog Tags

Michelle Kimball didn’t think anything of it when a stranger wanted to pet her dog. After all, who wouldn’t fall in love with Nilla, the German Shepherd? The man even wanted to take a picture to show his friends, but hours later, Kimball realized something wasn’t right. She got strange text messages from an unknown number, which turned out to be a man who met her dog. It also wasn’t the last time that something like this has happened to … Read more

Grief Stricken Dog Mom Calls For Pet Bereavement Changes In The UK

When Wendy O’Grady’s beloved Chocolate Labrador, Zac, passed away from cancer last month, she was stricken with grief.  She had the sweet dog for nearly 12 years, and without him, she wasn’t sure how to move forward. Zac had been a gift from her husband, Mike after O’Grady suffered miscarriage after miscarriage — and in his own special way, Zac helped O’Grady heal from the pain of dealing with fertility issues.  In the time following Zac’s death, O’Grady took two … Read more

Dog Mom Discovers That Her Baby Has The Same Birthmark As Her Late Dog

reno birthmark cover

A pair of grieving pet parents were working through the loss of their beloved Samoyed when they were met with life-changing news. After losing their dog Reno just hours earlier, the couple discovered that they were expecting a baby. The new mother from China had 12 years of beautiful memories with her beloved Samoyed pup. He was at her side during so many pivotal moments in her life, making it no surprise that he found a way to be at … Read more

Video Captures Heroic Dog Mom Rescuing Pit Bull From Frozen Pool

What lengths would you go to to save your dog’s life? One Tennessee woman didn’t even have to think twice when faced with that question. Jennie Tatum put all her fears and discomforts aside when her dog was at risk of death. Tatum’s Pit Bull named Sid fell through the ice of a frozen pool, and Tatum rushed into action. She jumped in, broke the ice, and pulled Sid to safety. If she hadn’t acted fast, poor Sid might not … Read more

Dog Mom Connects Adopters With Their Dog’s Previous Humans

Dog reconnected with human

Nearly every rescue dog parent has wondered about their dog’s past. While some shelters and rescues can tell you a dog’s whole story, others know very little about where some dogs came from. In some cases, it might be better not to know the truth, but for many curious dog parents, it would answer a lot of questions. So, a new website was made to do just that: reconnect dog adopters with their dog’s previous humans. That way, you can … Read more

Creative Dog Mom Turns Her Curious Bulldog Into A King

Dogs love to look outside. It’s like their own personal TV, with plenty of squirrels, humans, and other dogs to watch. That’s why Ranveig Bjørklid Levinsen, a dog mom to two adorable Bulldogs named Bogart and Winston, decided to help her dogs see through the fence. She made two holes in the fence just big enough so the dogs could stick their heads through instead of trying to dig or jump the fence. Clearly, Bogart and Winston love these lookout … Read more

Dog Mom Carves Massive Husky Out Of Snow

Things can get pretty chilly in Canada. When towns start coming to halt because of snow and ice, some people choose to get creative. Makeshift sleds, snow angels and snow ice cream typically make the top of the list of snowy day activities. That wasn’t the case for one Canadian woman. A Snow Sculpture That Would Give Anyone The Zoomies! Gina Brightnose is from Thompson, Manitoba and she made heads turn recently with her creative snow sculpture. “We had a … Read more

Angry Dog Mom Suing Blue Buffalo Over Fat, Diabetic Dog

Shannon Walton is fit to be tied. So deep is her anger that she is seeking revenge in the form of a lawsuit against dog food company Blue Buffalo. Her claim? Blue Buffalo’s advertising was misleading and led to her dog become overweight and develop diabetes, requiring continual medical care. At the center of the argument is the amount of carbohydrates contained in Blue Buffalo dog food. Tucker is a Lab/Beagle Mix with Chronic Health Problems Walton’s dog Tucker is … Read more

Devoted Dog Mom Is Teaching Her Pup To Talk And It Might Be The Coolest Thing Ever

If you share your home with a dog then you know that they try to communicate. Whimpers, cries, pawing and different types of barks give us insight into what our furbabies are trying to say. But what if they could use real words? It turns out it’s possible and to be honest, this may be the most exciting news of our lifetime! Christina Hunger is a speech-language pathologist with an 18-month old Catahoula/Blue Heeler mix named Stella. Christina has experience … Read more

National Dog Mom’s Day Is Just Around The Corner – How Will You Celebrate?

You don’t have to give birth to be a mom. Some people adopt. Others foster. Some even open their homes to the children of friends or family when tragedy strikes. And then there are those special ladies who devote all their motherly love to their canine fur kids. They are finally getting the recognition they deserve with the introduction of National Dog Mom’s Day! Saturday, May 11, 2019 marks the second annual celebration of this new holiday. It is set … Read more

11 Awesome Gift Ideas For The Dog Moms In Your Life

Now that Easter is behind us, Mother’s Day is right around the corner on May 13. Just because some children have fur doesn’t make somebody any less of a mother. Have you thought about what to get your favorite dog moms this Mother’s Day? If not, there’s no need to panic. We have plenty of ideas on how to show the dog moms in your life that they are appreciated. Have any ideas that we didn’t include here? Let us … Read more

Grieving Dog Mom Warns Others Of Household Suffocation Risk

Doting dog mom Christina Young found out the hard way that an everyday kitchen item can become deadly in the paws of a curious pooch. Her beloved pup, Petey suffocated last week when his head became stuck in a potato chip bag. Young hopes to raise awareness to this hazard and protect other dog lovers from experiencing the same horror and heartbreak. She took to Instagram and Facebook to share her story, writing: “One week ago I kissed my baby … Read more

Dog Mom Honors Her Pup By Photoshopping Her Into Famous Movie Posters

Imgur user, iamirenes enjoyed 14 wonderful years with her dog, Lucy Van Pelt. During that time she snapped countless photos of the adorable pup’s every activity and expression. A few years back, the doting dog mom took to Photoshop with the goal of turning Lucy’s lovely likeness “into art…of some kind.” The results are this miraculous collection of movie poster parodies featuring Lucy and her lifelong passion for tennis balls – and Kongs!   The project was actually inspired by fine … Read more

United Airlines Employee Lets Dog Mom Know Her Baby Is Safe

United Airlines has been all over the news this week, but one dog mom is forever grateful for a particular employee who eased her worries as her family took a flight overseas. Ashley Cervantes, a military wife, was traveling from Texas to Hawaii because her husband was being relocated. They refused to take the trip without their beloved Boxer, Maya. The pup is too big to be allowed a ticket with the passengers on the airplane, so there was only … Read more

Proud Dog Mom Has Homemade Fresh Breath Dog Treats Your Pup Will Love!

Our friend Melissa with Proud Dog Mom has come up with a special recipe that your pups will go crazy for! And while we love our dogs little kisses, there’s nothing bad about helping your pup with fresh breath while giving them a satisfying treat. You don’t need to be a chef to whip up some tasty treats that your dog is sure to love–all you have to do is watch this video and you’ll be well on your way … Read more