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4 Best Low Sodium Dog Treats

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on August 10, 2023
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The world of canine nutrition is vast and varied, catering to every specific need our furry friends might have. For dogs that require a low-sodium diet, be it for medical reasons or as a preventive measure, finding the right treats can be a challenge. Thankfully, with a growing understanding of dietary needs and the importance of specialized nutrition, there is a rising array of low-sodium dog treats available. These treats ensure that our pets can enjoy delicious rewards without compromising their health.


#1 – Mattie’s Treats: 1 Pound Box; Low Protein, Low Phosphorus, Low Sodium Dog Treats

Mattie’s Treats offers a 1-pound box of low protein, low phosphorus, and low sodium dog treats. These treats are specially made to cater to dogs with kidney disease. A portion of the sales from these treats is donated to fund research for canine kidney disease. The treats are heart-shaped and crunchy, and dogs seem to enjoy the real pumpkin and cinnamon taste. Additionally, these treats are proudly made in the USA.


#2 – Natural Rapport Chicken Jerky Dog Treats – The Only Chicken Tender Jerky Dogs Need – All Natural Dog Treats for Small and Large Dogs (8 oz)

Natural Rapport Chicken Jerky Dog Treats are an all-natural and healthy option for small and large dogs. Made with 100% chicken tenders, these treats contain no chemicals, preservatives, fillers, or artificial flavors. They are also free from salt, soy, corn, and gluten. With their odor-free and premium quality, these chicken jerky strips are a satisfying and safe choice for your beloved pet. Made in the USA, Natural Rapport guarantees customer satisfaction and is committed to providing the highest quality ingredients for your furry friend.


#3 – [Royal Nu-Treat] Dried Pollack for Pets, 100% Dried Pollack, Human-Grade Treats for Cats & Dogs, Low Sodium Treats for Pets, No Artificial Color, No Artificial Flavor & No Preservatives, 4.76oz

Royal Nu-Treat Dried Pollack for Pets is a 100% dried pollack treat for cats and dogs. The treat is made with human-grade ingredients and contains no artificial color, flavor, or preservatives. The freeze-dried method used in the manufacturing process preserves the taste and nutritional value of the ingredient. The treat is easy to feed and can be used for effective pet training. The product is manufactured in South Korea under safe and reliable production facilities.


#4 – Hill’s Grain Free Dog Treats, Soft-Baked Naturals with Beef & Sweet Potatoes, Soft Healthy Dog Snacks, 8 oz. Bag

Hill’s Grain Free Dog Treats, Soft-Baked Naturals with Beef & Sweet Potatoes are a natural and flavorful option for dog owners looking for a grain-free treat for their pets. These treats are made with real beef and sweet potatoes, providing a delicious and healthy snack option. They are made in the USA with global ingredients and are free from artificial preservatives or flavors. These treats can be used as training treats or as an addition to a dog’s regular food routine, offering a good balance of flavor and nutrition in each bite.


What Are The Benefits of Low Sodium Dog Treats?

  1. Cardiac Health Support: Just as in humans, excess sodium can put additional strain on a dog’s cardiovascular system. For dogs with existing heart conditions, reducing sodium intake can help manage their condition and prevent further complications.
  2. Kidney Health: High sodium levels can lead to increased thirst and urination, which, over time, can strain the kidneys. Low sodium treats help in preventing the overwork of kidneys, especially in older dogs or those with renal issues.
  3. Reduction in High Blood Pressure Risks: Elevated sodium levels can lead to hypertension or high blood pressure in dogs. By controlling and minimizing the sodium intake through treats, the risks associated with high blood pressure can be mitigated.
  4. Ideal for Special Dietary Needs: For dogs on a prescription diet or with specific health challenges, it’s essential to ensure that treats won’t counteract their primary food’s benefits. Low-sodium treats fit seamlessly into such specialized dietary plans.
  5. Water Balance: Excessive salt can disrupt the balance of fluids in a dog’s body, potentially leading to dehydration. Low sodium treats help maintain a better fluid equilibrium.
  6. Preventive Measure: Even if your dog doesn’t currently have health issues, offering low-sodium treats can be a good preventive measure, ensuring that their sodium intake doesn’t reach unhealthy levels.


Frequently Asked Questions About Low-Sodium Dog Treats

  1. Why might my dog need low-sodium dog treats?
    Dogs with specific health conditions like heart disease, kidney problems, or hypertension can benefit from a reduced sodium intake. Low-sodium treats ensure that these dogs receive tasty rewards without the health risks associated with high salt content.
  2. Do low-sodium dog treats taste bland to dogs?
    Not necessarily. While sodium enhances flavor, many low-sodium treats use other natural ingredients and flavors, like fruits, vegetables, and herbs, to ensure they remain palatable to dogs.
  3. Can high sodium intake harm my dog?
    Yes, excessive sodium intake can lead to several health issues in dogs, including high blood pressure, kidney strain, increased thirst and urination, and in extreme cases, sodium ion poisoning.
  4. How can I identify low-sodium treats in the store?
    Check the nutritional information on the packaging. Low-sodium treats should have a significantly reduced sodium content compared to regular treats. Look for terms like “low sodium” or “reduced sodium” on the label.
  5. Can I make homemade low-sodium treats?
    Absolutely! Many recipes are available for homemade low-sodium dog treats. When preparing them, simply omit salt or use minimal amounts, and focus on using naturally flavorful ingredients.
  6. Are there specific brands known for producing quality low-sodium treats?
    Yes, several brands cater to specialized dietary needs, including low sodium requirements. Always research and read reviews, and consult with your vet for recommendations.
  7. Is sodium completely bad for dogs?
    No, sodium is an essential mineral for dogs, playing a crucial role in nerve and muscle cell functioning, among other processes. However, the issue arises with excessive sodium intake, which can be detrimental to health.
  8. Do low-sodium treats cost more than regular treats?
    Not always. While some specialized treats might come with a slightly higher price tag, there are plenty of budget-friendly low-sodium options available. It’s about finding a balance between cost and quality.
  9. How often can I give my dog low-sodium treats?
    Treats, whether low sodium or not, should be given in moderation and should not replace a balanced diet. Typically, treats should make up no more than 10% of a dog’s daily caloric intake.
  10. Can all dogs benefit from low-sodium treats, even if they don’t have a health condition?
    Yes, while dogs with specific health concerns might need low-sodium treats, other dogs can still consume them without any issues. Reducing excessive sodium intake can be a preventive measure, ensuring dogs don’t encounter related health problems in the future.


Conclusion: Best Low-Sodium Dog Treats

In summing up, navigating the realm of specialized canine nutrition, like low-sodium diets, requires both awareness and discernment. While salt can be a tantalizing flavor for many dogs, its excess can be detrimental. Fortunately, with the assortment of low-sodium dog treats available today, your pet can relish the joys of a tasty snack without the risks associated with high sodium intake. Being informed and choosing the right treats means offering the best to our pets, and aligning their taste preferences with their health needs.

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