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10 Times Probiotics Are Especially Beneficial To Your Dog

Up to 80% of a dog’s immune system is located in the gastrointestinal tract, so maintaining digestive health means far more than just preventing upset bellies and loose stools. Related: iHeartDogs Rates the Best Probiotics for Dogs Probiotics replenish the levels of healthy bacterial flora in the GI tract and prevent the “bad” bacteria from taking over. Dogs with unbalanced flora levels experience digestive problems and are more susceptible to illness. In general, probiotics are a healthy addition to your … Read more

20 Fruits & Veggies Your Dog Will Love!

They say that sharing is caring, and we love sharing yummy treats with our dogs! However, there are two potential problems with feeding Fido extra snacks. For starters, table scraps can contain ingredients that are safe for us, but dangerous for our dogs (for instance, onions and chocolate). Second, too many treats can make our pups pack on the pounds, which can lead to a host of health problems. The good news is, there are plenty of fresh, healthy “human foods” that … Read more

5 Ways To Manage “Poop Butt” In Long-Haired Dogs

There are many wonderful advantages to having a long-haired pooch. They are fun to snuggle, many breeds shed less than their short-haired cousins, and with proper care and grooming, they are exceptionally beautiful. On the downside, all that extra hair can act like velcro, collecting leaves, dirt, and worst of all, poop. If your long-haired dog has ever fallen victim to the dreaded “poop butt,” read on for tips and tricks that could help you prevent and manage this problem. … Read more

7 Common Causes And Cures For Doggy Diarrhea

There are a variety of causes for diarrhea in dogs. While some can be quite serious – like certain cancers and diseases of the liver, pancreas or heart – most are relatively harmless if treated promptly. The following 7 factors could account for your dog’s loose stools. Luckily, there are tried and true methods for treating each issue and restoring your pup to full health. Note: Holistic veterinarian, Dr. Ihor Basko recommends that all dogs with diarrhea undergo fecal testing prior … Read more

Dog-O’-Lanterns Are All The Rage This Halloween – Here Are 20 Of Our Favorites

According to a 2015 survey conducted by, 95% of dog owners purchase Christmas gifts for their pets, so it is no surprise that our puppy love has spread to other holidays. This Halloween, a fun new trend is taking the world by storm – Dog-O’-Lanterns! Rather than carving spooky faces or haunted houses on their pumpkins, dog lovers are paying homage to the cuddly cuties in their lives. A post shared by Rebecca Pivarnick (@beccapiii) on Oct 8, 2017 … Read more

One easy way to start raw today – Just add THIS

Feed your dog bone broth

Are you the type of pup-parent who scans the list of ingredients on your dog’s food to make sure you know exactly what’s in it? If so, we’ll bet that you’ve heard about the movement around raw feeding through social media groups or even mainstream media. For example the viral documentary Pet Fooled. A raw diet, once snubbed by almost every vet, is now gradually gaining acceptance in holistic veterinarian circles and beyond. The raw movement makes sense to a lot of … Read more

5 Natural Ways to Clean Your Dog’s Teeth

Dogs’ teeth get plaque and tartar just like ours do, however, unlike us they aren’t concerned about it. That’s where you come in as a responsible pet owner. Dog breath and discolored teeth are often a result of dental health neglect. Besides those more cosmetic concerns, if we do not try to keep our dogs’ tooth tartar build-up at a minimum our poor pups could develop painful, deadly periodontal disease. Regular teeth cleanings are recommended to wipe out plaque and … Read more

13 Healthy “People Foods” You Can Give Your Dog

There are plenty of “people foods” we’d love to share with our dogs, but some are much healthier than others. In fact, some foods are even toxic to our dogs. But fear not, there are certain human snacks that can actually benefit our four-legged friends. To see what they are, check out this list! (As always, practice moderation and check with your vet before making any dietary changes.) #1 – Peanut Butter   Peanut Butter is one of the best … Read more

Veterinarian Shares 12 Powerful Superfoods For Dogs

Superfoods are foods that are naturally nutrient-rich and therefore are especially beneficial for your dog’s health. But what exactly are superfoods for dogs? Dr. Ernie Ward, member of Petplan Veterinary Advisory Board gave us the following 12 superfoods for your dog. As with any nutritional change, talk your vet before adding these foods into your dog’s diet. #1 – Apples (without the seeds) This full-of-fiber food helps to clean your dog’s teeth while he chomps and can even freshen their breath. #2 … Read more

10 People Foods You CAN Share With Your Dog

We love to share food with our dogs, be it doggie treats or some snacks we love as well. There is a lot of warning against feeding dogs food meant for people, and there is a lot of truth to it. However, there are some people foods that are perfectly safe for your dogs to eat. Remember that the key in all treats is moderation, and be prepared that some dogs react differently to certain foods that others. So if … Read more

Frozen Dog Food Toppers: A Great Way To Bump Up Your Pup’s Food Bowl

Looking for a fun way to incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables into your dog’s diet? Try these frozen food toppers! If you already feed your pooch a fresh food diet then you can easily work these healthy pumpkin-based morsels into their homemade meals. If you fill your dog’s bowl with kibble, all you have to do is place one on top of their food to melt and enjoy. Plus, these little food toppers also make for great standalone treats … Read more

6 Solutions For Your Dog’s Dry Coat & Skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body and the very first sign of health you see when you look at a dog. Pups with shiny, lustrous coats just give off an air of wellness compared to those with dull, flaky, brittle hair and skin. Not only is dry skin unsightly, it’s also itchy and uncomfortable for your dog. Although soothing baths can help, healthy skin really starts from within with proper vitamins and nutrition. If you find yourself … Read more

5 Home Remedies For Doggy Diarrhea

Diarrhea in dogs is a symptom of a larger problem like stress, sudden diet change, food allergies, dietary indiscretion (garbage grazing), parasites, viral or bacterial illness, even chronic disease. Although it is usually self-limiting, it’s uncomfortable for your pooch and messy for you. We’ll cover when to seek immediate veterinary care below, but in mild cases, certain home remedies may do the trick. A post shared by Ralph (@ralphstagramm) on Jan 6, 2017 at 7:09pm PST Dogs can’t tell us, … Read more

14 Before & After Photos Of Dogs And Their Best Friends Growing Up Together

You probably have photos of yourself with your childhood friends and enjoy looking at the difference between then and now. It’s really amazing to see how we grow and change, but also how we stay the same! Humans aren’t the only creatures capable of making and keeping lifelong friends. In fact, many owners are sharing before and after photos of their pets growing up together. They’re too precious not to show the world, so we’ve compiled an adorable list for … Read more

The One Thing You Might Not Realize Is Hurting Your Dog’s Health

You love your dog. I have no doubt about that. Their health is important to you and you would do anything to help them improve it. That’s why you always make sure they get exercise and you only select the best dog food for your pup. But, if you’re not paying attention, you might be slipping something into their diet that is hindering their health. 4 out of 5 dog owners say they carefully monitor the health of their dog, … Read more

Super Healthy DIY Veggie Dog Treats!

We all want to give our pups special treats that we know are nutritious and good for them, and–more importantly–completely safe for them to eat. Nowadays there a tons of DIY doggy treat recipes of all sorts available for us to try out, based around beneficial vegetables and other foods that are great for our four-legged friends. Today, we have one of those healthy, awesome recipes for you to try! Ingredients: 3 Cups Gluten Free Flour 1 Can Pumpkin Puree 1/4 Cup … Read more

Ask A Vet: These Tear Stains On My Dog’s Face Won’t Go Away. What Can I Do?

Everyone who has a light-faced dog, especially those with a somewhat short nose (like a Maltese or Lhasa Apso) has probably dealt with tear staining. There have been products over the years to feed to the animal or apply to the face to combat tear staining, but many of these have been found to contain antibiotics. The FDA issued a warning to the manufacturers of these tear-stain products about the use of unapproved drugs. We don’t want our pets on … Read more

Dog Who Needs To Sit In A High Chair To Eat Is Looking For a Forever Home

Everyone, meet Mickey–a dog with a problem in his esophagus that he needs a high chair for him to eat. Mickey was around 33 to 35 pounds when he arrived at the Lethbridge and Distinct Humane Society in Alberta, Canada. The problem is that his esophagus does not contract to push food or water down. So for Mickey to eat and let food and water go down his digestive system, he has to sit in a special high chair, otherwise … Read more

Best Cranberry Supplement For Dogs

Cranberries are a wonderful food with many health benefits including lowering risk of urinary tract infections, improved immune function, decreasing blood pressure and even helping prevent certain types of cancer. In addition, a half cup only contains 25 calories! Sounds great doesn’t it? So next time you are at your vet’s, ask if your dog would benefit from having a bit of cranberry added to their diet. They can tell you how much your dog should get a day. Here … Read more

Ask A Vet: How Do I Keep My Dog Happy and Safe This Halloween?

Halloween is a fun and festive occasion, but there are parts of any holiday that cause stress and even risk to your dog. Some of the Halloween traditions include parties and door traffic. We often have music or scary noises with candles or spooky decorations. So much is going on that a dog can become frightened or could easily be overlooked or just get into trouble from being nosy. Halloween decorations and candy may pose a hazard to a curious … Read more

This Brilliant Halloween Idea Will Have All The Dogs Lined Up Ready To Do Tricks

It’s that time of year again. We enjoy pumpkin spice lattes, the weather gets colder, and children everywhere start walking around with pounds of candy in pillow cases. I’m talking about Halloween. The popularity of Halloween now goes beyond children. Adults spend more and more money on costumes and parties for themselves each year. But aren’t we missing someone? What about our pets? We buy them costumes and even take them trick-or-treating. But while the kids get candy and the adults … Read more

Orphaned Raccoon Grew Up In A Family With Dogs, Now Thinks She’s One Of Them!

We’ve shared countless stories with you about unlikely animal relationships, but this one is accompanied by some of the most precious photos that you may have ever seen. Raccoons may look almost like tiny forest pandas, and even watching the way the walk is adorable. They simply love to eat–which you may have noticed if you live near a woodsy area and you’ve accidentally left some food out at night… like I do nightly with cat food. But our interactions … Read more

Easy Stuffed Apple Treats To Make For Your Dog This Fall

Carmel apples are delicious, but not for dogs. Trying telling that to my dogs though – they love apple! They literally drool when they smell an apple or apple juice. This made me decide to create a treat made with apple that they could enjoy this fall. The great thing about homemade treats is you can modify the recipe to fit your dog’s tastes, allergies, diet, etc. There’s no reason why Fido shouldn’t be able to join in on the … Read more

Fun Ways To Get Your Dog Into The Action On Game Day

It’s football season and there’s no reason why your pup can’t be part of the fun on game night. But don’t just have him there – make sure he is part of the team with these fun ideas from Trupanion: #1 – Show off your gear Dress your pet up in a pet-friendly jersey that doesn’t restrict their movement. If they aren’t comfortable in clothes, look for your favorite team’s collar, leash, toy, or bandana. For outfits, check out, … Read more

Safety Tips To Keep Your Dog Calm, Happy & Healthy This Halloween

It’s October (already?!) and the stores, as well as our homes, are already full of Halloween décor and treats. While all of these things are fun, they can be dangerous for the four-legged members of your family. Not only can they make your dog sick, but you could end up with a very large vet bill. Costumes We all know it’s fun to dress up our fur kids for Halloween – some of the costumes out there are just priceless! … Read more

Simple Tips For Cool Weather Camping With Your Dog

As fall approaches, many of us think about getting in a few more camping trips before the rain and snow. Fall can actually have some of the best weather for camping – warm enough to be comfortable outside, but not too hot. Though it can be cooler at night, it’s easy to enjoy this time of year outdoors if you follow some simple tips. Jenn Gehr, Thousand Trails and Encore spokesperson has provided us with the following tips for enjoying … Read more

Ask A Vet: 6 Causes Of Canine Constipation

Constipation in dogs is defined by the inability to pass normal stools. The stool itself can be hard and dry when it is passed and sometimes, dogs strain and are unable to produce stool at all. There are many reasons for constipation. To make a normal stool, a dog must be eating, have the ability to digest and concentrate the waste normally, have an open passageway for the stool to proceed through, have the muscle movement to push stool forward, … Read more

5 Month Old Puppy Rescued From Houston Floods

Houston, and Texas as a whole, is still taking a beating from severe storms and flooding. Whenever a natural disaster happens, we all know that pets often suffer. Dogs are separated from their family, by the disaster itself or when the family is forced to abandon them to seek shelter. Often these dogs ended up being killed. Luckily for this pup, a guardian angel passes her way. World Animal Awareness Organization (WA2S) Films were with Kelle Davis, Yvette Holzbach and … Read more

10 Low Calorie Dog Treats

Have a pudgy dog you still want to give a treat to once in a while? You can help him by exercising more, making sure his treats only make up 10% of his diet, skip the “junk” food treats that are full of fillers, and feed high quality, low-calorie treats. Never thought about looking at the calories in your dog’s treats? Well you should, especially if your dog eats a lot of them. The following is a list of quality … Read more

10 Refreshing Frozen Treat Recipes For Your Dog

It. Is. HOT outside! But it’s also the season for ice cream, cold drinks, and popsicles! Don’t forget to include your dog on the chilly-treat fun when you’re snacking. Your dog can enjoy a lot of the treats you do – in dog-safe form, of course. The homemade treats here are super tasty, extra-simple, and don’t need you to turn on your oven. They’re all chilled or frozen! Note: All recipes are senior dog-safe, but be sure to check the … Read more

7 Great Low-Calorie Treats For Dogs

One of the biggest problems with dogs around the world is the increasing rate of obesity. Although it’s a dangerous condition that needs to be addressed, it typically doesn’t happen from a lack of care. In fact, it’s typically too much love that makes dogs fat! Dogs love food, so owners feed them as an offering of affection. There’s nothing wrong with that, but there is something wrong with keeping a dog at an unhealthy weight. Luckily there are a … Read more