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7 Sure-Fire Ways to Calm Your Cane Corso’s Anxiety

By: Tarit Das
Tarit is a Special Projects Coordinator at,, and The Hero Company. He likes pets for their honesty and loyalty and believes they have no match. They are one of the most selfless creatures and just love to be around their owners.Read more
| July 17, 2023

How To Conquer Your Cane Corso’s Separation Anxiety, Sound Anxiety or Travel Anxiety

If your cane corso is experiencing anxiety, life can be miserable both for you and your pup. I myself spent 2 years battling extreme separation anxiety with my dog, and we successfully came out on the other side. In this article I’ll share some of the resources and strategies that worked for us.

There are many forms of anxiety that your cane corso may be suffering from. Typical causes of anxiety in cane corso’s might be:

  • Separation anxiety – Fear of being separated from their owner. This often manifests itself by your cane corso pacing, drooling, biting, or being destructive while you’re away.
  • Sound anxiety – Fear of loud noises like thunder, fireworks, or a vacuum cleaner
  • Travel anxiety – Fear of traveling in a moving vehicle, or fear of intimidating places like your vet’s office or a boarding kennel


1. Experiment with Hemp Oil for Your Cane Corso’s Anxiety

One of the tools I successfully used in treating my dog’s anxiety was Hemp. While your results may vary, approximately 67% of the dog owners polled here claimed that Hemp was ‘extremely effective’ or ‘somewhat effective’ in helping their dog’s anxiety.

In my experience, Hemp helped my dog calm down enough to respond positively to the other training methods I was using to treat her anxiety. When choosing a Hemp oil, always look for a certificate of analysis showing a pure and safe product. I’d also recommend a product with 0% THC.

If you’d rather not give an hemp oil tincture to your dog, there are also great full spectrum hemp treat options available for dogs on Amazon. 

2. Desensitize Your Cane Corso to The Cause of Their Anxiety

A key strategy for treating your cane corso’s anxiety is desensitizing them to the trigger of their fear. For example, my dog’s anxiety was triggered anytime I walked out the door to leave the house. For other dogs, the trigger might be you grabbing your keys or putting on your coat.

Begin by doing the trigger activity, but then immediately reversing it. For example, I would grab my keys and walk out the door. Then I’d come back 5 seconds later. I did this literally hundreds of times over a period of a week. Eventually, my dog was desensitized and bored by the behavior.

3. For Sound Anxiety, Trying Isolating Your Cane Corso and Playing Loud Music

Many cane corso’s that suffer from thunderstorm or fireworks anxiety experience relief in a smaller, more isolated room of the house where music can be played at a loud volume.

A word of caution though, if your dog is also experiences separation anxiety leaving them alone in a room during may be counterproductive.


4. Try Using a Compression Wrap (Available in Many Sizes and Will Fit Your Cane Corso)

Many dogs are comforted by the feeling of compression across their body. One popular product many have found success with is the Thundershirt (available on Amazon). The product applies gentle, calming pressure that is very reassuring to many pups. The company claims the product to be helpful for about 80% of the dogs who tried it. It can be used to help calm your australian shepherd during fireworks, thunder, separation, travel, or vet visits, with no training and no medication required.


4. Try an Herbal Supplement for Your Cane Corso with Calming Herbs Like Chamomile, Passion Flower, Ginger Root or Valerian Root

Many calming supplements exist for dogs that are palatable for dogs, easy-to-feed, and can help quickly relieve your australian shepherd’s stress and give a sense of safety and calm. Some supplements contain calming herbs like chamomile, passion flower, ginger root, and valerian root are a great option. Some products, such as this bacon flavored soft chew for dogs, contain all of the calming herbs in one. This calming chew is also available on Amazon.  


5. Experiment with a Pheromone Diffuser for Your Cane Corso

Canine pheromone diffusers mimic the calming pheromone that a mother dog emits while nursing her puppies. The diffuser can help many dogs feel calmer and more comfortable in stressful situations.

The same company that makes the Thundershirt above also makes a product called ThunderEase diffuser, which is also available on Amazon.


6. Try an Anti-Anxiety Supplement Containing L-Tryptophan, L-Theanine or Melatonin

Other popular ingredients in anti-anxiety supplements include the amino acids L-Tryptophan and L-Theanine, both of which offer calming properties and increase the release of “feel good” serotonin in your dog’s body. In addition, some calming products for dogs contain a small amount of melatonin, which can help regulate and improve their sleep. All these of these ingredients are available in some chews such as this. This calming chew is also available on Amazon.  



7. Experiment with Using Your Own Scent & Sound to Calm Your Cane Corso

In my experience, using your own scent and sound to help calm your dog is a powerful strategy in beating anxiety. I stumbled upon this one day with my own dog by accident.

Typically, if I left the home my dog would instantly enter a panic. But one day I needed to take a long phone call, and left my dog outside my bedroom door where I took the call. During the call, she calmly lied next to the door, where she could obviously smell and hear me. It occurred to me that I could possibly mimic this tactic while I wasn’t at home.

I recorded my voice on a CD player and then put it on loop. Then I placed a used t-shirt on the inside of the door where she could easily smell it underneath. To my surprise, I was able to leave the house for a short time. (I monitored her on a video camera). I slowly increased the length of time I left, and always found her calm and sincerely believing that I was just behind the door!

If you’d like to read the full story of how I cured my dog’s extreme separation anxiety, go here.


Another great product to help calm your dog is the Comfort Cuddler Buddy. You can stuff the cozy fleece man with your clothing or pillow case with your scent, and leave with your dog.

Lastly, another popular calming product is the heartbeat puppy toy. Traditionally, these have been used to help calm puppies who recently left their litter. The plush toys come with a warming features as well as a simulated heartbeat. While originally intended for puppies, many dog owners have found they can effectively calm dogs of all ages. This popular model is available on Amazon. 


Defeating your cane corso’s anxiety is possible, but every dog’s journey will look different. I hope the tools and strategies above will be helpful to your journey.

If you’d like to learn more about the Hemp oil and calming chews we use here at iHeartDogs, learn more below.

For best results, you can pair the above Hemp oil with the calming chews below. Between the 2 supplements, they offer 10 active and natural ingredients to help calm your dog without the use of medication.


Frequently Ask Questions

The Cane Corso, a member of the mastiff breed, is described as loving, wise, and regal. They have a lot of energy, enjoy being outside, are quick and nimble, and have an adventurous spirit. However, they do have an Achilles heel – they tend to get terrified and then aggressive out of emotional fear. While beautiful, these dogs are naturally anxious and even phobic, but you can learn to help reduce this issue in your dog. Read on to learn more about Cane Corso’s anxiety.

Do Cane Corso’s Have Separation Anxiety?

Yes, these large dogs can experience separation anxiety which can manifest in several ways. He may start barking nonstop, destroy items around the house, go to the bathroom indoors, or attempt to run away. It is the outcome of the animal’s anxious response to being cut off from its pack and serves as a coping mechanism.

You can do things to help if your dog experiences separation anxiety. You should take immediate action to prevent your dog from accepting these behaviors as usual. You must keep in mind that because he is a pack animal, your dog experiences a great deal of worry whenever you (his pack) leave him alone. If possible, another pet at home to act as his pack may help to assuage some of his anxiety and give him another being to focus on instead of you.

Why Is My Cane Corso So Scared?

The black Cane Corso is commonly mistaken for being dangerous but in actuality, they are fearful creatures who need to watch over someone. With the right training and socialization, you can help to reduce your dog’s fear. These issues are breed specific, but the reasons are still unknown, with a few educated guesses. As guard dogs, they are less afraid and more watchful of the threats that can cause harm to the pact they are loyal to, such as you and your family.

The Cane Corso is extremely devoted to and friendly toward its own kind. This is not the kind of dog that makes friends with everyone it meets. In fact, they do not care what other dogs or people outside of their family think of them. They are fiercely devoted to and protective of their own family, nevertheless.

In addition to being devoted to his people, he is also quite sensitive. He will even be perceptive of your emotions, and they might even believe they are the source of your joy, sorrow, rage, or pride.

Are Cane Corsos Prone To Anxiety?

Cane Corso’s are bred from an ancient greek guard dog which makes them

devoted to their masters, even as their roles changed from guard dogs to active working and hunting dogs. They are well adapted for any demanding job thanks to their self-assurance and limitless energy, but their main goal when doing these duties is to please and follow their masters.

Cane Corso puppies are more likely than many other breeds to experience separation anxiety because of their vivacious and attentive nature. This is not due to a Cane Corso puppy’s temperament being more difficult, though. Instead, Cane Corso puppies are so enthusiastic and full of energy that it takes more effort from their owners to ensure these traits are used appropriately. Your dog wants to guard you and watch for any potential threats which make them anxious.

How Long Does It Take For A Cane Corso To Calm Down?

Your Cane Corso will mature emotionally between 15 and 18 months of age. In the meantime, spend time teaching your dog and socializing them to avoid any issues. First, you need to be conscious of the two terror phases that the black Cane Corso goes through as it matures.

The first one is between eight and twelve weeks old. Puppies exhibit fear in various ways between 8 and 12 weeks, including peeing, cowering, hiding, yelling, shivering, and tucking the tail. Between 4 and 14 months, your dog may undergo several iterations of the second fear stage before maturing. They are not acting like puppies or trying to be charming; their anxieties are genuine. By the time a person is 16 months old, this second period should be over.

Young puppies might express anxiety by hiding, crouching, yelling, tucking their tails between their legs, shivering, or even peeing. A cautious curiosity, a fear of loud noises, and a wariness of unfamiliar situations, people, things, and animals are the hallmarks of this period. This stage would correspond with the puppy’s initial forays outside the den and his mother’s watchful gaze in the wild.

Older Cane Corso puppies may react to fear in unpredictable and very diverse ways. When larger, older puppies are terrified, they may lash out, lunge at people and animals, bite, or escape. Some experts believe that while the dog has the physique and instincts of an adult dog and has just started to feel territorial and fearless, his brain has not yet grown sufficiently to handle these feelings maturely, causing the sudden, unanticipated anxieties of adolescence. Due to their hyper-alertness as guard dogs, they tend to be vigilant and alert leading to intense fear reactions.

Why Is My Cane Corso So Skittish?

Often a skittish Cane Corso did not receive the right training or socialization for their breed. The high-attention breed could be skittish because of irresponsible breeding or a fearful youth before coming to your home. All three of these factors can contribute to the development of a dog. However, given the Cane Corsi’s size and strength, the possibility of the breed producing a timid and scared dog is very real. With the right training and socialization, they can learn to work past their skittish behavior.

How Do You Calm Down A Cane Corso?

According to recent studies, a dog’s fear may arise from the actions and emotions of its owner. This theory makes sense when you stand back and think about their behavior and the fact that they are bred to be guard dogs. You and your safety are the sole focus of your dog, which makes them attuned to your emotional state.

Dogs may experience stress because they are devoted companions and have a natural desire to please. They do not know why you are upset, and they have no idea how to make things better. Your dog may be experiencing stress on your behalf if you experience stress frequently.

Alternatively, it is possible that during your encounters, you are unwittingly stressing out your dog. Your Cane Corso probably does best when you stick to a schedule. Also, they may experience extreme stress if this pattern is broken. You can accidentally cause your dog stress by giving them unclear commands, punishing them excessively, or making too much eye contact.

How Can I Help My Cane Corso With Separation Anxiety?

Owners of this breed must take the proper precautions to assist their dogs in feeling less anxious when left alone. While some methods for dealing with separation anxiety require more exercise and training techniques, other things can help too. For example, various relaxing treats and other items are also available that could aid your dog in unwinding while you are away. Click here to learn more about anxiety supplements.

What Makes Cane Corso Happy?

You and your safety make your Cane Corso happy. This huge dog breed is known for being incredibly devoted to the individuals they care about and vigilant in their protection of them; they have the ability to strike fear into the hearts of complete strangers with just one look. They are also prone to feel your emotions for or with you, so when you are happy, they are too.

Top 9 Pet Insurance Plans for Cane Corsos (2022)

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